Chapter 31 Search
But this kind of mentality just shows that Zhu Su is actually not very 'kind'!At least she will never do the 'stupid thing' of helping the old lady cross the road, or feeding stray dogs with ham sausage even if she is hungry!

In the following time, although Lu Cenfeng continued to move forward with the two of them, he no longer entered every shop like before.

On the contrary, whenever he was about to reach the door of a shop, he would use his mental strength to feel the situation inside in advance.If no one is there, kill the corpse and enter the arena. If someone is hiding inside, turn around and leave immediately!

Yan He only watched for a while before he understood his basic strategy.

Instead, it was Zhu Su!When they passed by the shop where the living people were hiding for the third time and refused to enter, they couldn't help asking: "Why didn't you enter again? Don't you like the things in this shop? The sneakers worn by the models are red! "

"Puchi!" Yan He really didn't expect that Zhu Su still remembered the red color until now!Immediately laughed out.

After Lu Cenfeng glanced at him with a darkened face, he said serious nonsense to Zhu Su, "You don't usually wear red! It's not every New Year's Eve."

"Oh! Understood!" After Zhu Su agreed, he suddenly realized slowly, looked at Yan He and asked, "Brother Yan, what were you laughing at just now?"

"I," Yan He was stunned!He hesitated for a long time but didn't know how to answer, so he cast a wink at Lu Cenfeng for help!
"If you don't help brother, I'll just say it straight!"

"Cough!" Lu Cenfeng cleared his throat hastily, then suddenly stretched his finger forward and said, "It seems that they are selling other things in front of you, let's go and have a look!"

"Good! Good! Let's go!" Yan He hurriedly encouraged, and took the lead in striding forward.

As a result, as soon as he turned the corner, he was shocked in place!

Yan He swallowed his saliva, and was greatly stimulated by the colorful ABCD cups in front of him!The words are incomplete!
Zhu Su who followed him was also very embarrassed when he saw that this was actually an underwear store!He didn't even dare to make a sound!

Seeing the two people looking very embarrassed, although Lu Cenfeng who arrived at the end was also very uncomfortable, he quickly used his mental strength to check the store first!Then he said: "There are only three zombies, let's go, Old Yan!"

"Really, really advanced?"

Yan He, who has never had a girlfriend at such an age, suddenly revealed a shyness that belongs only to a pure man!

However, Lu Cenfeng's voice in answering him was not much louder than his!Just a low "Yeah!" and it's over.

They all went in, and Zhu Su naturally had to follow.And if she hadn't met her now, she might really have to look for such a store in the future!After all, no matter how dirty the coat and trousers are, you can bear it, but it's impossible not to change these close-fitting things...

Fortunately, the two men in front were like chopping melons and vegetables. After chopping up the zombies in a few strokes, each of them found a corner to 'face the wall and think about the past'!Seeing this, Zhu Su relaxed a little.

It's just that her attack speed is not slow at all!Even faster than before!I don’t care if the size fits me or not, I don’t care if the style suits me or not, and I don’t care what material they are made of. I don’t even open the cardboard box against the wall to see what is in it, just pack it!

In just over a minute, at the speed of walking around the store, Zhu Su moved the entire store so that only the walls remained!
Only then did he say hello, "Okay! You can go now."

Hearing this, Lu Cenfeng hurriedly turned around and went out, deciding that he would not go into the next store, and just wait at the door!Anyway, Zhu Su searched this store so cleanly, there should be men's styles in it that he can wear...

After two and a half walks in four directions, Lu Cenfeng finally saw one of the important destinations of his trip, the outdoor goods store!

Seeing that the sign was quite big, he walked in while killing zombies.

Yan He also loves this place very much!Grab this one to have a look, take that one out to play with, your hands are always busy!

Only Zhu Su, except for the tent, hat, shoes and backpack, seems to have no idea what other things can be used for.So after collecting the things she knew, she stood in the shop and waited for someone to tell her what more things she wanted to collect.

Soon Lu Cenfeng pointed and spoke, "Put away all these ropes! Sleeping bags! Lights! Flashlights! Kettles! Knives! Cooking utensils! Telescopes! And other useful things, you should put them away!"

Zhu Su: "..."

How does she know what things are useful? !

oops!Just put it all away!Anyway, there is still a lot of empty space in the space!
She was working hard, when Yan He suddenly spoke up!
"Xiao Zhu, come quickly! Help me put these away!"

"What?" Zhu Su had no choice but to leave all kinds of gas stoves, gas tanks and alcohol stoves that were half collected, and trot to his side first.

"This! And this! That!"

"Isn't this just a barrel?" Zhu Su asked casually, "Why use it?"

"Put in oil! Gasoline!" Yan He was suddenly a little worried, feeling that these oil barrels were too small!It would be nice to have some big containers that can be used to hold water without oil!

"What about this? What are these!"

Zhu Su suddenly discovered something that she had never seen or used before, so she couldn't help asking.

"Air pumps, these are tools that can be used in cars! They are not for people." Yan He explained patiently.

"Oh!" Zhu Su nodded and continued to put it away, saying as he put it away, "I know this! It's a medical first aid kit. This is a storage box, right? And this, a compass?"

"Compass!" Lu Cenfeng came over at some point and corrected her.

"Uh, what? There's even a compass?" Forgive her ignorance, because Zhu Su is usually a house girl, and never participates in outdoor activities organized by the school or work unit, such as mountain climbing and camping.

"It can guide, of course it can also point north." Lu Cenfeng didn't want to explain too much the difference between these two tools, but directly pulled Zhu Su up and left!And walked and said: "Come with me, there are still a few things you need to collect here."

Yan He curled his lips silently behind him, and suddenly shouted: "By the way, find a bigger container to hold oil and water!"

"Understood!" Lu Cenfeng replied impatiently, and suddenly thought he was noisy.

However, Zhu Su said: "Brother Yan is right! We can indeed find more containers to store water in!"

In this way, she will not have to worry about water for bathing in the future!It would be perfect to add a bathtub!

well!She really wants to take a bath now!RVs are so inconvenient...

(End of this chapter)

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