Chapter 140
"You might have been okay before, but from today onwards, you're out of luck!"

"You, what do you mean by that?"

Xu Xiaoyang panicked, and suddenly had some bad premonitions.

Then as expected, I heard Han Yu say to her in a sneering tone: "Guess who we met outside Police Officer Xiao's house today?"

Xu Xiaoyang's complexion was a little bad, but he still asked Han Yu's words, "... who?"

"Zhu Su."

The person who said this name was not Han Yu, but He Yunchen who had been silent all the time.

Because not only Han Yu knew about the personal grievances between Xu Xiaoyang and Zhu Su, but there was no one in the entire H University who didn't know that there was a feud between them!
As for why there is a festival, there are different opinions.

Some say it's because of the school belle contest, while others say it's because of the difference between rich and poor.Anyway, everyone didn't have any evidence to prove why they didn't want to see each other, so they all talked nonsense.

On the contrary, the truth was buried by caring people like this.And because Xu Xiaoyang's popularity is very good, even if someone told the truth, no one would believe it.

But at this moment, when Xu Xiaoyang heard the name, he immediately 'thumped' in his heart!I was dumbfounded for a moment.

Because only she, the client, knows how much Zhu Su hates her!

After all, the things between them were originally caused by her jealousy of Zhu Su, so she deliberately went to some girls who like to spread gossip and said some specious things.

Originally, Xu Xiaoyang thought he was doing it in a covert way, so Zhu Su probably wouldn't know that she was behind the scenes.

Who knew that the rumors would intensify, Zhu Su actually found out about those big mouths very quickly, and threatened to sue them for malicious slander!

In the end, Xu Xiaoyang was naturally confessed.

But Zhu Su didn't have any evidence to prove that Xu Xiaoyang was the one behind the scenes.

So the two became deadly rivals...

Just like that, just because of this name, everyone present fell into silence again.

I don't know how long it took, but I realized that only Zhao Yun, who seemed to have no stake in Zhu Su, finally resigned to his fate and opened his mouth.

"Otherwise, I'd better go there by myself!"

"Well, I think that's fine, but it's hard work for you, Senior Zhao." Xu Xiaoyang hurriedly nodded his head pretending to be calm.

"No, it's okay! I don't have any other abilities, so I can only run errands for everyone." Although Zhao Yun is dull, he also knows that he is the most useless in this small group, so he has to Take the initiative to express yourself.

"...then try it!"

He Yunchen nodded accordingly.

As his girlfriend, Han Yu naturally would not refute him.

So the matter was decided.

Soon, Zhao Yun dressed up and went out to Xiao's house.

As soon as he left, leaving only the three of them sitting on the sofa together, the atmosphere inevitably slowly became a little awkward.

Han Yu originally wanted to relax by talking to her boyfriend non-stop, but in the end He Yunchen just said "hmm" a few times, and then stopped talking to her.

Han Yu, who felt that Xu Xiaoyang saw the joke, couldn't help but immediately became angry!

Originally, she wanted to get angry at He Yunchen, but after she inadvertently glanced at Xu Xiaoyang, she was suddenly stimulated by the absent-mindedness on Xu Xiaoyang's face that was the same as He Yunchen's!

Immediately, he stared at Xu Xiaoyang, and said angrily, "I'm asking you something, why don't you say anything!?"

"Eh?" Xu Xiaoyang was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized that he must have been targeted maliciously!
So he immediately smiled innocently, looked at Han Yu, but deliberately glanced at He Yunchen from the corner of his eye and said, "I thought you were chatting with Senior He just now! It turns out, oh... I'm sorry Ah Xiaoyu! I'm really not as calm as you, and I'm not worried about Senior Zhao's situation at all. I, I'm afraid that his trip will not go well! After all, alas!"

When He Yunchen heard this, he suddenly raised his eyes to look at his girlfriend!After thinking about it, he still didn't say anything.

Although it was Han Yu who took the initiative to chase them together, after all, the two had known each other since childhood and had been neighbors for a long time, so He Yunchen knew Han Yu better.

Knowing that she was a spoiled young lady before the end of the world, besides eating, drinking and having fun, I am afraid that the only thing left in her mind is dating.

As for the post-apocalyptic present?ha!Although she finally had a sense of crisis, it was only a little bit.

And for some reason, there are some signs of broken jars!It's like just thinking about being a monk for a day and hitting the clock for a day.

I don't want to care about it at all, what will happen in the future...

But He Yunchen's thoughts are completely different from hers!
After all, before the end of the world, he was also a well-known rich second generation in Y City.

Although the family did not buy a villa in this community, there are not many other properties.In addition, he has awakened the power of fire, so he always feels that he should not be trapped here all the time. Sooner or later, he will definitely be able to make a name for himself!

Maybe at that time, Zhu Su and her...

It's a pity that at this moment they are almost unable to uncover the truth, they must first overcome the difficulties in front of them!
It's not that a clever woman can't cook without rice, but that although there is not much food, it can barely last for a while, but there is no electricity or firewood, so I can't eat it raw!

Fortunately, with Xu Xiaoyang's water system ability, they barely survived on boiled noodles until now.

But his fire ability can't keep outputting until it takes as long to cook a meal of rice...

Xu Xiaoyang only used a few short words, not only did He Yunchen follow her words and worried Zhao Yunlai even more, but even though he didn't say clearly that his girlfriend was being petty and ignorant at the moment, the look in his eyes towards Han Yu revealed that Out some.

Although Han Yu doesn't care about other things, but He Yunchen, who has always liked hitting children, cares about even a look to death!
So at this moment, seeing his slightly reproachful and impatient eyes, he immediately exploded with anger!
Immediately stood up from the sofa and said sarcastically: "Xu Xiaoyang, you don't worry about this or that for a day, do you! It's because of you that you made it like this, why do you still have it?" Are you pretending to be here with the two of you?"

"You! Han Yu, you speak clearly, why is it because of me?!"

Xu Xiaoyang glanced at He Yunchen again, bit his lower lip, and said with a desperate expression: "No matter how bad my relationship with Zhu Su is, it's not as big as the hatred you have for fighting with Zhu Su for Senior He! "

(End of this chapter)

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