Chapter 195 Daughter
"Okay, now all of us have become grasshoppers on the same rope! Those who didn't have time to introduce themselves yesterday, let's introduce ourselves first today!"

Her last sentence obviously meant to treat everyone in the base on the same level as Lu Cenfeng and the others.

Of course Lu Zhiwen heard it right away, but he didn't want to lower his value!So he directly turned his head and said to the king: "Just introduce your abilities briefly! It will also be convenient for everyone to unite and cooperate when you are attacked. As for the others, huh..."

There was a bit of irony in this chuckle.

Xiao Yu turned his head and glared immediately after hearing this!And I really want to reply to him immediately!But he was pulled back by his father!

And warned in a low voice: "Okay! On the plane, one more thing is worse than one less thing."

Xiao Yu immediately looked around when he heard the words!

It turned out that, including Lu Cenfeng, the six people on his side seemed to think the same way except him!

So I had no choice but to suppress my unhappiness indignantly.

Wu Jing looked at it but felt that this is not going to work!But don't be coaxed in the nest before being attacked by birds...

Even if it is certain that they will not be able to fight for the time being, but the relationship between the two parties is so bad, it is extremely unfavorable to her!
So, without waiting for the king and the others to introduce themselves, they immediately changed the subject and said, "That's right! Since you have chosen to participate in this adventure, you must want to reach the capital base as soon as possible! May I ask why?" Did it make you so anxious?"

"Perhaps when we get there, there might be something I can help with!"

Lu Cenfeng remained silent and did not say a word.

On the other hand, Xiao Haicheng, like Lu Cenfeng, didn't intend to speak casually!

In the end, he hesitated because of Wu Jing's last sentence.

Because not only Lu Cenfeng guessed it, but he also had some vague guesses about Wu Jing's background in the capital base.

So at this moment, he thought... maybe after arriving at the capital base, he could use the other party's power to quickly find his daughter!

Because of this thought, after thinking for a while, Xiao Haicheng said frankly: "I went to the capital base to find my daughter."


Wu Jing, who is a mother and also has a daughter, immediately developed curiosity and empathy for this matter!

And hurriedly asked: "How old is she? Can you tell me the specific situation first? When I get to the capital base, I will definitely try my best to find someone for you!"

"Thank you so much!" Xiao Haicheng didn't expect Wu Jing to give him a guarantee so quickly, so he immediately told Xiao Xue's situation without hesitation.

As a result, he had just finished speaking, and Wu Jing hadn't even had time to answer the conversation!Lu Zhiwen suddenly turned his head and shouted: "Wait!"

Everyone in the cabin immediately turned their heads towards him!The eyes of his four subordinates were also full of surprise!

Lu Cenfeng and the others even stared at his eyes inexplicably.

Unexpectedly, Lu Zhiwen's expression did not change at all, he only asked Xiao Haicheng anxiously: "Xiao, Uncle Xiao, are you really Xiao Xue's father?!"

Xiao Haicheng: "???"

If you don't know him, who do you call uncle?
And this guy who looks so sloppy, why does he sound like he knows his daughter!

Judging by his tone, he seems to be trying to catch up with you!Could it be...

In the end, before Xiao Haicheng finished analyzing it in his heart, Xiao Yu suddenly took the initiative to ask, "Do you know my sister?"

"Your sister? Are you her own younger brother?" Lu Zhiwen asked, taking a serious look at Xiao Yu's appearance.

Xiao Yu immediately rolled his eyes and said, "Nonsense! You can do it without being kissed!?"

The real godbrother Qiu Bai: "..."

" can call me Big Brother Lu."

Lu Zhiwen's attitude towards Xiao's father and son suddenly changed from winter-like biting to spring-like warmth!While Xiao Yu couldn't help being stunned, even though Xiao Haicheng guessed something, he couldn't help but feel very surprised!
Wu Jing, who was on the sidelines, was even more amazed!I thought to myself that since I have been dealing with him these days, I have never seen him smile!
Even Lu Cenfeng and others, as well as the king and Xiaowang, were all extremely speechless.

So next, the person who kept chatting with people on the plane changed from Wu Jing to Lu Zhiwen.

And Xiao Haicheng, who has never liked Lu Zhiwen, a young man from the bottom of his heart, actually doesn't want to talk to him at all!

But, he knows a lot about the world, so it's not good to let the other party down too much.

So the conversation between the two continued intermittently...

During this period, Lu Cenfeng overheard a piece of news that was very useful to him.

Just two days ago, someone, like them, left here on a special plane, and successfully arrived at the destination capital base!

According to Lu Zhiwen, that person's name was Jiang Long, and he was the son of a high-level executive at the capital base.

He originally brought a group of men to rescue people, but was trapped in the Ludong Base by heavy snow for three full months!
When they finally left, there were only three of them left. They not only took away the scientists they wanted to save, but also took away two other beauties! !
After all this bullying, Lu Zhiwen deliberately revealed that he was also the son of the base's top executives.

Then I felt that after such a comparison, I must have become a good son-in-law candidate in Uncle Xiao's mind...

But when he heard this, Zhu Su couldn't bear it any longer, turned his head and took the initiative to look at Lu Cenfeng!
Because the original owner of the previous life took refuge in Jiang Long, the so-called "son of the second in command" in the Ludong base, and later followed him back to the capital base, all because in the rumors of the Ludong base, the number one His son Lu Dashao is not close to women!Everyone secretly doubted his sexuality! !
Unexpectedly, this problem was solved by Zhu Su in this life... After a long time of trouble, Lu Zhiwen had already devoted himself to Xiao Xue!That's why he never pretends to the women in the base!
And according to Lu Zhiwen, he is still Xiao Xue's direct senior in university!It's just that she is two years older than Xiao Xue.

Just when Zhu Su was looking at Lu Cenfeng speechlessly and amusedly, Lu Cenfeng just smiled at her, and immediately restrained his face and shouted seriously: "Be careful! There are birds!"

Everyone quickly turned their heads to look in the direction Lu Cenfeng was facing!
In the end, I only saw a huge black shadow rushing toward my face, hitting the plane heavily...

(End of this chapter)

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