Chapter 199 Electric Department
Zhu Su hurriedly suppressed the stench coming from his nostrils, and took advantage of the giant corpse's unpreparedness to launch a supernatural attack on it again!

The remaining supernatural flames on the blade disappeared in an instant, replaced by a milky white mist.Then the white mist quickly spread from the wound in the palm of the giant corpse, freezing it from top to bottom!
But Zhu Su was not very happy at the moment.

Because she knew very well that just relying on this little trick, obviously couldn't kill the huge monster in front of her.

So as soon as the giant corpse was frozen, she immediately picked out the ability that she could use to kill him!

It's a pity that the giant corpse didn't even leave her with this little time!

Just when Zhu Su rejected the four supernatural powers of water, fire, wood and soil in his heart, and wanted to imitate Xiao Haicheng and directly condense a golden blade to try to cut off the giant corpse's big head, the giant corpse The other hand suddenly moved quickly!
With the sound of "Ka Ka Ka Ka" breaking ice, Zhu Su didn't even have time to take out a second knife from the space, when he was suddenly grabbed by the giant corpse!

Then the next second, she suddenly rose into the air!
And it was sent towards its own mouth by the giant corpse!


Zhu Su subconsciously screamed in his heart!And immediately realized quickly that he was about to be eaten by zombies!

Just at this critical moment, without knowing where the inspiration came from, Zhu Su actually put a gold shield on herself on the spot!
Then, she realized immediately that such an approach still couldn't help her get out of trouble!So, with a burst of inspiration, he activated the gold-type ability again, and directly transformed the shield around him into a mace-like state...


The giant corpse suddenly howled again!

Obviously, Zhu Su stabbed his palm again.

Then Zhu Su found that although his round hedgehog shield was pressed against the mouth of the giant corpse, it was stuck so that it couldn't get out of the mouth.

Afterwards, it was like riding a roller coaster, my brain was almost shaken, and it was thrown to the ground by the giant corpse!

Fortunately, there was a shield to defend himself, so Zhu Sucai was not hurt by the fall.

But just when she got up from the ground and stood firm, the giant corpse attacked again!
It was still the same colorless water arrow as before, but this time, its jet force was many times stronger than before!The speed of the water arrow is also faster and faster!

Although Zhu Su scrambled and crawled to hide in a very embarrassing situation, he didn't get sprayed immediately!It's just that when she casually glanced at the deep pit shot out by the water arrow, she felt completely ill.

However, as the water arrows in the mouth of the giant corpse shot more and more, and the shots became denser, Zhu Su couldn't help but became anxious!

Because the ground of the small courtyard has been shot uneven, and water has begun to accumulate.

Zhu Su was forced not only to avoid the water arrows, but also unable to get close to the giant corpse to attack its head, but also to pay attention to his feet at all times, so as to avoid accidentally stepping into a stinky puddle and spraining his ankle. Really depressed!
But if you just defend and don't attack for a long time, not to mention the final victory or loss, I'm afraid that other zombies will be recruited soon!

So Zhu Su can only dodge hard while trying his best to think!
As a result, within a short while, Zhu Su really thought of a kind of ability that was equivalent to a brand new type for her!

That is the electrical department! !

After all, water conducts electricity!Moreover, Zhu Su has seen the use of electricity-type abilities twice, and he thinks he should be able to use them too!

So very quickly, Zhu Su, who was still avoiding danger with the power of the wind system, was almost shot through by the water arrow several times, after switching to the power of the electricity system, his speed suddenly increased A substantial improvement!

Moreover, he immediately overcame the obstacle of the water arrow and rushed to the front of the giant corpse!
Then, without hesitation, she released a thick arc of energy equivalent to half of her own inner core!

The blue-purple lightning flashed across the audience in an instant, connecting all the puddles in the farmyard together!Zhu Su's face was purple under the light of the lightning, and against the dirty blood all over his body and his long wet and unkempt hair, he looked like a ghost.

But Zhu Su, who was covered in sweat, didn't care about these things at all, and couldn't care about panting, so he immediately stood up straight amidst a crackling sound!
There seemed to be a flash of light in her eyes, but a metal blade that was as long as her arms spread out had already begun to condense in her hand.

When she saw the giant corpse fell to the ground by the electric shock, its limbs were twitching non-stop, she immediately rushed forward with a stride!
With the knife in his hand, he chopped off its large head in one fell swoop!

Only then did Zhu Su dare to let out a sigh of relief.

But he didn't relax his vigilance immediately!Instead, he swiftly and neatly transformed into a mental power, took out the core of the giant corpse, ran out of the farmyard, and ran back to the other side of the bridge!
During this period, she had already seen quite a few normal-sized zombies roaring over from the residential building...

Zhu Su had no choice but to quickly take out a small bag of second-level kernels from the space, and stuffed it into his mouth without hesitation!
After she swallowed seven or eight kernels one by one, the first wave of those zombies was about to reach the bridge.

Just in time, Zhu Su still wanted to try the various usages of electric powers, so he simply released an electric snake over there!
Then quickly gathered a pool of clear water from under the bridge, and poured it directly on the zombies on the bridge...

Splash, discharge, splash again, let go again.

Zhu Su waited for the rabbit while waiting for the rabbit, and at the same time waited for work with ease, and soon used up all his abilities.Even if he held the kernel with one hand to replenish while killing, he still couldn't catch up.

The bridge surface has already been covered with thick layers of charred corpses, but the zombies pouring in from the residential building are still running crazily in the direction of the small bridge.

Seeing this, Zhu Su simply gave up his heart!
Then I started to eat the second-level kernel vigorously again!
So this battle went from the sun shining brightly to the sun setting in the west.Zhu Su's heart was already numb, and her arms didn't seem to be her own anymore, but she still didn't want to hide in the space at all!
In my heart, I only hated why I didn't have three heads and six arms, so that I could kill more zombies!
But there is no way, the core in Zhu Su's space is about to bottom out at this moment.

So, having lost her energy support, even if she didn't want to stop, she had to dodge into the space when the last core entered.

(End of this chapter)

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