Chapter 105 Power Generation
Although Lu Cenfeng originally planned to collect food at a place other than the supermarket, it was rare for Lao Yan to open his mouth once, and Zhu Su kept thinking about it, so after thinking for a while, he decided to change his destination.

"Okay, the minority obeys the majority. Old Yan, if you see a suitable supermarket, just stop there."

Unexpectedly, before the large supermarket was found, a gas station appeared on the side of the road first.Zhu Su just wanted to remind Yan He, but Yan He continued to drive forward, passing by without slowing down at all!

"Hey? Brother Yan! There was a gas station on the side of the road just now!"

"If there is, then there is! What's the matter? You didn't tell her, Captain Lu, that we are going to the oil depot!"

Zhu Su was confused, "What oil depot?"

It was only then that Lu Cenfeng remembered that he forgot to tell her about it.So he explained: "It's where the tanker picks up the oil."

"Huh? Then why did you tell me about the gas station before?"

Lu Cenfeng was a little surprised, "Do I have it?"

Zhu Su: "... Last time when I asked you why you didn't rush to collect gasoline, you explained a lot to me! You said,"

Lu Cenfeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I said that there is still a lot of gas at the gas station, so I didn't rush to collect it before, because I can go there to fill up at any time when the car is out of gas. But I probably didn't say that I would take you there Get oil there!"

Zhu Su: "...Okay! You win."

The car gradually drove out of the urban area and drove to the suburbs. It wasn't until more than a dozen huge oil tanks came into view that Zhu Su suddenly realized clearly that compared with Lu Cenfeng and his group's vision, she was indeed too narrow.

It turns out that there are still many places in this world that she doesn't know!But from the time travel to the present, she has never understood it at all.

It seemed that after the next heavy snow stopped, she should really take a walk around, take a look, and get a better understanding of this world that was still very strange to her.

It doesn't matter even if it is in the apocalypse, anyway, Lu Cenfeng and the others don't plan to stay in this place for too long, and as long as there is her space, anywhere can be their home.

Yes, home!

Although she only got along with Lu Cenfeng and the others for less than a month, in Zhu Su's heart now, she has already tacitly agreed that she and them are a family.

Yan He stepped on the accelerator hard, and quickly drove the off-road vehicle into the open gate of the oil depot, and stopped in front of the office building.

Lu Cenfeng immediately released his mental strength to observe the whole building, only to find that there was not even a single living person and not many zombies inside.

I couldn't help subconsciously feeling a little happy in my heart, thinking that this would save him a lot of trouble.After all, regardless of past life or present life, what annoys Lu Cenfeng the most is the feeling of being clingy every time he meets a survivor.

It's not that he doesn't want to do good deeds and give others an extra way of life.But the key is to provide some help, but let him carry those burdens?I'm sorry, he really can't do it!

Lu Cenfeng took a special look at the clothes and shoes of the three of them, and found that there were no materials that could generate static electricity, and they were all sports models. Then he told the other two to pay attention to safety, and took the lead to get off the off-road vehicle.

As soon as they got out of the car, several zombies in overalls and hard hats rushed towards them!
However, before Yan He rushed forward with a knife, Lu Cenfeng quickly dealt with it.

"Leave the knife in the car! I remember there should be a rubber stick in the space, Susu, give it to Lao Yan."

After saying this, Lu Cenfeng killed the zombies and went straight to the row of buildings that looked like highway toll gates.

Although Zhu Su has never been to the oil depot, he can still tell that it should be the place where the tanker is filled with oil.So after walking over, she automatically took out an oil tank truck from the space and placed it in the special parking spot in front of her.

Lu Cenfeng turned his head and glanced at her approvingly. After turning his head, he suddenly bent down and groped the zombie at his feet a few times!

"What are you looking for?" Zhu Su didn't see an extra card in Lu Cenfeng's hand after straightening up because his view was blocked.

And because he knew that she had never learned or driven a car, and that she might not even have been in a gas station before crossing, so Lu Cenfeng turned around and waved to Yan He, while popularizing science to her: "Looking for an oil pump. Only by swiping the card can the oil be withdrawn."

"Oh!" Zhu Su nodded to show that he understood, and then immediately urged: "Then my car has been parked, you can quickly swipe your card to pick up the gas!"

"Pfft!" Yan He heard her words as soon as he approached, and then couldn't hold back his joy.

"I said silly girl, can't you connect the pipe first when you lift the oil? And can you look here first? The power is out! How can you get oil out if there is no electricity?"

Zhu Su turned his eyes to the machine beside Yan He in a daze, and found that there was indeed a small screen where his finger was tapping, and it seemed that nothing was displayed at the moment.

So she looked at Lu Cenfeng again.

"Then what should we do now? I would have brought the generator at home if I knew it!"

"Don't be so troublesome!" Lu Cenfeng patted her on the head to show comfort: "There must be a spare diesel generator in the oil depot, as long as you find it."

Yan He followed Zhu Su's example and patted Zhu Su's head, but his strength made it a little stronger, and he said while patting: "You are such a grown-up, why don't you understand anything!"

Zhu Su glared at him dissatisfied, and then said back: "You know everything! Why do you really think you are a hundred thousand..."

Seeing the two who started bickering with each other within three sentences, Lu Cenfeng suddenly had an urge to touch his forehead.

Because he only recently discovered that Yan He and Zhu Su have gradually changed their way of getting along since the relationship between the three of them got better and better, and they began to take pleasure in fighting each other.

In normal times, Lu Cenfeng would have let them go, but right now the business is still important!

So he quickly interrupted the conversation of the two of them, and directed directly: "Let's go, Lao Yan, you start and I'll cut it off! Let's find the generator first."

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Cenfeng, who found the generator and checked it carefully, finally started it himself under Zhu Su's eager gaze.

A buzzing noise came instantly, but Lu Cenfeng was not in a hurry at all. Instead, he silently counted the seconds in his heart, and waited until the generator was running smoothly before starting to send electricity.

With the electricity and the card, the next thing is naturally only to refill the fuel.

And because this oil depot has a total of eight positions that can be loaded with oil, in order to save time, Lu Cenfeng asked Zhu Su to release eight oil tank trucks in sequence.

"Start with the big car, so as not to waste time."

(End of this chapter)

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