Mirror Love Shadow

Chapter 31 The Lie of Youth

Chapter 31 The Lie of Youth
In this life, my love has never been false, but this falsehood is written in your love for her.Aiqing, this is a name full of strong love.Just like this unattainable love, the desire to love is always aggressive, and the desire to occupy is always advancing bravely in the torrent of love, but always lingers in timidity.

A false lie is not a trap set by me, but a deception of my unconscious stupidity.All this may be the idea of ​​being unable to guard against love in the mind that led to the emergence of lies.

I can't deliver your love letter to her even after thinking about it.I want to cry and laugh, this "greedy" love is written in my missing nerves, because I also long for a sunny day with love!The me in the story is performed in this shameless and despicable love world.

The sound of the rain was rustling, it was a night of affectionate confession.

"I love you, Aiqing is going to get married." I told him firmly and without thinking, without a trace of regret in my heart.

And you were also touched and entangled by this sudden confession.In the world of your love confidence, you are crushed by this flimsy lie.

In this way, you finally believed the lie I spun.

For a while, you are numb and stupefied.Then, you light up a cigarette sadly, like igniting the convulsive body pain in the sluggish world in love. In the end, what the cigarette annihilates the inner emotions is a trace of joy. This kind of burning seems to swear to forget the pain of love in the heart, While controlling the heart, we are also declaring war on the fire of our love to God.

However, your true feelings and sincere love cannot match my ugliness in love after all.I take the opportunity to snuggle you quietly.Gradually, some of you want to escape, and some of you want to indulge.

I want to put on a pure smiling face, and I fly to you with passionate eyes, as if you want to escape shyly.You just look at me with real pity.I seem to understand, you just want to comfort me gently and sympathize with me.At this time, you stretched out your hands and hugged me pretending to love.I am secretly happy and happy in my heart, peeking at your childlike and lovely smile between your clear eyebrows.The little tears in my heart couldn't help but fall to my eyes, and at last, you hugged me tightly.At a loss, on a quiet rainy night, we were dumbfounded, cried, and hugged each other, completely forgetting the sound of the drizzle outside, as if we put the pain in our hearts forever in the happiness.

"I love you!", the three words surged forward tightly in my heart.In the midst of crying again, I kiss you without thinking.

This sudden temptation was not the temptation of love, but you wanted to avoid it on purpose. The sadness and tears in my eyes were touched by you, and you hugged me tightly to accept this first kiss of love.The greenness of love pours into our hearts...

In the eyes of the world, this is just the joyful love between a man and a silly girl in a youthful drama.

My stupid love and impulse, naively and ridiculously think that giving everything I can be with you forever in this life, and I can have your love forever.

I remember we used to kiss crazily in the underground passage, and play and play hand in hand on the happy campus playground.Once, when you secretly climbed the high wall outside the girls' dormitory, carrying a delicate rose and a bottle of cheap farmer's spring water in your hand, when you happily rushed to my dormitory, I smiled happily at your unexpected appearance From ear to ear.This beautiful and happy scene is still fresh in my memory.So, love shed tears while being moved.In the afternoon, I cut off the extra branches of this rose, and inserted it into the center of the mineral water, but it was bang bang, as if I buried happiness and deep love in my heart in shock, and slowly poured it over time Bloom, expect all good things to bloom.This was our first Valentine's Day together and it is still unforgettable.Simple happiness is so supreme and sweet in the romance of love.

After that, our love flew in the spreading youth, and happiness was drawn into a ray of love's spiritual light.Quiet love words and cuddling hearts are a warm spring breeze pouring into youth, dazzling like beautiful plums.

Love is day and night, yearning is day and night, confession on rainy days, youthful splendor, and happiness of love are always flowing in the peaceful time, and everything is as fresh as the green shoots of the new spring.

This lie gave me love, the love and happiness in my youth, but it is no longer as dreamy and quiet in the beautiful heart, but the love is as deep as the deep ocean.

In the text, I thank this youthful lie for giving me love and happiness.It's just that I no longer believe in the hypocrisy of love in this lie. In my heart, right or wrong has no meaning.Because love already exists in my life, I can only silently condemn this past lie. In the end, these few words are the reflection of past happiness, and the aftertaste of love is in every breath.

The fireworks are as ethereal as a dream... The fireworks full of love are shining in the light of hope!

Happiness flies in the lie of youth... Love flies in the lie of youth...

There are no oaths and commitments in the vicissitudes of life, but there are only dooms in a cloud of fireworks!
The lingering heart is silent in the quiet state of mind, the shallower the deeper, I think where will the lies fly in tomorrow when they penetrate that day?
The heart left blank is the best way to unravel the tomorrow in this story - the happiness that comes true.

(End of this chapter)

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