Chapter 38 Questions
In the end, Zhu Su thought that Lu Cenfeng was directing her, so he quickly agreed with "Okay!" and turned around.

Lu Cenfeng had no choice but to turn off the fire after the last piece of cake came out of the pan, and said by name: "Old Yan! Take the cake away. Take the bowl and chopsticks to see if you can hold the porridge. I'm going to wash up." !"

"Ah! Okay, you go! I'll do it." As soon as the meal was mentioned, Yan He responded positively and raised his hands.

"This porridge," when Yan He approached Zhu Su, he originally wanted to ask if the porridge was ready, but when he saw the rare rice grains occasionally floating in the splash of water in the pot, he was stunned. Changed his words: "Is this porridge ready?"

Zhu Su, who also looked a little unhappy: "...will it turn into porridge if you cook it for a while longer?"

Yan He carefully looked at the porridge in the pot, "I'm afraid you have to cook it until noon! Forget it..."

When Lu Cenfeng sat at the table and looked at the porridge in his bowl, he suddenly felt as if he had returned to the most difficult days in his previous life!After that period of heavy snowfall, the pollution was serious, but because the gene fluid had not yet been researched, the abilities of all human supernatural beings were generally low and could not hunt and kill large mutant beasts, and everyone was struggling to survive on the remaining food.

It's just that eating like this now is definitely not enough!Not to mention that he is an awakened supernatural being, even Yan He must not have enough to eat now.

So after Lu Cenfeng sighed, he still said to Zhu Su: "Take out the rest of the fast food. If it's not broken, I'll heat it up for Yan and us to eat!"

Yan He said without blinking: "Okay!"

Zhu Su was very embarrassed and hurriedly stood up and said, "Well, you guys eat first! I'll heat it up!"

After speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

Yan He looked at her back, sighed and asked the question he had raised again, "Oh! This girl is really bad at cooking! Captain Lu, you really don't think about finding a cook for our team?"

"No, I'll cook all the meals in the future!" Lu Cenfeng said this in a tone as simple as saying that he was going to pour a glass of water.

But in Yan He's ears, these words are not simple at all!He immediately asked sharply: "It will be just the three of us in the future?"

"...Probably!" Lu Cenfeng's tone was not very sure, because he just didn't want to get involved with one more person right now, and he didn't mind having a few more good teammates around him, so he said it without saying a word. Die, just think about everything.

Yan He nodded and didn't speak any more.

Because of the tacit understanding for many years, he could understand the hidden meaning of Lu Cenfeng's words as soon as he heard Lu Cenfeng's tone, and he didn't need to ask any more questions.

Zhu Su quickly heated up all the fast food in a microwave oven. Because the amount was a little too much, one person came back and forth several times to bring it over. Then he sat down again with a sorry expression, and said, "I'm sorry! I increased your appetite again. Forget what you have done! In the future, "

"I'll cook in the future! Help me."

Lu Cenfeng suddenly interrupted Zhu Su, "Didn't you say that you are the best at fighting?"

"..." Zhu Su worked hard several times to keep his expression not to be too surprised!Then he hurriedly said, "Okay!"

Lu Cenfeng smirked while bowing his head to drink the porridge.

Because as far as her little thoughts and her little expression trying to hide, which one can hide from Yan He, who is known as the "Eagle Eye Radar", and Yan He, who was born as a scout?It's just that they don't want to poke her!
Next, the three of them, who took a rest after eating, prepared to go straight down to the fourth floor to continue yesterday's teaching.In fact, Lu Cenfeng's original plan was not like this, he just made a temporary adjustment last night so that he could sleep in a hotel room tonight.

And he didn't do it all because of Zhu Su, but also because he and Yan He also needed to take a bath.

Yan He didn't suddenly think of a question until he was about to leave!

"Don't your arms hurt?"

"It's okay!" Before the words finished, Zhu Su suddenly cried out in pain, "Ouch!"

Facing Zhu Su's glaring gaze, Lu Cenfeng not only calmly put down his hand that was gently squeezing her, but also told Yan He the real situation of her. "Muscle soreness is obviously caused by overexertion! We must reduce the dose today."


Zhu Su really wants to say that she is not afraid of this little pain!It's a pity that neither of the two men planned to give her a chance to speak.

As soon as Yan He took the lead, Lu Cenfeng immediately pushed Zhu Su to follow!Soon the three of them rushed out of the stairs on the fourth floor.

This time, Lu Cenfeng did not stand by and watch as he did yesterday, but also joined the battle.And while killing zombies, he taught Zhu Su in a low voice how to learn efficient and labor-saving hacking methods.

Although Zhu Su is not very used to his close approach from time to time and the occasional hand-in-hand teaching, he has to admit that his teaching is indeed much better than yesterday's Yan He.

At least after more than an hour passed, Zhu Su, who understood why he did that and then imitated his actions, was already very proficient in using a method that saved a lot of effort than yesterday, and easily chopped off a knife with two knives. The head of the zombie is gone.

"The comprehension is good, but the strength and accuracy are still lacking. Rest in place! Drink some water and continue in 10 minutes!"

Before he knew it, Lu Cenfeng trained Zhu Su as if he was a member of his team. Even the tone of his speech unconsciously changed to the way he gave orders.It was just because the other two were already used to following his instructions, so they didn't feel anything wrong at all.

So this kind of scene continued until noon, when Zhu Su suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom.

"Let's go! Let's go together!"

Zhu Su took it for granted that what Lu Cenfeng meant was to say, "Everyone go over together, and then each go his own way!"

In the end, he didn't expect that when he reached the fork, he took Yan He and walked into the women's toilet with her naturally...

In desperation, she had no choice but to stand still in front of the two rows of pits, turned around and said, "You guys,"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, Lu Cenfeng suddenly raised his right hand and pressed several fingers together on her lips!He turned his head and gave Yan He a wink!


"Ah! Ah!"

When two short exclamations of different heights came from the pit closest to her, Zhu Su was stunned!

She never expected that people could even hide in the toilet!
Don't you think it tastes good?
In fact, this is because she has lived so smoothly since the end of the world until now!If she was also suddenly blocked by zombies in the shopping mall, let alone hiding in the toilet, she would still have to hide in even a disgusting place!

After all, life-saving is the most important thing!
(End of this chapter)

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