Mirror Love Shadow

Chapter 35 The Floating Network Beauty

Chapter 35 The Floating Network Beauty

Ever since I met Daoxiang that day, my heart has been uneasy.

At this time, lightly touch the tip of the pen, whisper and drift, and the daydreams flying all over the sky open up in a graceful artistic conception.

"Every morning, looking at the rising sun from a distance, it always balances in the bright, but falls into the dark night sky. Perhaps the most ordinary and impermanent alternation in the universe is this!"

At this moment, I think about how the mighty righteousness and the bitter evil in the universe change and alternate, and how they conquer each other.

"Chasing across the sky, a lone bright moon, the ace of the holy fight and the corpse demon fought fiercely in the raging fire, and a contest between justice and evil was staged in the dark night sky. But God's shackles can never be escaped, no matter what The desperate struggle of the demons, the abyss of nightmares will finally bring it into a desperate situation. This terrifying abyss is so cruel and bloody, the end of darkness, the light of justice will finally swallow it. And it is God who conquers everything and conquers mightily The supreme glory, this mighty, majestic momentum is unstoppable!"

I always like to fantasize in a whimsical world.

hehe!Forget it, I am just a woman passing by in the mortal world, and my scattered thoughts will never appreciate such a mysterious power and the mystery of dominating this magnificent world.

Thinking of this, QQ suddenly flickered on the screen again.

My thoughts were suddenly cut off like this, and it was Daoxiang looking for me again.

"This guy seems to be an Erin Demon who ruled my previous life and resurrected in my life."

A wave of mind fell into a fantasy fantasy again...

Open it,
"Hello, since I met you that day, I have an inexplicable affection for you."

Haha, what a decisive and false statement.

Immediately afterwards, an ambiguous expression flashed in QQ again.

An emotion that wants to resist surges up, but after all, it cannot escape this virtual magical mind...

"Really? We are just visitors from one side." I replied leisurely.

I had an idea and added jokingly, "This is your "goodwill" mask?"

"Haha, I'm sincere." He made a hearty laugh.

Immediately, a beautiful view of stars immediately flooded into my mind, I looked helpless, and wrote dismissively: "Hehe, the vast universe, why do you want to pick that one when the sky is full of stars?"

At this moment, his mind also seems to have entered a strange and magical battlefield...
"Er... I am a warrior who defends the world. The world is full of demons, for you to protect this colorful flower, I will destroy this terrible dark force and fight bravely for you!" A heartbeat emoticon flashed on the screen.

Suddenly, such a beautiful picture of deep love and deep love is torn apart in my mind...
"Haha! Be realistic. Impossible, you can't touch me..." I wrote bluntly.

He didn't give up, and made another expression of surprise and praise. "The vast galaxy, you are the most beautiful colorful flower, shining forever in the most beautiful stars."

"Really? Haha! You want to protect me and start a war against the dark forces?" Following his thinking, I typed impatiently.

"Haha!" His fantasy seemed to be cut off abruptly, and he replied dully and wisely.

Suddenly, another sentence came, "It's an honor to fight for you!" It was as if his nerves on the other side of the computer were cramped again...

Suddenly, he seemed to wake up from a dream, and said, "Do you want to know who I am?", and then added, "I'm going to show my cards."

what!There was a burst of curiosity and amazement in my heart.It was a surprise to me.I also want to know who is he?My mind seems to have been twitched...

"Just say it!" I tapped the keyboard.

"To tell you the truth, I'm Caijuan's friend. My mask can finally be removed. Haha!" He joked, like a little kid who accidentally found a treasure and was happy in his heart.

I was really frightened by this hole card suddenly, and I couldn't help but speculate in my heart.Caijuan has not been in touch for a long time, why didn't her friend tell me in advance?Is she still brooding over what happened to me before?Regarding Caijuan's recent incident, I have always felt deeply guilty, but when the matter developed to an irreversible and irreparable situation, I was very helpless in the face of a friendship that was difficult to let go.

After a while, a trace of melancholy and lonely melancholy began to come to my heart...

Looking at the starry sky, the fireworks of love are in full bloom, and the brilliance spreading across the sky is only a short stay.In the world, there are many flowers, but I am like a grain of dust buried in the wind and sand, even if the dusty years are rekindled, I have no intention of being nostalgic.Looking back, An Huai seems to be flickering, my An Huai!Tears fell instantly, and a sense of melancholy welled up in my heart... Could it be that this fate was deliberately arranged by God, and the perfect network composed a beautiful song that echoed my heart and strong love.

When sincere words come into view, they will melt us bit by bit; when the flames of war are filled with gunpowder and smoke in the vast starry sky, I will approach step by step; Feel and understand!
This floating beauty of the Internet, the happiness that leads to the idea of ​​love in the body and mind seems to be a touch of red joy in the sky, but when you look up, there are distant stars...
(End of this chapter)

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