Chapter 223 Fish
On the other hand, Mrs. Luan and Pang Yanyan didn't have any special reaction, as if they had already gotten used to it.

Mrs. Luan was carried by her daughter all the way, and the wheelchair was put into the space, and it was only now that she took it out to sit again.

Fortunately, she is relatively thin, and her daughter's physical strength is many times stronger than before after awakening, so she never feels tired.

Seeing that her daughter couldn't eat anymore, she put away the dry food and handed it to her, and hurriedly said with concern: "Let's eat some more! I don't know what's planned for this afternoon!"

Luan Yuanyuan just shook her head silently.

Seeing this, Mrs. Luan couldn't force her, so she could only put away the dry food, took out a pair of dry sneakers and cotton socks from the space, and said, "Go and change your shoes and socks! I didn't care about it all the way. Got it."

This time, Luan Yuanyuan immediately took over the shoes and socks!After turning around and looking around, he took his things and went straight to the small lake.

Judging by her appearance, she probably wants to wash her feet first.

Because although it has been confirmed that the outside water is all polluted by snow, it is still no problem to use it for washing and bathing!
As long as it is not drunk into the stomach, the pollutants in the water will not have a particularly serious impact on the human body.

At most, the more frequently you wash, the yellower your skin and hair will be!

After seeing this scene, the other girls at the scene wanted to change their shoes even though they were not that extravagant, but they all started to take off their shoes one after another, and left their semi-wet feet and socks to dry in the sun. under.

Zhu Su is the only person here other than Mrs. Luan who hasn't been in the water, so naturally he doesn't have to take off his shoes to dry like everyone else.But she turned her head and said to Lu Cenfeng and Yan He in a low voice: "You two should change your shoes and socks too! Let's walk a little forward."

The reason why she said this was because she was afraid that the girls next to her would dislike these two stinky men, and she was also afraid that they would be embarrassed to take off their shoes in front of other girls.

Sure enough, Lu Cenfeng quickly pulled her up and walked to the side, and Yan He followed immediately.

The two are changing!Suddenly there was a woman's scream from the other side of the lake!

Scared so much that Zhu Su's hands trembled just as he was about to put away the shoes and socks that the two had changed.

Then, her eyes suddenly widened!

"Could it be Luan Yuanyuan?!"

Yan He immediately said while putting on his shoes without looking up: "Are you stupid! If she really yelled this, can you still stay awake now?"

"Oh, that's right!"

Zhu Su was suddenly stunned, but still worried: "I don't know what happened over there?"

"Maybe it was bitten by a fish in the lake!"

Although Lu Cenfeng answered so casually, in fact, he was [-]% to [-]% sure in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Su was immediately stunned!

"Fish? What fish? A mutated fish?"

Lu Cenfeng was silent, but said again: "...or maybe it's just ordinary."

He had just said this, and before the last word "fish" could be said, a huge water column suddenly appeared in the small lake in front of him!After rushing straight up like a wind and clouds, it scattered away with a crash...

As a result, everyone who was caught off guard was immediately drowned!

After Zhu Su was stunned, he raised his hand and vigorously wiped the water on his face, and quickly opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of water.


All of a sudden, the surroundings were full of pee pee sounds one after another, which was quite funny.

But the clothes on his body were a little wet and stuck to his body, which made people feel a little uncomfortable.

But everyone quickly ignored this point, because someone from the military has already started shouting towards this side, telling all the teams of supernatural beings to rush over to help!
So Lu Cenfeng and the others mingled in the crowd and went forward together, heading towards the not-so-big lake.

Luan Yuanyuan had already run back in the opposite direction, pushed her mother's wheelchair and followed the crowd.

As a result, before they got close, they saw that all the soldiers in front began to retreat, retreating a full dozen meters away!Gave up all the positions near the lake...

Lu Cenfeng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and reminded everyone: "It seems that these soldiers are not opponents, stay safe for a while!"

Everyone basically responded with "OK" and "Understood", but Xiao Yu snorted disapprovingly.Then he immediately slapped his father Xiao Haicheng!The beating made the back of his head hurt, and he shut up honestly.

Xiao Xue, who was not far away, couldn't help laughing secretly when she saw this scene!
Although she hasn't quite figured it out yet, who is the heart of her stupid younger brother going to now?But this did not prevent her from waiting to pick up his jokes.

No matter which young lady is around, it is impossible to look up to him as a child.

But at this moment, several people in the team of supernatural beings running in the front suddenly exclaimed!

Lu Cenfeng and the others hurried forward quickly...

Then, they all stood at the same place three or four meters away from the lake.

I saw the light blue lake water that I saw when I first arrived here, but now it has turned into light red.

There is still a broken coat floating on the lake, but there is only a lonely backpack by the lake, telling what happened to its owner before his death.

All the teams of supernatural beings didn't make a sound at the first moment, including the team that the dead man belonged to!

However, the military did not intend to continue the stalemate here, so Jiang Donglin soon became more and more popular: "The fish in the lake are very ferocious, with a body length between one meter and 1.5 meters! Attack the humans on the shore with supernatural powers. Since there is not much time left today, I decided to go down the mountain immediately after cleaning up these piranhas! Today's action ends here!"

"The next thing is, please hurry up!"

As soon as these words came out, the motivation of the team of supernatural beings finally became stronger!At first someone approached the lake cautiously.

But no one was the first to make a move, and everyone just stared at the lake and became alert.

In fact, there was no way to do this. After all, after a whole morning of fighting, more or less people in each team were injured at this moment, and morale had already begun to decline.

However, after Lu Cenfeng signaled Zhu Su and the others not to act rashly, he led Yan He straight to the lake.

Then, regardless of other people's reactions, he stood two meters away from the lake and released his mental power to investigate.

As a result, I didn’t know if I didn’t look at it, but I was almost shocked when I saw it!
I saw that the bottom of the lake was densely packed with fish of the same kind, there were hundreds of them!

Their bodies are slender like torpedoes, covered with fine scales.

(End of this chapter)

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