Chapter 26 Teaching
"I'll come, I'll come!" Yan He pushed Zhu Su who was in front of the sink to signal her to step aside, and while pulling the vegetables out of the water, he said, "I mean Team Lu! If you have something to ask Tell Xiao Zhu, hurry up and talk inside! Don't get in the way here!"

Lu Cenfeng realized in seconds!Immediately grabbed Zhu Su's hand and pulled her towards the sleeper, "Come with me!"

Because it was in front of Yan He, Zhu Su followed him obediently.

But in fact, she didn't want to be alone with him again at this moment, because she was 'afraid' of him now!

So as soon as he left Yan He's sight, Zhu Su immediately broke away from Lu Cenfeng's hand!And asked: "Do you have anything else to say?"

Lu Cenfeng just lowered his head slightly, kept looking at her but didn't speak.

"...I'll go out first if I have nothing to do, ah!" Before Zhu Su could finish his sentence, he was suddenly pulled into his arms again!
Her whole body stiffened up nervously, but Lu Cenfeng thought that he had scared her again!I had no choice but to try my best not to talk too much to her all at once, but to explain quickly in a low voice: "Before you said that I took advantage of you,"

Zhu Su looked up at him sensitively, "Isn't it you?"

Lu Cenfeng smiled wryly, looked into her eyes and said, "Really! You should have taken it off yourself!"

Zhu Su was silent for a while, "...Really?"

"Of course I am! I,"

"Stop!" Zhu Su's heart is in a mess now, the exposure of her identity makes her feel like running naked all over her body!After taking a step back carefully and leaving Lu Cenfeng's embrace, she said, "Don't talk yet, let me calm down, okay?"

"but I,"

"Calm down, too!"

"……All right!"

Hearing that Lu Cenfeng finally agreed, Zhu Su quickly took a deep breath and turned around to look around!After realizing that there was really no place to stay alone, she plunged into the lower bunk and covered her whole body and her head with a quilt.

Looking at her movements, Lu Cenfeng sighed helplessly, wondering how did she develop the habit of hiding under the covers whenever something was on her mind?While thinking about it, it seems that she is not going to talk to him again in a short time...

Both of them looked normal during dinner, but the silent atmosphere at the table kept reminding Yan He that those two people were not normal at all!It's just that outsiders can't help with things like feelings, so he simply pretended to be deaf and dumb.

After dinner, it was already dark, Yan He hesitated for a while and asked, "Are you going to act tonight?"

"No!" Lu Cenfeng shook his head, "Did you feel any reaction after drinking the water for the second time?"

Yan He scratched his head in confusion, "I don't know! How about we get out of the car and practice?"

"Forget it! Let's do it during the daytime tomorrow!" Lu Cenfeng rejected his proposal, and then made a new suggestion, "How about Zhu Su, come and try it out, can you find out how old Yan has changed from before? "

Zhu Su shook his head!

"I don't want to try."

Lu Yan and the two thought she was tired and didn't want to use the power for the time being, so they didn't say anything.

However, only Zhu Su knew that she didn't dare to try it!She was afraid that something astonishing would happen after she used her abilities!
"Then do nothing now, is the time tonight wasted for nothing?" Yan He's tone was a bit complicated, as if he wanted to take a break and seize the time.

"It's not a waste." Lu Cenfeng looked at Zhu Su and said, "Give me a glass of water!"

"I'll take the time to try it out as soon as you wake up." The last words he said were naturally addressed to Yan He.

So Yan He immediately understood what he meant!And replied: "Don't worry! You sleep in yours, and I will guard it!"

Lu Cenfeng nodded, took the water from Zhu Su and drank it down in one gulp!He went straight to bed and lay down.

In the subconscious silence Zhu Su and Yan He kept, only Lu Cenfeng's steady and long breathing was left in the carriage.

"Captain Lu is asleep!"


Zhu Su absent-mindedly responded, and just wanted to get up and go back to her own bunk, but was suddenly pulled back by Yan He!
"Don't go! Tell me quickly, what's going on with you two?"

"...It's nothing, just, just! He found out that I'm not me." Zhu Su didn't want Yan He to question Lu Cenfeng again, and then learn the truth from him, so he chose himself. Be honest.

"what does it mean?"

Yan He was a little unresponsive, and hurriedly asked.

"Brother Yan!" Zhu Su looked into his eyes seriously and said, "Didn't you already find out that something was wrong with me last time?"

Yan He nodded blankly.

"Then why haven't you told Lu Cenfeng?"

"Ah! I haven't worked hard all the time! Besides, you have a good personality, and I'm watching, so it doesn't matter if you say it or not..."

"Thank you, Brother Yan!" Zhu Su was deeply moved, and suddenly regained the feeling of being trusted before!He simply sat down and roughly told everything from his birth.

Yan He was dumbfounded, and finally couldn't help but ask, "So you really aren't from our world?!"

"Hmm! It should be something like parallel time and space! In short, I know nothing about your world except that my name is also Zhu Su."

"Don't be afraid! Brother Yan will protect you!" Yan He patted her on the shoulder with a big hand and promised: "In the future, if there is anything you don't know or don't understand, come and ask brother, and brother promises to teach you everything!"

Zhu Su's heart suddenly moved!
"Brother Yan, can you teach me to kill and kill zombies?"

"Of course I can!" Yan He said without hesitation: "It's late today, and I will teach you when I wake up tomorrow morning! Let me tell you, it is a very wise choice for you to learn these! Be a powerless person like a peaceful society..."

The sun rises and the moon rises, and the stars move.The night passed quickly, but Lu Cenfeng never woke up from the beginning to the end.

Yan He looked over and looked worriedly, seeing that he was living well all the time, so he wasn't too worried.

After having a simple breakfast with Zhu Su, the two got out of the car and started teaching and learning facing the rising sun.

Serious teaching, not sloppy learning!Time passed like running water, and soon the sun rose to a higher position.

"What are you doing!" Lu Cenfeng's tone was very bad, and there was even a little anger mixed in it.

This anger was naturally directed at Zhu Su!The reason was because he had already said that he would teach her, but she turned around and went to Yan He!

Lu Cenfeng would never think that it was Zhu Su who Yan He found something to do for himself and took the initiative to teach him.Because Yan He's personality is relatively rough, it is impossible to take the initiative to teach others!

(End of this chapter)

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