Chapter 22 Healing
After returning to the RV and washing his hands, Lu Cenfeng went directly to Zhu Su's bed, and decisively stretched out his hand to push her.

"Zhu Su! Wake up! Can you hear me? What's wrong with you!"

"Zhu Su! Zhu Su?"

"...Well, Lu Cenfeng! Why did you call me again?" Zhu Su opened his eyes bewilderedly, and asked puzzledly, "Am I asleep? Have you finished cleaning the corridor?"

"Great, you're finally awake!" Yan He approached happily and said, "You're not asleep, are you? You're almost asleep! No matter what we call you, you won't be able to wake up!"

Zhu Su sat up suspiciously, and suddenly raised his hand and clenched his fist!Said: "I feel like I have something in my hand!"

"How can there be!" Yan He looked at her empty palm, and suspected that her mind was broken!
However, Lu Cenfeng suddenly asked cautiously: "Do you really feel it?"

"...Hmm!" Zhu Su was inexplicably nervous and said after feeling it again.

Lu Cenfeng's expression gradually turned serious, "What did you do in the car before? Why did you suddenly become unconscious!"

"I didn't do anything! I just had a drink,"

Zhu Su's words came to this point, and the whole person was suddenly shocked!Suddenly shouted: "Water!!"

"What water?!" Lu Cenfeng had almost guessed it, but still asked eagerly.

"Pond water in the space! What kind of water can it be!" Zhu Su said excitedly about the previous incident, "At that time, I suddenly wanted to try it! Who knew there was nothing to drink when I just put the cup away I don't know anything anymore!"

"Ah, that's right! Hurry up! You two have a drink each! Drink it quickly!" Zhu Su conjured up two glasses of water out of thin air as he spoke, and handed them to Lu Cenfeng and Yan He.She picked up a few more free paper cups at the fast food restaurant by chance, so it would be more convenient when she wanted to use them in a hurry.

As a result, Yan He drank the water as soon as he took it, and muttered after drinking, "Is it true?"

But Lu Cenfeng didn't immediately reach out to pick it up.

Zhu Su lowered his arms in a strange way, held the water glass and asked him: "Brother Yan has already drunk it, don't you want to drink it?"

Lu Cenfeng looked at her quietly and said, "Can you protect us both by yourself?"

Zhu Su: "!!"

Almost careless!

Fortunately, Lu Cenfeng was clear-headed, otherwise if something happened and they couldn't wake them up, she wouldn't be insane by herself!
"Plop!" Relying on tenacious willpower, Yan He persisted for more than ten seconds than Zhu Su, but finally fell headfirst to the ground.

Lu Cenfeng had no choice but to sigh and stood up, "I'll put him on the chair first! I'll come back and talk to you later."

Zhu Su nodded in bewilderment, looking very cute.

Unexpectedly, when Lu Cenfeng came back, the first thing he said was: "You should have awakened abilities!"

"Really?!" Zhu Su was instantly excited!Asked: "What ability? Did you see it?"

Lu Cenfeng glanced at Zhu Su speechlessly, and then realized that she was really stupid, she really thought he was omnipotent, and she was not pretending to be stupid!I had no choice but to point out: "You have to try to release the thing in your hand first, so that I can see it,"

"How to put it? Is it like this?" Zhu Su raised his palm and patted it outwards as he spoke!

"Hey! Don't look at me, oh!"

Lu Cenfeng reacted quickly to dodge Zhu Su's unwarranted attack, but accidentally bumped his head, and immediately felt extremely tired.

So reckless!If he really taught her how to kill, don't be accidentally killed by her if he doesn't pay attention someday!
"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Is your head okay?" Zhu Su didn't expect that he would scare Lu Cenfeng just by posing, so he hurriedly got up from the bed while apologizing!He stretched out his hand to pull Lu Cenfeng over to see if he was hurt or not.

So Lu Cenfeng, who was distracted and distracted, was caught off guard by her!

" let go!"

"Don't let it go, let me see if your head is broken! If you bleed, it will attract zombies!"

"...I know this! Let go first, I will sit down and let you see."

"Ah? Oh!" Only then did Zhu Su realize that at Lu Cenfeng's height, she would not be able to see his head while kneeling on the bed.

Then the two of them quickly changed their positions to check the wound.

Zhu Su, who was just groping seriously, didn't notice that the ears of Lu Cenfeng, who had been tilting his head to one side, slowly turned red.

"Huh! Fortunately, the skin was not broken! But it is swollen! If the swelling can be quickly reduced, "

While speaking, Zhu Su lightly pressed the swollen bump above Lu Cenfeng's left ear with his hand, but a miraculous thing happened suddenly!I saw the redness and swelling quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Zhu Su was suddenly dumbfounded!Then he immediately said loudly: "Lu Cenfeng! I cured you! What's going on? Could it be that I have awakened the healing ability?"

Lu Cenfeng raised his hand to touch his ear in surprise, and found that it was indeed as Zhu Su said!Immediately, I felt like something was wrong!
He has also seen a few healing power users in his previous life, and even experienced it personally!But without exception, those supernatural beings would emit a warm white light from their palms every time they healed others.

But when Zhu Su just 'treated' him, nothing happened!

This is very wrong!At least it is definitely not like an ordinary healing ability!
It's just that Lu Cenfeng didn't know what was wrong now, so he didn't refute Zhu Su's words, but just nodded silently, indicating that he knew.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Su was somewhat intimidated by his attitude!

"...Why do you seem unhappy? Is there something wrong with the healing ability? Or, is it because of the base again!"

"Uh, no!" Lu Cenfeng quickly denied it!

Although the base is indeed thirsty for talents with healing abilities, it cannot forcibly pull or kidnap people regardless of the wishes of the ability users!So the minimum respect and personal freedom are still there, and they will definitely not be treated as harshly as those with space abilities.

"Isn't it? Then you are?"

"Can you play the ability again for me to see?"

"Okay! But there is no injury, hiss! What are you doing? You are stupid!"

Seeing that Lu Cenfeng took out a knife and cut himself without blinking!Zhu Su was so angry that he wanted to scold him!

Then she really scolded, and quickly put her hand on Lu Cenfeng's finger after scolding!Still anxiously muttering silently in his heart: "Let his wound heal quickly!"

The miraculous thing happened again!
There was still no sign, but the wound returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

Subconsciously, Lu Cenfeng grabbed Zhu Su's hand and studied it over and over again!It made Zhu Su blush all of a sudden!
After enduring it for a while, I still couldn't help but said in a voice like a mosquito: "You, have you seen enough?"

(End of this chapter)

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