Mirror Love Shadow

Chapter 13 Love shadow teasing, resolute decision

Chapter 13 Love shadow teasing, resolute decision
The sky above the Qingtian Detention Center seemed to be shrouded in a shadow, and the darkness and terror were a bit frightening.

Looking up - night, who is playing tricks around the heart of fear?

In the howling cold wind, there is only loneliness to accompany, An Huai really wants to laugh out sadly and indignantly!
He leaned against the side of the bed rail in extreme loss, his heart was so poor that there was only unconcealable pain on his face, the fear in his heart was loneliness and resentment, and he really wanted to escape from all of this.

The contract sent by Jiaolin seems to be like a beautiful and lingering state of mind, just like the morning sun of hope floating in my heart!He smiled lightly and fell asleep.

Waking up at dawn the next day, An Huai no longer felt sleepy.

He immediately called the prison guard and said that he had an important contract to hand over to the chief of police himself.

The prison guard was a short young man. He gave An Huai a slight smile, and then shrugged his shoulders. It happened that he had just finished his night shift last night, and his frozen white skin made his face even whiter.

"The director will be here soon, specially for your case. Don't worry, just wait patiently."

"Here! All right, thank you, officer."

There was a stiff smile on An Huai's hesitant face, which made people feel awkward.

The prison guard smiled at him habitually, and left An Huai's cell.

An Huai looked at the four dilapidated white walls around him, and suddenly felt in his heart that Zhipeng was like a terrifying ghost, following closely behind him and manipulating him.

He gritted his teeth angrily, thought for a moment, and called the prison guard again,
"Excuse me! I need to make a call to someone in a hurry." An Huai said with certainty on his suspicious face.

"Ring bell bell!"

Zhipeng's cell phone rang, and he wondered who was in a hurry to call him early in the morning, could it be Gao Yang?
Zhipeng picked up the phone, at first glance it was An Huai, and answered immediately.

"Zhipeng, I'm Anhuai. Now there are counterfeit and inferior clothes in the garment factory, I will also face imprisonment. Huatong Group is also under the supervision of the government and will soon go bankrupt. But this crisis is at stake, and I don't want to involve you. I hope you If you can understand my intentions, Huatong Group will hand it over to the government, and you don’t need to stay in your job to do anything. I will let my secretary hand over the relevant matters and information to you.”

On the other end of the phone, An Huai suddenly burst into anger in his eyes, wishing to tear Zhipeng to pieces immediately, and said to Zhipeng in a false and obscene manner.

Zhipeng wondered strangely on the phone, is there something wrong?Could it be Gao Yang?Probably not!

Zhipeng knew Anhuai's irritable temper and assertive personality very well, and knew that his tone was powerless to change, so he had no choice but to agree: "Okay! Chairman, Zhipeng didn't do what he was supposed to do. You didn't blame me. I am very sorry." thank you very much.”

After speaking, An Huai immediately hung up the phone.


Zhipeng heard the sound of hanging up the phone, "Bah! You are dying, what else do you have to turn around?"

Zhipeng shook his head helplessly, it seemed hopeless if he wanted to eat the huge pie of Huatong Group.

"Snoring, snoring!" The snoring made him fall into the sweet dream of plundering the Huatong Group again.

I pushed open the window, and a gust of cold wind greeted my face. The floating plum blossoms spread across the soil, and the fragrance surrounded the community. Even though the sky outside was bleak, the wind was silent, and the human voice was whispering, it was never in peace to break through all this. Hear voiced speaking.

It seems that there is sound even when there is no sound. At this time, the words fall into the pen as you like.

I firmly believe that An Huai, who is trapped in the deep sea, has heard this sound. It seems to be the power of redemption. When the sound time breaks the silence, it also awakens the enemy's heart. This sound world is like the sound of wind, the sound of rain, plum blossoms The sound of falling mud, the sound of people's murmurs smashing through the silent and peaceful scene, this beautiful scene can be said to be the most precious in the world, of course, all the answers will be found naturally.

An Huai in the story finally waited for the police chief.

An Huai took out the contract and handed it to the director, and told him that the mastermind behind it might be Zhipeng, and Aishasha, one of the directors of the garment factory, could testify.

The director looked at the contract happily, "It turned out to be this Jingran company again, Anhuai! You are saved, and we are also tracking down this company and the person in charge of manipulating this company. This copied contract must be kept in our Here, the day after tomorrow, when Aisha comes to testify and you sign the signature, you can leave. But we must confiscate the fake clothes, I hope you can understand. Zhipeng you mentioned, we will definitely investigate this person secretly , has a lot to do with Jingran, but there is no evidence now. Substantial evidence can prove that this person is a member of Jingran, and you must be more careful when doing business in the future. That’s all for my advice, take care! In the future we will The police station will keep in touch with you if they find clues, thank you, we have indeed caused trouble for you and your company, everything will be resolved immediately, I am so sorry! An Huai, thank you!"

The director finished speaking to An Huai earnestly, and hugged An Huai with tears of apology.

At this time, An Huai also hugged the chief tightly,
"You seem to be the God in my heart! Come to save me."

The director general and An Huai looked at each other, seeming to have a kind of intimacy they had never met before, and smiled at each other.

After a while, the director left An Huai's room.

The day after tomorrow seemed to arrive as expected, and after Aisha's personal testimony, An Huai was finally acquitted.

The police station has identified the suspect as Zhipeng, and Zhipeng fled in desperation after hearing the news of Anhuai's release.

The mirror of fantasy always has lingering happiness.

The thousand sails in the shadow of love are exhausted, and in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds there is always peace and tranquility.

Looking into your eyes, it diffuses like fireworks, blows in the wind, floats, skips, and it can't be melted even if it's messed up...
What is buried in the passion of late autumn is your fire of love.

Why can't this fire of love burn my heart?
Everything turned into a dream, condensing our love time.

The distance is just the beginning for you and me, how pure!

However, your life becomes sound in silence,

Maybe it's just that there is an extra pot of drunken wine in this life.

Tranquility was awakened by the alarm bell of time!

Finally see the direction of dawn clearly,

You have gone through a shocking trajectory, and finally——

Everything in the world of life has its own consequences!
This beautiful and happy life will eventually need to be ironed by yourself.

Peace of mind!You have to stride forward, and the graceful style invites our years. The price of love is hidden in the annual rings of the years, and the gears are the gunfire of love. Yesterday is enough to look back.

The shadow of love in the bright mirror flickers, the drunken loneliness fluctuates in the hustle and bustle of tranquility, and the resolute heart decides a bright future silently!
(End of this chapter)

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