Chapter 191
"You're smart! Let's go, let's go!"

After leaving under the impatient urging of the original owner, Zhu Sucai finally got a moment of peace and took a nap in the morning.

So when eating at noon, she mentioned that she was going out in the afternoon and wanted to find out the whereabouts of the photographer Gao Yuan.

Lu Cenfeng turned his head and glanced at her, and was about to speak, but unexpectedly, Xiao Yu stepped forward and said, "I'll accompany you!"

"Fuck you!" Xiao Haicheng only finished chatting with Lu Cenfeng in the morning, and hasn't found time to chat with his son yet!At this moment, I don't know him when I see him!Can't help but stare at him fiercely!And said loudly: "After eating, you go back to the house and stay for me!"

"I don't! You can't lock me here all the time! I live in the base as soon as I enter it, and I haven't been out yet! You can't even let me take a look at what the base looks like. Bar!?"

Xiao Yu's excuse came as soon as he opened his mouth, and what he said was well-founded.

But the Tao is one foot tall, and the devil is one foot tall!Xiao Haicheng even quickly interjected: "That's fine! Since you have said so, then I will take you out for a stroll alone this afternoon! This time neither of us will take anyone, not even Xiaobai! bring you!!"

Qiu Bai: "..."

Should I say sorry?Or should I say it doesn't matter?
Xiao Yu's face turned red with anger, but he couldn't tell in front of the entire table of six people that he didn't mean it!
So as soon as the meal was over, Xiao Haicheng immediately carried Xiao Yu away as if he couldn't wait!
Yan He originally wanted to talk to him about the guillotine!In the end, I went to the kitchen to deliver a table and chopsticks. After chasing them out, I couldn't even see the shadow of the two of them...

Lu Cenfeng and Zhu Su ate and drank without any haste, and sat down on the sofa to eat for a while, then slowly left the residence holding hands.

And because of the experience of finding people in the morning, the two of them went straight to the mission center as soon as they came out this time.

After all, Gao Hua doesn't have any relatives in the base, and he's not as unusually tall as Lu Yan!If you go to the office hall to check the registered population, the rate of duplicate names there is quite daunting.

And there is a fee for any service there!
With that spare money, wouldn't it be nice to directly post a mission to find people?And it saves a lot of trouble.

With this in mind, the two quickly came to the mission center.

As a result, the building was still deserted in the morning, but now it is full of people standing almost everywhere!

Zhu Su immediately turned to look at Lu Cenfeng!And asked in a low voice: "What's going on? Has this been changed to a vegetable market?"

Lu Cenfeng suddenly laughed.

Then he quickly restrained his smile, raised his eyes, and motioned her to look at the large LED screen directly in front of him for posting tasks.

After Zhu Su followed his gaze, he saw that there was a line of big red characters on it, which had been stopping at the top.

"Special mission: Go to the capital base. Recruit some supernatural beings, and the wind element is the priority!"

"Hmm! These people are probably here for this." Lu Cenfeng analyzed calmly.

"But this task is difficult at first glance! Otherwise, I wouldn't have made such a big character!" Zhu Su said sincerely: "And let it be so messed up, how can I find someone next?"

There is definitely no way to find someone, because the minds of everyone present have already focused on that special task!

But after walking around the venue, Lu Cenfeng and the others got a lot of useful information!

For example: This special mission seems to be to escort a particularly important person to the capital base.

Another example: this time the task is to go up and down, that is, you must not be afraid of heights and be able to fly.

Besides, if we continue to inquire, even Zhu Su can't help it, and he is about to move...

So after looking at each other tacitly with Lu Cenfeng, the two turned around together and walked out of the mission hall.

"Go back and discuss it?"

The first sentence after going out, Zhu Su asked this!
Then Lu Cenfeng nodded without hesitation!
So not long after going out, the two returned to the residence again.

Zhu Su originally thought that there would be two people in the 'family'.As a result, after knocking on the door several times, I realized that there was no one answering inside!
Fortunately, the staff gave two keys back then, one was with Xiao Haicheng and the other was with Lu Cenfeng.It was to avoid exposing Lu Cenfeng's lockpicking skills in this place where there might be surveillance.

After entering the house, I found that all the rooms were empty, not even a single person!
Zhu Su couldn't help muttering, "Brother Yan ran out anyway..."

"He must be afraid that Xiaobai will be bored, so he wants to take him out for a walk." Lu Cenfeng followed suit.

"Ah? Oops!" Zhu Su remembered at this moment that he was too busy thinking about the original owner forcing her to find someone, and he didn't think about it at all!
Immediately, he was a little ashamed and thankful and said: "If I had known, we would have brought Xiaobai and Brother Yan with us at that time!"

"Today's matter is really, thanks to Brother Yan, we still have to rely on him at critical moments!"

"Huh?" Lu Cenfeng was unhappy when he heard that.

Immediately, he pulled his arm vigorously!He pulled Zhu Su into his arms.

And asked in a slightly sour tone: "Who do you rely on at critical moments?"

Zhu Su: "??"

It's not right to hear this!
If she dares to answer other people's words, she dares to bet!Lu Cenfeng will definitely not let her have a good time today!
Ever since, Zhu Su immediately smiled and said: "You! Of course it's up to you."

Lu Cenfeng was very satisfied with his girlfriend's acquaintance, so he simply rewarded her with a French kiss.

Unexpectedly, just when both of them thought that no one would come back so soon, Xiao Haicheng took the key in his hand and opened the door!
As soon as he heard the sound of the door, Zhu Su wanted to push Lu Cenfeng away almost immediately!It's good to pretend nothing happened.

It's a pity that Lu Cenfeng couldn't do what she wanted, he braked urgently at the first moment, but had to put his arms around her to calm down first...

So the whole scene was instantly embarrassing!

Xiao Haicheng hurriedly blocked the door to block the son behind him, he didn't want to go in for a while, and he didn't go in if he didn't!
Zhu Su also blushed!I can't wait to find a crack in the ground and drill down!

Xiao Yu, however, was still behind his father, thinking that he was stuck at the door and would not go in, and was urging repeatedly: "Dad, come in quickly..."

Zhu Su was immediately inspired!Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a crack in the door, and as soon as Lu Cenfeng let her go, he immediately scurried into the room!
(End of this chapter)

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