King's Landing in France

Chapter 7 The sudden return journey

Chapter 7 The sudden return journey

The bullock cart soon arrived in front of another group of clerks.

"Hello," An Ning paid a little attention to the wording, "I and boss, the Marquis Thorestel, are here to register..."

Logically speaking, it should say "my master" here, but An Ning didn't say the word master in a daze.

After all, An Ning is a modern person, and he comes from a country where "princes and generals have a kindness". When he bowed his head to call a foreign owner, the resistance was greater than An Ning expected.

Fortunately, the clerk in charge of the registration didn't pay much attention to An Ning's stuttering. He looked down at his noteboard, and suddenly his expression changed: "You mean Your Excellency the Marquis of Tollestel?"

An Ning nodded: "Yes."

"Great. General Carnegie is looking for His Excellency the Marquis. Is it convenient for His Excellency now? Your Excellency the General wants to see him."

"Uh, Your Excellency the Marquis..." An Ning was about to answer when the young master Klotz, who was still asleep just now, sat up, raised his hands and stretched his waist.

When An Ning saw him raising his hands high, he thought he was giving a French military salute out of habit.

There is no way, people who have come from the era of the universal milk law have some habits that cannot be changed at once.

After yawning, Crotz noticed the registrar in front of him, and he immediately said excitedly: "I am Warrant Officer Crotz de Tollestel, and I can continue to fight! Please enroll me in the Infantry!"

An Ning's heart skipped a beat. He didn't want to be stuffed into a line of infantry to charge the front line again, so he reflexively wanted to interrupt Crotz's words.

However, the clerk shook his head: "No, Your Excellency the Marquis, I'm afraid we can't let you join our infantry unit, Your Excellency General is waiting for you."

Crotz looked very disappointed, he muttered: "My father must have sent him a letter..."

An Ning listened calmly, praying in her heart that General Carnegie would send the Marquis—or Miss Marquis—back to Paris.

Clerk: "Corporal Yule, take them to the general."

A corporal saluted the clerk, then turned to the bullock cart: "This way please."

Klotz stood up on the bullock cart, jumped to the ground lightly, but lost his footing and nearly fell.

An Ning, who got out of the car first, hurriedly took a step forward to support him, wrapping her arms around his waist naturally.

This made him feel even more that Crotz was a woman, because the waist was a bit too thin.

Crotz: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." An Ning withdrew her hand after confirming that Crotz was standing still.

Corporal Jules looked down at Crotz's stockings, and couldn't help but said, "Your Excellency the Marquis, it seems that you have suffered a lot."

Crotz's stockings and panties were already dirty, especially the white stockings, which would have turned into black stockings if they were any more dirty.

Crotz smiled and said, "Fortunately, thanks to my entourage, Andy, who is very capable."

An Ning nodded, but he didn't mind Croz boasting more about himself.In this way, he has secured his position as a follower, and can send him all the way back to the Duke.

During the conversation, two French soldiers stepped forward and ordered the old farmer who brought Anning and the others: "You can leave now, turn around!"

The old farmer looked at the French soldiers suspiciously.

An Ning hurried forward and said in German, "You can leave now, thank you very much."

The old farmer nodded, and put his hands together: "I wish you good luck."

An Ning couldn't help raising her eyebrows, thinking that it would be fine for the old farmer to help the invading army, and wished the enemy good luck.

Sure enough, the current German national consciousness has not yet awakened, and fighting is only a matter for the nobles.

After the old farmer drove the ox cart away, the clerk gave An Ning a thumbs up: "You speak German well."

Klotz: "Yeah, I also think he speaks German too well."

The clerk looked at Crotz suspiciously: "Uh... isn't he a follower of the Duke's family?"

The implication is that you have no idea how your entourage speaks German?

Klotz: "This... the entourage was chosen by my father, and I didn't know it beforehand."

"That's it." The clerk pouted, as if he didn't intend to continue to worry about these details, "Let's go, don't keep Your Excellency the General waiting too long. He ordered us to confirm whether there is any surname Tollesto among the routs this morning." Er's people."

Crotz pursed his lips: "Okay, lead the way, Corporal."

The corporal named Yule nodded: "Come this way. There may be a distance to go."

Under the guidance of Corporal Jules, An Ning and Crotz walked a long way, climbed up the hill where the French army was deploying defenses, and then their vision suddenly became clear.

On the other side of the hillside is a large area of ​​French camps.

In this era, the army had to camp, unlike the later army that would spend the night at the homes of ordinary people.

Precisely because of camping, a large part of the army in this era is the supply personnel.

For example, an infantry regiment in the French army has three battalions, and one of the battalions will serve as a reserve battalion, mainly responsible for chores such as camping, and sometimes responsible for guarding the tents.

The restructured French army after the Great Revolution did not need to set up camps in the local battle, but lived in the homes of fellow villagers. As a result, it had incomparable mobility and was able to hammer the troops of the European feudal lords at that time.

Corporal Yule led An Ning and Crotz to the door of a tent with a general flag at the door, and shouted a report.

A slow response came from the tent: "Come in."

The corporal opened the curtain of the tent and got in, and reported loudly, "Your Excellency, the Marquis of Trostair is outside the tent."

"Oh?" An Ning heard a surprised response from the tent, "Really? Great, let him in."

The corporal immediately raised the curtain of the tent: "Your Excellency, please come in."

Crotz entered the tent with a cautious expression, and An Ning also slipped in, trying to act like a loyal guard as much as possible.

General Carnegie was a short man, and a delicate waistcoat came from inside his open military uniform.

Although it was still morning, His Excellency the General had already put on his white wig, and he looked like a tin soldier in full costume.

He glanced at Crotz, and immediately raised his voice: "Mr. Marquis, it seems that your condition is really bad. Those Prussian bumpkins didn't even let your wig go."

Only then did An Ning notice that Crotz was not wearing a noble wig.

Presumably, Klotz crawled out of the pile of corpses, and the decorations and luxury goods related to the nobility were almost lost.

Crotz looked a little embarrassed: "Yes, as you can see, I am a little embarrassed. But I am ready to go to the battlefield again..."

"Where's your saber and pistol?" the general asked again, interrupting Crotz.

An Ning hurriedly took off his saber and pistol, and handed them to the general: "Here they are!"

Crotz: "Uh, I was attacked by bandits. They were looting the fallen soldiers of our army on the battlefield. It was Andy who defeated them!"

General Carnegie: "With your knife and gun? Where is his own gun?"

An Ning thought that I don't have a gun, I'm a drummer.

An Ning: "Report to the general, I was knocked down by a shell, and the gun was dropped at that moment!"

General Carnegie nodded, then gently pushed away the saber and pistol that An Ning handed over: "You take these, you have protected your master very well."

An Ning took back the knife and gun.

Crotz took a step forward and said to the general with a slightly trembling voice: "General! Please allow me to join your infantry unit, I..."

An Ning thought goodbye, I don't want to go back to that hell again!

General Carnegie shook his head and interrupted Crotz's words: "No, no, I received a letter from your father, the Duke of Louis de Tolestel. Your Excellency hopes that I will send you off immediately after I find you. Back to Paris."

An Ning secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he couldn't help complaining about the Duke's full name.

An Ning remembered his original time and space. Before the Great Revolution, the Duke of Orleans should be called Louis de Philippe. After the Great Revolution, as an enlightened nobleman who was inclined to revolution, he decided to change his name to a more revolutionary one, and changed his name to Philippe Equality.

Yes, the Duke of Orleans has had the surname "Equality" since then.

I don't know if this parallel time and space, this Mr. Tollestel will also change his surname to "Equality".

While An Ning was complaining, General Carnegie stared at Crotz and said, "So I can't let you join my army. I will send a hundred cavalry to escort you back to Paris."

(End of this chapter)

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