Chapter 208
For some reason in my heart, I suddenly remembered those people who were poisoned to death by Lu Zhiwen on the road...

But for the time being, Xiao Haicheng, who didn't know that his son had started seeing Lu Zhiwen tired of seeing each other, didn't realize the threatening meaning in Lu Zhiwen's words, and thought he was just angry with the child!

So he hurriedly typed a haha, changed the subject directly, and turned the matter over.

After watching this scene with cold eyes, Lu Cenfeng suddenly felt a little ridiculous in his heart.

He even felt like a brat like Xiao Yu, so it would be nice to let someone like Lu Zhiwen rule him!It also saves him from being idle all day long and having nothing to do, only to know that it is annoying.

Zhu Su also had a keen intuition that Xiao Yu should have really stepped on Lu Zhiwen's thunder this time, which actually made his smirk a little sinister!I couldn't help but mourn for Xiao Yu for a second in my heart.

And quickly reminded myself silently!Don't learn from him in the future, lest one day misfortune will come out of your mouth.

Because except for Lu Zhiwen's four subordinates, everyone else has arrived!So then everyone immediately discussed whether they should enter the capital base immediately.

Wu Jing's mother and daughter's answer is naturally yes, and Xiao Haicheng is not willing to delay for even a minute!
Even if it wasn't for the fact that the two sides had been together for such a long time, even Zhu Su didn't want to wait.

But Zhu Su always had some resistance to entering the base.

Even if you know you have to enter sooner or later, you still don't want to go right now!
So naturally, everyone had to mention the parting...

Even if there is still time to meet again at the capital base, but at this moment, the team is really about to break up...

Lu Cenfeng was only silent for a moment, then collected his emotions and immediately said to Yan He: "Old Yan! You stay here with them for a while first! I have something to say to Susu alone."

"Well! Don't worry! You go."

Yan He understood Lu Cenfeng's meaning almost immediately, so he greeted everyone with a smile, "Come, come! They say theirs, let's say ours!"

However, after Xiao Haicheng glanced at the direction Lu Cenfeng and Zhu Su were going hand in hand, his heart suddenly became clear.

Because although those two people were pretending to be walking backwards casually, they abducted directly to the back of the truck!

So obviously, the main purpose of the two is to quietly move his supplies into the car in advance.

For a while, Xiao Haicheng couldn't tell what he was feeling in his heart!

It's just that no matter what he wants to say in his heart, it's not the time yet!
But it is undeniable that if everyone is still at the capital base after finding his daughter, he really wants to bring the whole family to join Lu Cenfeng again!

Sure enough, when Lu Cenfeng returned with Zhu Su, he threw the key of the truck to Xiao Haicheng.

And said to him with a smile: "Old Xiao, I wish you all wishes come true!"

"...Thank you!" Xiao Haicheng is not a person who babbles, so he just thanked him after receiving the key!He immediately greeted the two children and planned to get in the car and leave.

In the end, Lu Zhiwen suddenly leaned over to him, and opened his mouth and said, "Uncle! I'll go with you!"

"...Didn't you come here with a mission? If you don't protect Ms. Wu even here, if you fail..."

"...It's okay! Since they can come here, they must have the means to protect themselves."

Lu Zhiwen quickly figured out the joints, and directly retorted!

Xiao Haicheng couldn't help being dumbfounded for a moment, and then reluctantly nodded.

No way, who made Lu Zhiwen talk about this!

If he still disagrees, it will be equivalent to tearing face off with the other party.

Thinking that it is not too far from here to the capital base anyway, so it is right to give him a ride along the way!

Wu Jing was about to get into the car with her daughter, but after hearing the conversation between the two, she couldn't help but take a special look at Lu Zhiwen!
He still said in his heart: "I didn't expect him to be a love brain! It's just not a good thing to be targeted by someone like him!"

Do you want to find an opportunity to quietly remind Officer Xiao?
She had heard about Lu Zhiwen's character for a long time...

There was no need to say goodbye, just put down the car window and waved, and everyone parted.

Lu Cenfeng, who was standing on the side of the road, quickly greeted Yan He and Zhu Su to get into the car left by Xiao Haicheng, and drove towards the player's club.

Zhu Su was sitting alone on the back seat of the car, with the window down and the scorching wind blowing, but he suddenly felt sad for some reason.

So he couldn't help but murmured to himself: "Alas... Actually, it would be great if we could continue to form a team with Brother Xiao and the others."

Yan He, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was about to nod when he heard the words, but he heard Lu Cenfeng suddenly ask: "What? Are you reluctant?"

Yan He: "..."

This eccentric tone and obviously unhappy expression can be heard by anyone, you are deliberately speaking ironically!

However, in the next second, Zhu Su, who was immersed in his own emotions, admitted frankly, "Well, it's a bit! Just as soon as they met, they separated again, and I don't know if I can meet them again in the future. "

Yan He: "..."

no?Are you two talking about the same thing?Why do I sound so different!
Lu Cenfeng probably realized very quickly that he had misunderstood Zhu Su's thoughts, so after a moment of silence, he chose to echo her, "...indeed."

It may be that these two words made Zhu Su's sorrow of parting even worse, so she didn't speak for a long time.

It wasn't until the car drove into the players' club and got out of the car to see the surrounding fence and the empty stadium that Zhu Su finally spoke again, "It looks really good here! What if..."

If it was something, although she didn't say it, Lu Cenfeng and Yan He could still hear it.

She just wanted to say: "If you can not enter the base, it would be nice to stay here!"

But this matter, it is not something that can be easily decided in a few words!

Because there are many things involved in it, you must be cautious!

So none of them opened their mouths to answer her words, and they directly led Zhu Su into the only building here.

But this time, since starting from the villa until now, everyone is making do with everything along the way!Never had a good meal.So now that there are no outsiders around, Lu Cenfeng decided to cook a big meal tonight, and the three of them will have a good time together first!

Then, when you are full, you will have a good night's rest, and head to the capital base early tomorrow morning.

 Everyone must have discovered that the update time has changed recently.

  10 am and 6 pm, try to see or leave.

  PS: It's rare to write two sentences, just ask for a ticket by the way!

(End of this chapter)

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