Chapter 164 Worry
On the last night at the villa, at six o'clock in the afternoon, the sun still hadn't set.

The sun was still bright and dazzling, and there was no wind in the air, and the villa seemed to be suffocating.

After everyone had dinner, they moved the chairs one by one to the yard in unison.

The heavy snow that once covered the sky has long since melted away, and the ground has been dried and hard.

The six people automatically lined up in a row like children in a kindergarten, sitting in the shadow of the building to enjoy the cool air.

Although no one spoke, the atmosphere at this moment was exceptionally harmonious and peaceful.

After an unknown amount of time, suddenly, a breeze blew past everyone.

Xiao Yu subconsciously said: "Finally the wind is coming..."

This sentence was like pressing the switch of the talk button, and Yan He took over the conversation, "Yeah, finally the wind is coming! You are really serious, Captain Lu, you have to find an excuse not to turn on the air conditioner, let us Take the blame!"

Lu Cenfeng was unmoved at all, and even retorted: "I'm not making excuses, I just want you to experience it in advance, so that you can be mentally prepared."

"...Do you think the temperature will rise tomorrow?"

Xiao Haicheng's tone was a little worried, because the current high temperature of 33 degrees was almost reaching the upper limit of his tolerance.

Unfortunately, Lu Cenfeng still answered with one word, "Yes."

Xiao Haicheng: "..."

Not only him, everyone was silent for a while.

In the end, Zhu Su stepped forward and broke the deadlock by changing the subject.

"Say, should I cut my hair short first?"

As soon as the words fell, the ten eyes of the five men around her all looked at her!
Zhu Su's expression almost froze when he was watched!

Hastily pulled the corner of his mouth stiffly.

In the next second, Yan He nodded first and said, "I think it will work!"

Xiao Haicheng also nodded, apparently also voting in favor.

However, there was a sense of regret in Xiao Yu's eyes, and he quickly persuaded loudly: "It's a pity to cut it short! Girls are still prettiest with long hair! Don't be like my sister, the hair cut is more beautiful than my own. I'm short, I look like a tomboy!"

"Mmm! Sister Susu, you really look beautiful with long hair!" Qiu Bai immediately echoed.

When Zhu Su saw that they were two against two, he couldn't help turning his eyes to Lu Cenfeng, wondering what he was thinking.

As a result, meeting her gaze, Lu Cenfeng suddenly showed a knowing smile!Then he raised his hand to touch the top of her hair and said, "It's up to you! You can cut it or not."

Zhu Su immediately smiled at him when he heard the words.

My heart suddenly relaxed, I just felt that the dryness and heat all over my body subsided a lot.

My thoughts drifted farther and farther, and I remembered that I wanted to grow long hair before time travel, but every time I gave up halfway...

So just on a whim, he quickly lost to himself.She thought to herself, at worst, she will go into the space to take a bath in the future. Anyway, she only needs to use the ability to turn on the water to boil the water, and the bathtub can be used anywhere.

The night wind gradually picked up, and the chatter gradually faded away.

Just when the hour hand on the watch was about to point to 7 o'clock, the sun suddenly fell like a wild horse running wild!

But the moon, which was supposed to take over, was hidden somewhere, and it didn't rise for a long time.

In the yard, where it was too late to turn on the lights, it was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers.

Fortunately, although everyone was in a panic, no matter how surprised they were, they still stayed in their respective positions, and no one moved.

After carefully identifying the various sounds coming from the night wind, Lu Cenfeng quickly slapped his hands to signal everyone to be quiet!

Then he was the first to stand up, and turned on the light on the first floor of the villa with his ability.

Greeting everyone in a low voice: "Go back to sleep! Tomorrow morning at seven o'clock, go downstairs and gather on time."

"it is good!"


Half an hour later, Zhu Su was lying on the bed, looking at Lu Cenfeng who had finished washing but was still fully clothed, and couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

"Aren't you going to sleep?"

"Go to sleep, I will keep watch tonight."

Lu Cenfeng sat on the outside of the bed and explained softly.

However, Zhu Su asked again: "Isn't there a mental shield?"

Lu Cenfeng was silent for a second, " should go to bed quickly! It's the last night, so you have to be more vigilant."


Zhu Su, who was covered by Lu Cenfeng's hand, closed his eyes in response.But he began to secretly speculate in his heart, what was the reason that made Lu Cenfeng so worried that he wanted to keep vigil in person!

After much deliberation, it is nothing more than mutant animals or those people in Cao Gang's base.

Maybe it is worried that there will be animals attacking at night?
Or are you worried that people will take risks for supplies?
Or is it because they are afraid that someone will break the can and smash it, and simply destroy it so that everyone can't leave?
It's not because I'm worried that there will be zombies coming...

After thinking about it, Zhu Su fell asleep.

After a night of silence, the sun pierced through the darkness at just 05:30 the next morning.

Zhu Su was so hot that he kicked off all the quilts, but now he felt the brightness in front of him, and opened his eyes immediately.

After being confused for a while, she suddenly realized that she was the only one on the bed at the moment, but Lu Cenfeng was gone.

Zhu Su quickly rubbed his face vigorously!After putting on my shoes, I went straight to the bathroom.

After quickly going to the toilet and washing his face, he quickly put on his clothes, opened the door and went out to find him.

"Lu Cenfeng? Lu Cenfeng..."

"Why did you wake up so early?"

The voice came from the first floor, and Zhu Su looked down from the handrail of the stairs!He saw that Lu Cenfeng had just entered the door.

He hurriedly asked, "What did you go out for? Are you okay last night?"

"Well, you will know when you come down and take a look."

As soon as Zhu Su heard it, he knew that something had happened, so he hurriedly trotted down.

As a result, when he ran to the door, he was not in a hurry to go out. Instead, he held Lu Cenfeng up and down to look back and forth!
"Are you... worried about me?"

It's been a long time since I felt this feeling. Lu Cenfeng only felt the warmth in his heart, and his eyes couldn't help but glow softly.

"Nonsense! Why didn't you wake me up if something happened? How can you do it alone!"

Zhu Su's words just blurted out without thinking.

After he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered that Lu Cenfeng was no longer the weak and wounded man he was before.

"...Well, you shouldn't be injured! What happened last night, can you tell me first?"

The smile in Lu Cenfeng's eyes was almost overflowing, but when he saw that Zhu Su's face was obviously a little embarrassed, he still tried his best to take the conversation seriously.

"Hmm! No injuries, nothing serious happened last night. It's just that two little thieves came and an animal woke up from hibernation..."

Half a minute later, Zhu Su closed his eyes when he saw the big snake as thick as iron and copper in the yard!

Although it was bloody and broken into several pieces, Zhu Su still felt a little scared from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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