King's Landing in France

Chapter 94: Apple Grove Encounter

Chapter 94: Apple Grove Encounter
This morning, Henry, the head of the first regiment of the "Black Army" of Konta's rebellion, got up early, and then kicked the woman who slept with him last night out of bed.

The woman screamed.

Henry said angrily: "Don't make noise! ​​I drank too much last night, and I have a terrible headache! Get out of here!"

The woman asked suspiciously, "What?"

"I'll let you go!"

The woman immediately ran to the door in a frenzy, because she was too nervous, she tried a few times to open the door, and then ran away scrambling.

Then Henry's deputy pushed the door and came in: "Boss, what do you say today?"

"You don't need to ask, keep going to grab the patriots." Henry said with a grin, showing his jagged teeth, "These patriots dare to attack the servants of God, they must be followers of Satan, and they want to rob them of all their money Let's go to redeem their souls!"

The deputy also laughed: "Hahaha, well said! The men will be robbed of all their money, and the women will be allowed to serve God's servants!"

In the name of the Holy See, the rebels are naturally servants of God.

Henry sat up, and said while getting dressed, "Shout up, brothers! Take something that can be scratched, and go to the next town. Is there any nearby town that you haven't been to?"

"We haven't been to Ke Pei Ni, so it's not far from here."

Henry frowned and thought for a while: "Ke Pei Ni, I remembered, there is a mill owner in that place, and his wife is very beautiful! Let's go and see, if he is a patriot, he will rob them and sleep with his wife. If he is not A patriot...then put a tricolor badge on his forehead!"

Speaking of Henry's rude ups and downs, the deputy and several Black Army soldiers outside the door also laughed together.

Henry stood up and waved his hand: "Okay, stop laughing, gather the troops, and open the way!"

The deputy immediately gave a crooked military salute, turned around and ran out the door.

After a while, more than 3000 Black Army assembled.

This group of people didn't have a uniform in the first place, so they just put black cloth on them to deal with it.Now because he snatched a lot of clothes and jewelry from the patriots and put them all on his body, the whole military look looks even more messy.

They didn't look like an army at all, more like a group of bandits.

Henry got into the snatched carriage and ordered loudly: "Everyone, follow me, let's go to the next town to make a fortune!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his whip, and the old horse pulling the cart started to walk slowly.

Soldiers from the Black Army followed the carriage, singing an out-of-key song loudly as they walked.

The residents of the town hid in the shadows of the buildings, watching the black-clothed soldiers marching out of their towns, although their eyes were full of anger, they did not dare to show it.

After all, those who dared to express their dissatisfaction yesterday were all pasted with three-color emblems and hanged on the old trees at the entrance of the village.

Henry was drowsy in the carriage, so he handed over the reins to his assistant, and took a nap in a comfortable position.

Suddenly, the deputy exclaimed: "Look! What is that?"

Henry opened his eyes slightly: "What are you talking about? Look, it scares you!"

The deputy pointed forward: "No, boss, look quickly! It seems to be the National Guard over there!"

Henry turned his head to look in the direction pointed by the deputy, and saw a barn in the distance, and beside the barn was a bush, and he didn't know if it was an apple or some other tree.

Ahead of the bushes, the blue procession unfolded, and the tricolor flag was waving in the wind.

Henry raised his eyebrows, slapped himself hard on the face to wake himself up quickly, and then he laughed loudly: "Hahaha, it's just such a small number of self-defense troops, we can disperse them with a single charge! Come on, put Formation! Move quickly and form a horizontal line!"

Before long, a flash of light lit up on the side of the blue front of the Self-Defense Forces.

At the same time as the sound of the cannon came, there was the sound of shells tearing the air, and several shells fell around the road.

The landed cannonball bounced again, bouncing on the muddy ground several times like floating in water.

One of the shells just passed through the black army lined up on the road. It was like a bowling ball hitting a pile of pins and knocking down a large area at once.

Suddenly the rebels fell into chaos, and someone shouted: "The Self-Defense Forces have cannons!"

"I know the Self-Defense Forces have cannons!" Henry said angrily, "Get off the main road! Line up horizontally! Only horizontal lines can reduce the casualties caused by shells! Isn't it courting death if you line up in a column? Cannonballs jump over and can directly kill you like It's like wearing a skewer!"

While talking, the second round of shelling came again. This time, all the shells were blown away, and none of them hit the rebels. However, the sharp roar of the shells tearing through the air still caused a huge impact on the rebels.

Many people lay down on the ground, covered their ears and yelled.

Henry became ruthless, pulled out his long knife, hacked to death a screaming rebel, and roared: "Calm down! Line up! Fuck, line me up! Captains of each team, It works a bit!"

The various captains of the rebel army (equivalent to non-commissioned officers) began to urge everyone to stand up from the ground and line up on the road.

Henry continued to order: "Military musicians! Where's the military music? Play the drums for me! Let them calm down!"

As he said that, he rushed to a military musician, pulled the guy up from the ground, and tapped his drum with his hand: "Play the drum for me, do you hear me!"

The musician nodded and began to beat the drum tremblingly.

Just at this time the third round of shelling came, and this time another shell luckily passed through the ranks of the rebels.

Because of the part of the line that passed through, the cannon only broke the legs of four people.

But the screams of these four people overwhelmed the voices of the captains who were organizing the queue.

The Black Army soldiers around the fallen man turned pale with fright, and looked down at the bloody legs of the fallen man, almost unable to stand on their feet.

At this moment, someone shouted: "They have cannons, we can't win!"

Henry: "Damn it, who said that! Shoot him! Isn't it just a cannon, I saw it a lot in the Seven Years' War! Line up! Even if the shell hits it, it can only kill a few people!"

As soon as the words fell, a shell hit the stone floor of the country road, and the iron ball hole of the shell split in two, and then passed through the black army column still on the road.

The screams overwhelmed Henry's curses.

This shot brought down more people than the three rounds of shelling just now put together!
However, because the shells were broken into small pieces, not many people were actually killed, but the number of screaming people increased greatly.

Henry said angrily: "Tell you to come down from the main road and disperse the horizontal line! Don't listen! Now it's over! Captains, all those who are screamed are killed! Those who escape are also shot! Form a horizontal line!"

As soon as the words fell, the adjutant shouted: "Boss! Look! The Self-Defense Forces are advancing!"

(End of this chapter)

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