Imperial Beast: I have a cultivation space

Chapter 211 Shenmu Shengxin Chapter 89: The Holy Feather

Chapter 211 Shenmu Shengxin Chapter 89: The Holy Feather
Kong Yunyue looked at Huang Tiezhu, and Huang Tiezhu stared blankly at Kong Yunyue.

At this time, Shen Hanyang seemed to have thought of something, Shen Hanyang said: "Kong Yunyue, what did you let the red-eyed scale golden beast and the manticore squat there for?"

Kong Yunyue thought for a while and said: "Fire Soul, Earth Demon Spirit Sky Fire."

Shen Hanyang was surprised, and then asked: "Is there that kind of fire soul?"

Kong Yunyue hummed, and then said: "It's just that the aura has completely disappeared. Even after becoming a saint, I can't feel that aura anymore."

Shen Hanyang thought about it for a while, and remembered that he looked at it with the eyes of the sky, but he couldn't see anything, which meant that his strength was not enough, and now he really needed to improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

Everyone remained silent for a few minutes, and then Kong Yueyue said, "Then I'll be leaving."

Shen Hanyang hummed and said, "Don't you leave me a contact information?"

Kong Yunyue was stunned for a moment, then a faint ray of white light floated in front of Shen Hanyang, and then formed a pale golden feather.

The feathers exude a shimmer and are full of aura, which can purify the surrounding air and make the air contain a mysterious power.

"This feather can be moved with the spirit of the beast master. I must be a beast master. When I move it, I can speak to the feather, and I will get a sound transmission." Kong Yunyue said.

After speaking, Kong Yunyue looked at everyone, the meaning was obvious, he had nothing to do and he was leaving.

Shen Hanyang said: "Take me and Lao Wu away, or else this place will be too troublesome, and there will be people outside."

A burst of earthy golden light flickered, and Shen Hanyang and others drifted away with the golden light.

After about [-] meters, Shen Hanyang and others fell down, while Kong Yunyue continued to move forward, and had already gone a long way.

Shen Hanyang, Lao Wu, Huang Tiezhu, and the Scorpion, the four of them appeared in a forest.

The forest wasn't too big, but it wasn't small either. There were some ferocious beasts and forest monsters in it.

Those forest monsters got together and hid behind the big tree to watch Shen Hanyang and the others.

They have long ears, green skin, sharp teeth, long noses, stooped bodies, and lion-like tail hairs on their tails.

The eyes are big and fierce, but they are not ferocious monsters. Old Wu snorted angrily, looked at those guys and said: "The managers in this area are really bad. There are groups of monsters appearing in this kind of place. The nearby villages are very close."

Old Wu looked at the map, and after walking out of the forest, Old Wu said, "I'm going to leave in a hurry, so I'll go back to the capital city and report this mission."

"What is the mission?" Shen Hanyang asked.

Old Wu said with a smile: "I really can't tell you this, it's a secret."

Shen Hanyang hummed, and looked at Huang Tiezhu, Huang Tiezhu picked up the Scorpion once again, and it seemed that he was about to leave.

"Then we're leaving too, thank you for your care, see you later by fate."

After speaking, Huang Tiezhu also walked towards the main road.

Shen Hanyang froze for a while, feeling that he had nothing important to do, so he went directly to the village.

Go see what's delicious here, and try it.

The local characteristics are the best thing to eat. As soon as Shen Hanyang entered the village, he felt that the village was very quiet. It is not a busy time for farming, but some spiritual fields still need to be planted.

This is obviously a place with spiritual fields, and some spiritual things can be planted. In fact, where there are spiritual fields, the farmers are very rich.

There are a few snacks scattered on the street, which are local snacks.

Shen Hanyang tasted it and it was really good.

"What are you doing? It seems to be soy products, right?" Shen Hanyang asked.

The old man hummed and said, "Grind tofu with ground spirit bean curd. The remaining tofu dregs are mixed with ordinary tofu and fried. It is called Lingzha tofu. It is a specialty snack in our village."

Looking at the old man's frowning face, he asked, "Isn't it good to have spiritual fields? Why are you so frowning?"

The old man sighed and said, "What's the use of the lingtian? It's not enough for the mayor to collect taxes. The income of this lingtian is only about 700,000 per mu, and they collect 600,000 in taxes."

"Then how many spiritual fields does each of your family have?" Shen Hanyang asked.

The old man said: "One acre is good, less than one acre is bad, and there are ordinary fields to increase income, and some even go back to the forest to take risks, but you have to pay taxes if you go to the forest to find some spiritual things and spiritual fruits. .”

Shen Hanyang asked with a smile: "Will I have to pay taxes to find spiritual fruits in the forest?"

The old man snorted and said, "That's right."

Shen Hanyang asked nonchalantly, "What's the reason for collecting taxes?"

The old man smiled and said: "It's ridiculous to say that the town's demon squad said that the reason why we can safely obtain spiritual objects in the Green Goblin Forest is the result of their raids, and those demons and beasts have been dealt with by them, so we just You can safely enter and leave the Green Devil Forest."

Shen Hanyang smiled and said: "The reason why you can go in and out safely is because those forest demons are not ferocious things."

The old man slapped his thigh and nodded and said, "Yes, those forest monsters are really good. Last time my granddaughter accidentally encountered a forest giant tooth pig, it was those forest monsters who saved her."

Shen Hanyang smiled, and then asked: "What organization does the town's exorcism team belong to?"

Shen Hanyang said: "It belongs to Luying Town, and it belongs to the organization directly under the Association of Supernatural Beings in Luying Town. In fact, they are their domineering minions."

At this moment, a middle-aged man frowned and said, "Old Zhao, what are you talking about? It's okay, don't talk nonsense. The exorcism team is also for the good of everyone. You really don't know what's good or bad, old man."

Obviously it was very loud, and I don't know who it was meant for.

Then a man came over, and behind him were several young people, all of whom were probably supernatural powers, and all of them looked like hooligans.

The man patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder and said: "Boss Wu, you know things best. Why did the mayor set up our hunting team? Isn't it for everyone? Take a look at Huaxiang Town and Dahe Town. Which town's mayor is so bothered?"

Boss Wu immediately nodded and walked up, as if he had practiced specially, his face was full of evil smiles, and he ran over swaying all the way.

"Oh, vice-captain Li, hello, vice-captain Li, tell me you're here, let me meet you, I'm really lucky today." Boss Wu said excitedly.

Vice-captain Li looked around, and then said: "Old man Zhao, I came here for you this time. Don't watch you scolding us all the time, but I will think of you when good things happen."

Then the old man Zhao snorted and said, "You don't need to think about me, what good things can you do?"

(End of this chapter)

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