Chapter 215 Yuan Yuan
Zhu Su pulled the quilt over to cover his head, but Lu Cenfeng blocked it with a raised hand.

"Get up and eat!"

"I'm not hungry." Zhu Su pulled back the quilt forcefully, and wanted to continue sleeping with his head covered.

But Lu Cenfeng said with a half-smile, "Aren't you hungry?"

Zhu Su: "Not hungry!"

Lu Cenfeng: "If you're not hungry, then let's do something fun again!"

Zhu Su poked his head out from under the quilt immediately after hearing this!He stared at him with wide eyes and said, "I'm hungry!"

Lu Cenfeng slowly revealed a tricky smile.

Although Zhu Su knew that he said that on purpose, he was afraid that he would mean it, so he finally sat up aggrieved and began to get dressed.

Just wearing clothes, she suddenly remembered a question!
"You, where did you get those things you used yesterday?"

"What? This?"

As Lu Cenfeng asked back, he took out a leftover condom from his pants pocket.

Zhu Su nodded silently, his face burst into heat instantly!
Lu Cenfeng looked at her blushing face a little more funnyly, and immediately sold Yan He.

"Old Yan found a box in the warehouse of the Ginza Hotel, and you sent it to your space. This box was given to me by him, and it has been kept in my backpack."

"What!" Zhu Su couldn't believe it, he had put this kind of thing into the space before!So Dang even yelled.

It's just that she didn't dare to touch the space stone at will in the base. She always just accesses things from her supernatural space, so even if she doesn't want to believe it, she has to believe it.

Then he gave Lu Cenfeng a quick look!
In my heart, facing him who started to make up his own mind so early, I feel a little weird, weird...

After eating, Zhu Su quickly went back to his room to catch up on sleep.

After Lu Cenfeng and Yan He got together to discuss it, they quickly sent a person to the mission hall to inquire about the news.

So when Zhu Su returned to the cage to sleep until he woke up naturally, and when he walked out of the room after washing, he saw a room full of people!

There are those she is familiar with and those she knows, and some she does not know.

The only short-haired woman whom she didn't know stood up even if she stood up, greeted her with a smile, "Hi! I'm Xiao Xue! Nice to meet you!"

In fact, without her introducing herself, Zhu Su had already guessed her identity, because she was sitting very close to Xiao Haicheng.

Moreover, the eyes of the father and daughter are also big, with long eyelashes!They all look hairy, and they look very similar at first glance.

Zhu Su was about to greet the other party with a smile and welcome, but Lu Cenfeng suddenly said something to her first!

"You go in and change your clothes first, tie up your hair before you come out!"

Zhu Su was stunned for a moment.

Although she felt that there was nothing invisible about the dress she was wearing, she still didn't try to refute Lu Cenfeng's face in front of outsiders.

So he immediately turned around silently and went back to the room directly.

And it wasn't until the door of the room was closed tightly that Xiao Yu's gaze was reluctantly withdrawn from there.

Xiao Xue who saw this scene couldn't help shaking her head.

He seemed to be flattering, but actually smiled teasingly at Lu Cenfeng: "Captain Lu is well-mannered!"

For the time being, Lu Cenfeng didn't know what kind of person Xiao Xue was, nor did he know what she was really thinking in her heart when she said this sentence.

So he just twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Thank you!"

Mrs. Luan, who had never had any sense of presence, had a clear eye and a bright heart, and when she saw this, she simply spoke up and acted as a peacemaker.

"Captain Lu, I think what you just said is quite right! Since we have decided to advance and retreat together, we must first understand each other. I am the oldest here, so I just express my opinion on behalf of my daughter and me. Tell us about our situation!"

When talking about serious business, Lu Cenfeng's expression became more serious!
Immediately after taking a serious look at Mrs. Luan, she nodded and said, "Okay! Please tell me!"

"My ability is space. Everyone must have guessed this, so there is nothing to say. So what I want to focus on now is actually my daughter Yuanyuan's ability."

Just at this time, Zhu Su changed into a light tracksuit and wore a ball head, and came out of the room again.

Mrs. Luan couldn't help sighing silently in her heart when she saw that she was still so clean and beautiful.

Compared with her, Yuanyuan's life is really hard!
Ever since the end of the world came, her daughter had suddenly awakened her supernatural powers, and she didn't even dare to say a word!

These days, a cheerful child has been suppressed into depression...

Just as Zhu Su was walking towards Lu Cenfeng through the living room, Mrs. Luan's voice finally sounded slowly again.

"My daughter's ability should be the mutation of the vocal cords. This may be because she was a voice actress before the end of the world, so she awakened such a strange ability!"

Xiao Yu's curiosity was suddenly aroused, and he couldn't help interjecting: "Strange? How strange!"

After Mrs. Luan turned her gaze to look at him, she turned her gaze to Lu Cenfeng again.

"I can't say a word or two, do you want to feel it for yourself?"


After pondering for a second, Lu Cenfeng agreed to the proposal.

However, "If anyone doesn't want to experience it for themselves, they can temporarily leave the scope of her ability."

"Mrs. Luan, how much rice?"

Mrs. Luan looked around the set of two rooms and one living room, and said with some embarrassment: "Yuanyuan can only be controlled within at least five meters."

This is also the reason why she can't speak freely at ordinary times, because firstly, she has to worry about her mother, and secondly, there are always people around her.

Everyone: "..."

"Let's vote!" Lu Cenfeng was the first to speak.

It turned out that everyone said in unison: "No need!"

"Need not!"

"Let's all try together!"

"...That's fine. But wait until I tell you to start before you start."

After Lu Cenfeng finished speaking, he activated his mental power and enveloped the entire living room.

And he would do this mainly to prevent Luan Yuanyuan from accidentally injuring other people upstairs and downstairs.

"let's start!"

As soon as the words of these three words fell, Luan Yuanyuan opened her mouth impatiently!

"My name is Luan Yuanyuan. I really want to talk like an ordinary person! Can you help me?"

"Yes!" Xiao Yu was the first to stand up, and even walked towards Luan Yuanyuan.

"I can!" Qiu Bai followed closely behind, stood up and followed.




Lu Cenfeng's deep shout immediately interrupted Xiao Xue and Zhu Su's unison!

It also saved Xiao Haicheng and Yan He from the struggling state.

Yan He couldn't help but immediately said with some fear: "This is too fucking ridiculous..."

(End of this chapter)

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