Chapter 181 Ability

"Could he mean to say that next time he encounters zombies, everyone must get out of the car and kill them?"

"It can't be like this! We don't have supernatural powers, those zombies have such sharp claws, how can we beat them!"

"That is to say..."

Just when everyone in the convoy subconsciously thought that Lu Cenfeng was likely to use today's zombie wave as an example, it turned out that Lu Cenfeng just opened his mouth, which completely exceeded their expectations!

Because he only used a simple sentence, and almost all of them fell into extreme ecstasy!
"This place already belongs to City J!"

"Really?! So we are almost at the base?!"

"It seems to be true!! I was scared by those zombies before, and I almost forgot! I seem to have indeed seen the sign of City J on the road!"

"This is really great..."

Some people who are more emotional can't help but want to cry, or cry with joy!
But Lu Cenfeng still stood there quietly, looking at everyone with neither sad nor happy expression.

Even though there are countless excited eyes staring at his face at this moment, his heart is still abnormally calm.

And soon after the noise of the crowd subsided, he continued: "According to my estimation, we should be able to reach City J before tonight! But because of an accident on the road, it was a day late. "

As soon as his words fell, there was a man who didn't know which muscle was wrong!Suddenly pretending to be magnanimous at this time: "It's okay! Anyway, we are so close, we are not short of this day! What do you think?"

Then there were a few people with stupid brains, and they really followed suit...

It was as if, Lu Cenfeng led them all the way and silently paid, it was their destiny that they deserved it!
Regardless of what Lu Cenfeng was thinking at the moment, Zhu Su couldn't stand it any longer!So he immediately opened his mouth and said: "Do you have any relationship, do our shit!"

"You! How are you talking!" Even if the man who was bullied was out of face, he had no choice but to answer back!
But I didn't realize it, because of this sentence, it caused more people's dissatisfaction and madness!
"How do you talk?!" Xiao Yu was the first to fight for his sister Su Su!And he could not wait to look at people with the whites of his eyes and said contemptuously: "It's not a day away! You fucking love it a few days away!! We don't owe you anything! You can go tomorrow by yourself if you are capable!"

Qiu Bai also said: "That's right! I didn't see you when I killed the zombies, now I'm running out to pretend to be a fart!"

"Xiao Yu!" Xiao Haicheng yelled, purely because his son swears, so he had to deal with it.

But after the management was over, he still had something else to say!
"Captain Lu, I think this big brother is right! Anyway, they are so close, and they are not short of this day! Then let's just turn around early tomorrow morning! I remember you said that something was pulled on the ground today. Is the place where the group of zombies attacked? Go back early, maybe you can get it back..."

"Don't! He's not bad, this day we are bad!"

"That's right! Who are these people! Captain Lu and the others took us to the base out of kindness. Letting you say that like that makes us a donkey..."

"Captain Xiao, calm down, we don't think so! You and Captain Lu are both good people. As the saying goes, 'A good person will do his best to the end, and he will send Buddha to the West'..."

"Okay! Everyone be quiet!"

After silently listening to a few words of complaints and flattery from everyone, Lu Cenfeng quickly regained the initiative in the conversation.But this time, everything he wanted to say to everyone has changed!
Originally, in order not to reveal that he already knew the location of the base, although Lu Cenfeng only planned to send everyone to the outskirts of the base, he had already thought about how to 'instruct' these people tonight, so that They can find a correct way forward earlier tomorrow.

But now, forgive him for not being in the mood!

So he didn't bother to pretend to analyze for everyone.

He simply said directly: "Departure at seven o'clock tomorrow morning! Since I don't know where the base is located, I can only send you to the area closest to this direction, and the rest of the road is up to you!"

"What?! It's not okay! We,"

"Shut up! Be quiet!!" Lu Cenfeng suddenly shouted in a deep voice!Then he said in a more stern tone: "I can't accompany you to find the base all the time! Because I still have my business! If you are not afraid of danger and don't want to go to the base, to put it bluntly, if you have the ability, go off-road tomorrow Follow us in the back of the car and make a U-turn! But life and death are at your own risk!"


There was a sudden deathly silence.

Everyone could tell from Lu Cenfeng's tone that he was extremely serious!

I have already seen that he is a man of one mind in getting along with him along the way!

So when they saw that the matter had come to this point and it was completely irreversible, everyone quickly dispersed in twos and threes.

Then they got together again in the form of a small team, and started a new round of conversations within the team.

Lu Cenfeng stood there silently and stared at the crowd for a while.Until he found that no one dared to come forward to make trouble, he was about to turn around and find a place to sit and rest, but he suddenly found that Wu Jing had come behind him at some time.

"Is something wrong?"


Wu Jing came alone, and Lu Cenfeng only glanced out of the corner of his eye, and found Xiao Min, who was sitting beside Zhu Su eating.

So he no longer concealed his emotions, and directly said coldly: "Say!"

Wu Jing couldn't help but suddenly smiled, "You are really not polite to me at all! But also, with your ability, you should have been able to accurately guess the specific location of the base long ago! Am I right? ?”

Lu Cenfeng looked at her fixedly, noncommittal.

Wu Jing didn't seem to care about his answer, and then said: "Can I ask you to send our mother and daughter off alone?"

"...What are you asking for?"


Wu Jing stretched out a hand to him while talking!
But what was revealed in her palm was exactly the core of a first-class zombie!

Lu Cenfeng looked at her carefully again, and then said: "It seems that your husband has often revealed to you the internal affairs of the base. If so, I'm curious, why didn't he pick you up?"

Wu Jing blinked, and suddenly confessed again: "Everyone is a smart person, so I won't tell you anything. My husband has something urgent, so he left the Ludong Base suddenly!"

(End of this chapter)

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