Chapter 34 Self-blame
"That's right! They must not die..."

"Zhu Su!!" Although Lu Cenfeng turned around and rushed over just as soon as he sensed the abnormality in his mental power, he only had time to catch Zhu Su's limp body, and he couldn't stop her from releasing the power at all!
"Little Zhu'er!!" Although Yan He was a step slower, he moved close to Zhu Su's body and quickly checked her pulse. When he found that she was still alive, his whole heart finally relaxed a little.

Then he swallowed, and once again looked up at the empty surroundings!He said in a low voice: "Lu, Captain Lu! Did Little Zhuer really do this?!"

Lu Cenfeng changed his posture silently, picked up Zhu Suda and looked around, and suddenly took a deep breath!Chao Yanhe nodded silently.

"...Then let's go now,"

"Look for a shop and wait, there must be a tent! Later, you can guard the door later!"

"Success!" Yan He agreed without saying a word!
After waiting, the two waited from dawn to dark.

But it was through time that I learned that it should be dark outside, because the mall is still brightly lit everywhere!There is no difference between brightness and daytime.

"Captain Lu? Don't keep waiting, eat something too!"

After relying on the food and water in his backpack to solve the dinner, Yan He walked to the edge of the tent to remind him.


Lu Cenfeng nodded his head, but he didn't move.

"Tsk!" Yan He suddenly bared his teeth, and asked bluntly again, "Do you really like her?"

Lu Cenfeng's breathing was slightly stagnant, and he fell silent for a while.

In the end, he admitted lightly but forcefully: "I've identified her!"

Yan He immediately took a deep breath!

A little puzzled, but also a little puzzled and surprised: "How many days have you known each other? Two days? Three days?"

"...Three days! Tomorrow we should leave."

"Where are you going?"

"back office!"

Take revenge!
"Company? You don't want to collect some security protective gear, do you? Or do you want security materials?" Yan He was amused as he talked. Their company's products are not suitable for eating or drinking, so there is really no need to go back for a special visit trip!It's better to find a shop to collect a few sets to save trouble!
Lu Cenfeng also smiled lightly, "I have them all! Since I'm going back, I have to grab something casually."

"Seriously! Why do you have to go back to the company?" Yan He seriously asked as if joking: "If we want to go out of the city, it doesn't matter which direction we go from?"

Lu Cenfeng also put away his smile, and said with a serious expression: "It's really different! Next, we're going in the direction of Yancheng! The first destination is the Ludong base, and it's just on the way back to the company."

Yan He had some doubts, "It's only been three days! Can the base be built so quickly?"

"When we get there, it will probably take shape."

Yan He understood in an instant!Along the way, there is still work to be done...

There was nothing left to ask, so Yan He patted his butt and got up and said, "I'm going back to the door to guard!"

Lu Cenfeng didn't stop him, and agreed directly.

"Okay! I'll replace you in the middle of the night!"

When he woke up, Zhu Su felt like he had soaked in a hot bath for too long, and his head was dizzy!Still a little hard to breathe!

So he couldn't help but groaned.

But immediately she heard someone calling her: "Zhu Su! Zhu Su? Wake up! Can you hear me? How do you feel?"

Zhu Sudai frowned slightly, squinted at Lu Cenfeng, and blurted out a word in an instant!

"why is it you again?"


Lu Cenfeng frowned slightly, not knowing where she came from.

"That is, do you like waking people up?"

Zhu Su opened his eyes completely while talking, and after scanning the situation in the tent, he wanted to sit up.As a result, as soon as his head left the pillow, gold stars appeared in front of his eyes!She had to close her eyes and fell back again.

After raising one hand to cover her eyes, she just thought about it for a while, and then remembered why she fainted before!He couldn't help but immediately put down his hands and opened his eyes again, "Where are those people?"


Lu Cenfeng really didn't want to provoke her, but he couldn't lie to make her believe that she hadn't done anything.

However, judging from his past experience, it is generally difficult for ordinary people to immediately accept that he killed people, let alone killing so many people at once!So after being silent for a while, he quickly comforted: "It's not your fault! You,"

"It wasn't my fault in the first place!" Zhu Su interrupted Lu Cenfeng's words suddenly, and excused himself: "I didn't intend to kill them, why did they insist on following! You still scolded me! You scolded me so ,"

Zhu Su suddenly sat up despite his dizziness!
Then he retreated his body to the corner of the tent as much as possible, just wishing to be far away from Lu Cenfeng, farther away!
Finally, he bowed his head and said to himself, "Why?"

Lu Cenfeng, who secretly clenched his hands but didn't dare to grab her, frowned, and asked, "What?"

It's a pity that before he could figure out the meaning of her question, Zhu Su immediately admitted, "It's my fault! I shouldn't have thought about it! I've already thought about it before..."

As she spoke, she slowly bent her back, as if her whole body was crushed by a heavy sense of guilt.

After covering his entire face with both hands, tears dripped down the quilt from his fingers in an instant!Tasting the bitter taste of tears, Zhu Su finally couldn't help sobbing: "It's all my fault! It's all because of my wild thinking! That's why so many people were implicated all at once! Not only killed them all! Even you Brother Yan also, "

"But I obviously never thought of killing them..."

Lu Cenfeng sat beside her silently, watching her blame herself and cry, but he didn't intend to step forward to persuade her.Because it's good to cry, at least it can reduce some of her psychological burden and anxiety, which is better than holding all her emotions in her heart.

It's just that he is also very uncomfortable at the moment!

Not because of those who died, just because of Jusu.Because her crying was so depressing, he felt a little suffocated just listening to it, a sense of powerlessness that he obviously didn't want her to be sad, but didn't know what to do.

It wasn't until several minutes later, when Lu Cenfeng could hardly bear it and put his arms in his arms to persuade her not to cry, that Zhu Su gradually calmed down and made new movements.

She took out a towel and a bottle of water from the space, quickly wet the towel to wipe off her face, and then put away the things again.Then he said: "I'm hungry, where's Brother Yan? Let's get some food!"

Lu Cenfeng stared at her red and swollen eyes a few more times, "He's already eaten! Let me eat with you."

"... What time is it now? Is it afternoon or evening?"

When he heard that he could only stay alone with him, Zhu Su immediately felt very uncomfortable and had nothing to say.

Without saying a word, Lu Cenfeng directly stretched out the arm with the watch in front of her, motioning for her to look for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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