Chapter 130
Looking at Zhu Su who was pretending to be aggressive, the original owner suddenly gave a light snort.

Immediately afterwards, she sarcastically said loudly: "As long as you are so good, don't come in front of me to pretend! It would be better if Lu Cenfeng came in person, after all, he is used to pretending to be serious!"

"It's a pity that only my body can enter this space."

After hearing these words, Zhu Su's expression almost tensed up!Especially the phrase 'I'm used to pretending to be serious', it just hit her point of laughter!
Fortunately, Zhu Su is no longer the Xiaobai he was when he first transmigrated, so he managed to keep his face unchanged, and as soon as the original owner's voice hit the ground, he quickly said in a strong tone: "Who is with you?" Pretend!? I'm serious!"

The original owner almost immediately let out another angry voice with a half-smile, "Heh!"

Zhu Su didn't care about her, so he just continued on his own: "You said before that you wouldn't waste your energy on monitoring me. But now, as soon as you turn around, you break your promise and get fat! You do this, let How can I trust you in the future?"

"And if you and I don't even have the most basic trust, how can we talk about cooperation!"

After hearing these words, the attitude of the original owner finally changed. Not only did he not confront Zhu Su anymore, but a hint of surprise suddenly appeared on his face!Obviously, he did not expect to hear such a well-founded accusation from Zhu Su's mouth.

However, the original owner is not afraid at all!So it was ignored at all.

After all, the current situation is that she and Zhu Su are evenly matched.Both parties have the means to check and balance each other, and each has what the other wants, so reaching a deal is actually an inevitable trend.

So what does it matter if we talk early and talk late?

Anyway, the curtain of the apocalypse has just begun, the core level is generally low, and her enemies don't even know where they are at this moment!Therefore, the original owner has plenty of time to wait, and is really not in a hurry.

But when he saw that the original owner refused to enter, and remained unmoved, Zhu Su couldn't help feeling a little headache.

After all, she is not like the original owner, who always holds the initiative!Zhu Su's current situation is very passive, because she doesn't want to live under the surveillance of others all day long!

After thinking about it, Zhu Su simply put all his eggs in one basket and said: "Okay! I understand now that you have no sincerity in wanting to cooperate with me at all! If that's the case, let's give it a try today. I am trapped in the space, or I can block you first!"

After saying these words, Zhu Su immediately changed from squatting to cross-legged meditation!And as soon as he sat by the pool, he immediately closed his eyes and began to meditate with all his strength, "I want to close all connections between this space and the outside world!"

At this moment, Zhu Su was really going all out, and suddenly there was an aura of not giving up if he couldn't achieve his goal!

Seeing this, the original owner couldn't help but fell silent together.

Although the expression on her face still didn't change much, she was actually more or less regretful in her heart.

This is not because she is suddenly afraid of Zhu Su now, but because the original owner suddenly felt that she herself did not give Zhu Su a step down earlier, which led to the sudden hostility between the two parties now!
But this is obviously very unfavorable for both parties who will discuss cooperation in the future.

Unfortunately, the idea of ​​the original owner only lasted for a few seconds.

She was still preparing to watch the play, but when she watched, she suddenly felt the powerful wave of energy erupting from Zhu Su's body!And this wave of energy was still straight, and rushed directly towards the energy pool where the original owner had been living all this time!

"Stop! Stop! What are you doing? Stop, you!"

While the original owner was yelling, he hurriedly condensed a powerful water wave from the energy pool!
Then it was finally in time to intercept Zhu Su's attack outside the energy pool.

but!The water level of the energy pool immediately dropped by nearly one-tenth visible to the naked eye!

Seeing that Zhu Su still closed his eyes tightly, as if preparing for another attack, the original owner quickly compromised: "Wait, wait! I think we should have a good talk!!"


Zhu Su immediately imitated the original owner's previous appearance, and sneered in return.

Because although her ability didn't work just now, it actually consumed a lot of energy and brain cells!So at this moment, only Zhu Su knows that she is actually mentally exhausted, her powers have bottomed out, and she cannot meditate for the second time at all.

So after having to pretend to slap his swollen face to fill up the fat man, Zhu Su quickly opened his eyes!Then he immediately put on a pose and asked: "It was you who didn't want to talk about it just now, and you are the one I want to talk about now! Why do I always listen to you?! Unless you promise to let me close all your prying eyes outside the space, otherwise I won't talk about it." !"

The original owner's eyebrows suddenly raised upwards!On the spot, he wanted to go crazy and said, "You!"

"What are you!" Even though he is already strong at the moment, Zhu Su is still not afraid of the original owner at all!

Not only did he snort heavily immediately, but he also shouted loudly: "I'm not afraid to tell you now! If you continue to be non-violent and non-cooperative, then we'll just break up!"

The original owner: "...Aren't you afraid that I won't let you out again?"

"Then let's continue fighting with real swords and guns!"

Zhu Su's face was sullen and his eyes widened, and he deliberately taunted without showing any timidity: "Anyway, you have already died once, and you are still lingering in this world, which shows that you really want to live forever more than anyone else. Go on! Then I won’t be afraid that you will die with me. Other than that, do whatever you can! I’m a bit tired of killing zombies now, but I’m fighting half-dead guys like you. What a first!"

Original owner: "..."

In front of her, he swears and dies!Do you really think that since she is dead, there is no need to be taboo? !
"Furthermore! Anyway, there is food and drink in the space, and I won't be starving to death for at least ten years. It's your little pond. I just poured it once and got so much water! I don't know if it will be able to block it in the future." How many times did I attack?"

The original owner: "...Why should I block? The remaining energy is enough to kill you countless times!"

"But only your body can enter this space! This is what you said just now! And this body is now mine! If you kill me, all your plans will come to nothing Already!"

The original owner: "..."

Gan!She really shouldn't have been quick to talk just now...

(End of this chapter)

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