Chapter 45 Pharmacy
The people under the car couldn't help cursing one after another, and the vicious words were finally thrown away without a trace until the car started and jumped out.

"Why do we meet this kind of people who don't want to be self-reliant and self-reliant, but just want to rely on others!"

Yan He was a little depressed and authentic.

Zhu Su lowered his head slightly, and said "um" in a barely audible voice.I can't blame her for being suddenly guilty, because it seems that when she first heard Lu Cenfeng talk about the end of the world, she also had the same thoughts as those people...

"Don't worry about them!" Lu Cenfeng said bluntly, not to mention that those people are eating and drinking well because they are hiding in the supermarket, they are still too early to die!Even if they were on the verge of starving to death, Lu Cenfeng would still leave without blinking like now, leaving some food and drink at most.

Who made human life in the last days so cheap!If you don't want to save yourself, then wait for death.

Like those people just now, if they don't change their minds quickly and go out bravely, death will only be a matter of time for them!Unless someone is willing to take them by their side and protect them for the rest of their lives.

But how is that possible?
At least Lu Lingfeng would never do such a stupid thing!
"I love to hear that!" Yan He said loudly, "I thought you were going to take them into the car just now!"

Lu Cenfeng slowly revealed a slightly sarcastic smile, "Take them into the car? Why not take the mother and daughter before! At least they are more valuable than this bunch of trash."

Zhu Su: "..."

If she doesn't have space now, she should be one of those trash, right?

It's just that Zhu Su, who thought it was scary even thinking about it like this, suddenly felt that she was not practicing enough to kill zombies!For example, she was only focused on collecting supplies just now because of the need for a quick battle, and the situation of the hotel warehouse last night that required a particularly efficient assassination, she had no time or ability to kill zombies at all.

It can't go on like this!

She has to think of a way to get more opportunities to participate in the battle!

Otherwise, if she continues to mess around like this, she will be turned into a waste by the two men around her!


"By the way! You said to finish work early, but it turns out it's not even noon yet! Is it too early to find a place to rest?" Yan He's voice was loud, overpowering Zhu Su in an instant, and asked Lu Cenfeng.

"Yes! I know." Lu Cenfeng looked at the road ahead, and suddenly said to Yan He: "Turn right ahead! There is a large chain pharmacy over there, let's go and collect some medicines for preparation!"

"Okay! Trauma medicine and anti-inflammatory medicine really need to be prepared! Don't have to look for it when you need it!"

Yan He turned the car and drove into the fork on the right. After driving for less than a minute, he saw the door of a pharmacy.But at the same time, he also saw the cars parked in front of the pharmacy.

"Someone came earlier than us! Are you still going in?"

"Go down and have a look!" Lu Cenfeng said while motioning Yan He to stop.

I still thought in my heart, after all, there are not many supernatural beings in the space system, and they just met one before, so they probably won't meet again so soon.

As a result, as soon as the three of them entered, they found that the mother and daughter were in the pharmacy!They were accompanied by a middle-aged uncle with a beer belly who was a bit older.

It's just unfortunate that although the uncle is dressed very high-end, he has a disheveled face and doesn't look very healthy.

"I really didn't expect to meet you here. This is my husband Luan Hai." The woman in the wheelchair said immediately, "Old Luan, it was thanks to their help that Yuanyuan and I were able to go home and find him. you!"

"Ah, thank you! Thank you!" Luan Hai stretched out his hands and wanted to take a step forward to hold Lu Cenfeng, but after feeling his repulsive temperament, he suddenly turned around halfway and pulled past Yan He's. hand!While shaking up and down, he sighed: "You are all good people! Although the world has changed, as long as there are people like you working hard, human beings will not lose the courage to live!"

"Old Luan!" As soon as he heard him talking, he made a high profile again, Madam Luan hurriedly stopped her husband.

"We are here to help Lao Luan find medicine, and you must be too. So let's not waste time, everyone should hurry up!"

"Okay!" Yan He quickly took his hand out of Luan Hai's, the sense of seeing him suddenly received by the leader really made him drunk.

There are four cars outside, but there are more than a dozen people in the pharmacy. Except for Luan Hai's family, who may be slow to move the wheelchair, everyone else has already wandered between the shelves and searched.

After Lu Cenfeng signaled Zhu Su to leave with his eyes, he followed her and walked towards the external medicine area.

Unfortunately, there happened to be someone here, two men.They are discussing to call Mrs. Luan to come over and wrap up all the trauma medicines here!
After Zhu Su heard this, he naturally stopped and looked sideways at Lu Cenfeng.

Lu Cenfeng just pondered for a while and said, "Let's go! Change to another."

Unexpectedly, the two who were talking vigorously hadn't noticed Zhu Su, but now they were awakened by his voice, and immediately looked up at them.

"Yo! Buddy! I'm here to find medicine too! You're very particular about what you say, and you know that everything should come first, first served! Or, let's give him two bottles?" The last sentence was obviously a discussion with his companion.

"No need!"

After Lu Cenfeng nodded lightly at the other party, he greeted Zhu Su again and said, "Let's go."

Zhu Su had no choice but to agree and followed him.

Unexpectedly, another man's voice suddenly came from behind, "Hey! That girl is so beautiful!! Just one side of her face just stunned me! If only I had such a beautiful girlfriend!"

"What's so difficult about it! It's the end of the world, and it's not easy to find a beautiful woman with your current skills?! Let alone Luan,"

"Stop! That's not my type! I just like her..."

Zhu Su: "..."

Her kind?Which is she? !
And she is not someone's girlfriend!She's pretty sure she's definitely single right now!single! !

Without saying goodbye to the Luan family, the three returned directly to the RV.It wasn't until the vehicle was set on fire that Yan He said again: "Next destination?"

"Wait a minute! I'll take a look at the electronic map first!"

Lu Cenfeng took the mobile phone that Zhu Su handed over in time, and opened the APP soon after turning it on.

After checking, I found out that there is another pharmacy not far from here.Although it is not as famous as this one, you can go to see the situation, so I pointed out the way to Yan He and asked him to drive there.

In less than 5 minutes, they came near the pharmacy on the map.However, they found that this place seemed to have experienced a large-scale fighting not long ago, and human blood was almost everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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