King's Landing in France

Chapter 76 "Are these blood really so pure?"

Chapter 76 "Are these blood really so pure?"

On July 7, Louis XVI and Queen Mary took a carriage to Paris City Hall.

The king's trip was mainly to show the people of Paris that he accepted the revolution.

In order to show that he stood with the crowd, the king did not wear a gorgeous dress, but dressed like a clerk in the Paris city hall.

It is hard to imagine that, just a few days ago, he was a hard-line king who wanted to forcibly oust the National Assembly with the force of the Swiss Legion.

But Queen Mary still dressed up to go out, the gorgeous skirt has layers of lace, and the gold thread is wound around and around.

Louis XVI was greeted at the Hôtel de Ville in Paris by members of the newly formed Public House of Paris, along with senior officers of the National Guard.

An Ning, a lieutenant, mixed in with a group of school officers, had to stand in the front row, right next to Lafayette.

After all, he is the "savior of the parliament", "the man who kicked the Bastille open", and has a great reputation.

In fact, if An Ning chooses by himself, he would like to hide behind.

Louis XVI entered the hall of the city hall, exchanged pleasantries with the city officials represented by Bayi, and then Lafayette stepped forward and personally pinned a three-color round emblem on Louis XVI's boat-shaped cap.

Louis XVI squeezed out a smiling face, and then said to all the dignitaries present: "Long live the people!"

An Ning was startled, he didn't expect the words "Long Live the People" to come out of the mouth of a "Long Live Lord".

It seems that Louis XVI has been completely overwhelmed by the momentum of the revolution, and decided to compromise with the revolutionaries in an all-round way.

When Louis XVI shouted "Long live the people", An Ning saw Queen Mary roll her eyes.

After Lafayette returned to the ranks of officers of the Self-Defense Forces, the current mayor of Paris, Bayi, said to Louis XVI: "The city hall is going to mobilize the people to dismantle the Bastille to vent the people's negative feelings about that fortress."

Louis XVI waved his hand and said, "Demolition, demolition! I signed an order yesterday to cancel the Bastille Royal Prison. That castle is now just an ordinary castle."

After speaking, Louis XVI sighed: "I'm a little tired, so I'll go back to the Palace of Versailles first."

He turned and walked towards the town hall gates, Queen Mary following immediately behind him.

Until the end, the queen was still releasing her hostility towards An Ning.

An Ning took great pains to pretend not to notice.

A large crowd had already gathered in the square outside the city hall. The king and queen boarded the carriage and waved to the crowd through the small window of the carriage.

At this time, someone shouted, "Long live Your Majesty!"

Then the voice of "long live" sounded sparsely.

Suddenly, another more sonorous voice shouted: "Long live freedom!"

Then the crowd shouted in unison: "Long live!"

The deafening response was completely different from the situation where there were only a few people responding to the shouting of Long Live Your Majesty just now.

Louis XVI who heard all this had a bitter face.

The coachman waved his whip, and the carriage with the royal emblem slowly drove away from the Town Hall Square.

The next day, as soon as An Ning arrived at the Imperial Conference Hall of the Palace of Versailles, she heard impassioned voices coming from the conference hall.

He entered the conference hall and saw a representative in a silver cloak making a speech: "Everyone! The violence is out of control! On the day of the revolution, the people executed the Marquis of Delaunay, and executed him without trial!
"The one who was lynched without trial that day was also the mayor of Paris! He was just appointed mayor by His Majesty the King on July 7, and he has not done anything since he was in his position!
"Gentlemen! Put yourself in your shoes! Think of the violence happening to you! Don't think this is nonsense, the raging people are blind. They can kill these innocent people without hesitation!
"This movement must be stopped before more innocent people die, and the so-called revolution must be completely stopped! Otherwise, there will be no good gentlemen left in this country soon!"

An Ning frowned. He was there when the Marquis Delaunay was executed.In theory at that time, An Ning might have prevented the lynching from happening, but he considered that the Marquis of Delaunay died after the Bastille was breached in history, so he chose to maintain the original track of history.

To be honest, when the Marquis of Delaunay was executed, the scene was indeed a bit bloody, and people couldn't help but sympathize with the Marquis.

While the nobleman continued to talk, An Ning found his companions and asked, "Who is this person?"

Dandong: "I don't know, it seems to be a country nobleman."

Robespierre: "He obviously wanted to arouse our sympathy and let us oppose the revolution through the experience of the Marquis of Delaunay. How is this possible!"

An Ning: "Then you stand up and refute him."

Danton: "Shouldn't you do it? You are the one who broke the Bastille, and you are on the scene. Come on, stand up and tell everyone that the Marquis Delaunay deserved what he deserved!"

An Ningxin said that I was talking a fart, I want to reduce my influence now, how can I become a wall by myself?
Before An Ning could speak, someone suddenly jumped up and interrupted the nobleman's speech: "Enough! I've heard enough of this kind of nonsense!"

An Ning squinted her eyes, looked at the person standing up, and realized that she didn't recognize this guy.

Danton said, "Oh, it's Barnave. He is a very good lawyer and has won many cases."

Lawyer Barnaph said angrily: "You portray these people who were lynched as good people and innocent people, and the people who executed them as evil people! But, let me ask you, is this blood really true? So pure?
"Don't they have any crimes? No! At least as far as I know, the Marquis of Delaunay killed hundreds of people, including children and women!
"If you don't believe me, we can ask Mr. Frost who was there at the time!"

An Ning froze for a moment: "Huh?"

——Don't CUE me!I don't want to be in the spotlight right now!

Barnave turned his head to look at An Ning: "Mr. Frost, tell everyone how many people were sacrificed in the Bastille that day!"

An Ning: "There were a lot of sacrifices. In the urn of the Bastille, blood flowed like rivers. But most of them were men. I didn't see any women died in battle."

Barnave: "Whether there are women or not! Anyway, the defenders killed a large number of people. As the commander of the defenders, shouldn't the Marquis Delaunay pay the corresponding price?
"And the former mayor of Paris, who was executed because he deliberately delayed the distribution of weapons, and the people suspected that he wanted to prevent the revolution!
"So you see, they all deserve what they deserve!"

The corner of the mouth of the noble who was speaking on the stage twitched, but he couldn't come up with a rebuttal.

But Barnave changed the subject: "However, now that the urban order in Paris is out of control, with looting and arson everywhere, we really should stop the radical behavior of the people as soon as possible.

"We urgently need General Lafayette to take firm measures to restore order in Paris."

Lafayette: "I have ordered the National Guard to maintain order in the city. But the Self-Defense Force alone will not work. The parliament should pass a programmatic document that actually recognizes the enlightenment thought and can be used as the basic principle of the constitution as soon as possible!"

An Ning thought no, it's actually very simple to appease the people, just crack down on profiteers who hoard and make bread affordable for the people.

But he didn't say anything. After all, the "Declaration of Human Rights" is also very important. It can be said that it is the general program of the entire French Revolution.

After Lafayette finished speaking, Mirabeau stood up and said: "I think we should start drafting programmatic documents as soon as possible. This is the most important thing now."

(End of this chapter)

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