Chapter 122 Drunk
While climbing the stairs, the two took off the down jackets they had just put on.

Zhu Su put the clothes on his arms smoothly, planning to take them back to his room as soon as he went upstairs.

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw that Lu Cenfeng, who was meticulous in his daily work and even put his personal belongings in a fixed position, casually put the down jacket he took off on the handrail of the stairs!

Zhu Su couldn't help opening his mouth wide in surprise.

Suddenly, I realized that some people really become different after drinking alcohol.

At least at this moment, Lu Cenfeng definitely looks more casual than when he was not drinking...

She planned to pick up his down jacket half a step behind and help him get it up together.Unexpectedly, not only did Lu Cenfeng not give her this chance, he turned around and suddenly took the down jacket from her arm, and threw it on the handrail of the stairs!

Then he immediately dragged her up to the second floor and walked straight to the bay window in the leisure area.

Before Zhu Su could speak in the future, Lu Cenfeng pushed him to sit on the soft couch in front of the window.

"Susu, it's really snowing outside." Lu Cenfeng stood in front of her, looked straight out of the window, and repeated again.

"Well, I know! Didn't you see it all when you were downstairs?" Although Zhu Su felt that he was a little strange, he half turned his head while answering, and glanced at the snow scene outside the window.

"Well, you know..." Lu Cenfeng breathed heavily when he spoke, and there was a faint smell of alcohol, "Then do you know how long this snow will last?"

"How long?" Zhu Su recalled the snow in her dream last time, it seemed that it really lasted for a long time.

"Seven days in a row, without stopping." Lu Cenfeng's eyes became more and more far-reaching, as if he could really see past life through reality, "After that, he continued to watch intermittently for nearly a month."

"It's been so long!" Zhu Su blinked in surprise, "Then we can't do anything for four months? You said that the snow won't melt until it stops for three months. That's six months." It's the month!"

"Yes..." Lu Cenfeng withdrew his gaze and looked at Zhu Su in silence for a moment, "I may not be able to do anything in these four months, but you, you and Lao Yan, you can still continue to advance."

Although Lu Cenfeng didn't mention his injury in a single word, Zhu Su could still sense from his words that he was depressed at the moment, and there was a faint unwillingness hidden in his tone.

In a blink of an eye, she had already hugged his waist, patted him gently and comforted him in a low voice: "It shouldn't be so. When I work harder, your injury will be healed by the time the snow stops!"

"...Fool." Lu Cenfeng hugged her back with one hand, and gently patted her ball head with the other.

For some reason, his hand suddenly wanted to cause damage, so he tore her hair balls apart without thinking.

When Zhu Su felt something strange and raised his head subconsciously, the rubber band that bound her hair was already in Lu Cenfeng's hands...

"Why are you tearing my hair?" Zhu Su asked puzzled.


Lu Cenfeng wanted to explain, but he just did it conveniently.

But when he looked at her eyes full of ignorance but shimmering, and her red lips slightly parted because of raising his head, he swallowed back what he wanted to say in a strange way.

Unable to restrain himself, he slowly bent down...

Zhu Su was forced to keep leaning back. Even though his waist was hugged tightly, his upper body still had a weird feeling of hanging in the air, so he could only hold onto Lu Cenfeng's clothes tightly.

Some want him to let go of her, and some don't want him to let go.

It's just that before she could figure out what to do, she had already fallen on her back on the soft couch.Then he was pressed on the couch and kissed again, and his thoughts drifted away.

The sound of wind and snow outside the window and the sound of talking and laughing downstairs came to my ears vaguely, and there was an illusion of stealing half a day away.


As they kissed each other, Zhu Su felt something was wrong.

Zhu Su was still thinking about what happened to Lu Cenfeng today, why he was so enthusiastic, but suddenly he felt his hairy head rubbed against her neck for a while, and then his hand was about to touch her waist.


Zhu Su quickly grabbed his hand!

Lu Cenfeng came to his senses, raised his drunken eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Su's throat choked, "'s nothing."


Lu Cenfeng responded in a low voice, not knowing whether he really didn't know what she was thinking, so he planned to continue.

Zhu Su hurriedly said, "Well, I want to go back to my room."

"...that's fine." Lu Cenfeng paused for a moment when he lowered his head, then stood up and pulled her up.

After being hugged by the princess, she walked towards the bedroom.

As he walked, he asked, "Whose room do you want to go back to?"

"..." Zhu Su tightened his hand on his shoulder, "Of course it's mine! No, you're drunk, I think,"

Lu Cenfeng didn't think he was drunk at all, he thought he could do something else.

"What do you think? Don't worry, I won't mess around without your permission."

Zhu Su's heart beat wildly!Unknowingly, I suddenly feel guilty and short of breath, "Then, then let me down first."

Lu Cenfeng refused straightforwardly, "Let's talk later!"


Facts have proved that even a man who promises a lot of money on weekdays can't keep his word when it comes to matters between men and women.

When Zhu Su woke up early the next morning, he found himself still being hugged by Lu Cenfeng, and couldn't help but blush all of a sudden!He quickly closed his eyes again, trying to get away with pretending to be asleep.

However, when she woke up, Lu Cenfeng also woke up.

After looking down at her trembling eyelashes, the next second, he suddenly made a gesture to lift the quilt and look inside.

Surprised, Zhu Su immediately reached out and held him down!
"do not!"

She had to open her eyes, and suddenly she was incoherent, "You, I... we were last night,"

"I really didn't do anything last night." Lu Cenfeng looked at her with great interest, and suddenly interjected.


Zhu Su really had no way to refute this.

But although he didn't really do anything to her, he did touch her!and……

After suppressing all the words he wanted to say in his heart, Zhu Su only had the only unnatural sentence left in his mouth, "Yeah."

Then she pulled the quilt and sat up, trying to stay away from the good-looking guy who took advantage of it.

Unexpectedly, the moment she left Lu Cenfeng's embrace, she was pushed back onto the bed by him again!And asked with burning eyes: "Are you hungry?"


Zhu Su swallowed nervously, and shook his head honestly, although his head was a little foggy.

"But I'm hungry."

The quilt suddenly covered her head, and his voice fell into her ears, "You insisted that I was drunk last night, what about now? I must be sober now, what reason do you have to reject me..."

(End of this chapter)

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