Chapter 50
After Zhu Su came out of the bathroom, neither of them brought up the previous topic in a tacit understanding, as if that confession did not exist.

Lu Cenfeng even took the initiative to call Yan He over, and the three of them prepared dinner together.

It's just that Yan He looked at the two equally expressionless faces on the left and right, but he always felt that Lu Cenfeng and Zhu Su got along with each other somewhat delicately!There is quite a sense of calm on the surface but a turbulent undercurrent underneath.

The cold night was long, and Zhu Su, who was exhausted, went to bed early.Lu Cenfeng, who had no intention of sleeping, went straight to the opposite door after she fell asleep.

This night he still could only sleep on the sofa, but it was placed in the living room.

So as long as you move lightly when you leave, you won't wake up Zhu Su in the bedroom.

Yan He was already snoring, but he was startled by Lu Cenfeng who suddenly entered the room and sat up from the bed!
"It's me!" Lu Cenfeng hurriedly said.

But in fact, he didn't need to say it, Yan He himself had already seen it when he turned on the flashlight.So he immediately turned off the flashlight again, yawned and complained: "What are you doing, Captain Lu? You don't sleep in the middle of the night!"

"Can't sleep! Talk to you."

"Hiss!" Hearing his words, Yan He immediately regained his spirits!

Because Lu Cenfeng's behavior is expected to explode at him!

"Tell me! Is it because of little Zhuer! What did you two talk about today?"

"Yeah!" Lu Cenfeng didn't deny it, but he was a little embarrassed to say the last sentence, "I, I asked her if she liked me, but she denied it!"

"Hiss! This shouldn't be!" Yan He scratched his head, "I think her usual behavior is quite obvious, she should be interested in you, how could she not admit it?"

"I don't know!" Lu Cenfeng shook his head, "Otherwise I wouldn't have come to ask you!"

"Well, have you confessed? What did she say? Let me analyze it carefully for you, buddy!"

Lu Cenfeng told Yan He the situation at that time intact, except for the last paragraph he said, and other details.

After listening, Yan He took a deep breath and said, "Let me think about it! Let me think about it first!"

After a while, Yan He, who had never found a girlfriend before, turned his head to look at Lu Cenfeng and said, "Ah! I understand!"

Lu Cenfeng immediately lifted his spirits! "Understand what? Tell me!"

"How can you catch up with your girlfriend just once? Most girls are more reserved, so you need to chase them a few more times! Isn't it always like this on TV? You have to send flowers and gifts first, and then ask her to go shopping and watch a movie." What the hell! After a few more confessions, it will definitely be done!"

"But it's easy to talk about giving gifts, but the rest is a bit difficult!"

"Is that so?" Lu Cenfeng, who had never chased girls before, asked again with some uncertainty.

"Of course it is! You listened to me, you must be right!" Yan He continued to make suggestions: "How about changing the shopping and watching movies to you eating with her alone a few times? Then I will find a place to hide for a while. Hide, you can also make a candlelight dinner like that on TV! Don’t you say, ‘If you want to capture a person’s heart, you must first capture her stomach’? I think she really likes to eat your cooking !"

After hearing this, Lu Cenfeng pondered for a moment, and felt that Yan He's words still made sense!

So he said: "Then when you have a chance, pass by the bookstore and find more recipes! There are also candles."

"OK! No problem!" Yan He thought he had perfectly solved Lu Cenfeng's problem, so sleepiness flooded his head again.After yawning a lot, he immediately started to push people away, "If you have nothing else to do, go back to sleep!"

"En! I'm leaving." After getting a satisfactory answer, Lu Cenfeng didn't delay any longer, and turned around and went back directly following Yan He's words.

So when eating early the next morning, Zhu Su was suddenly asked what he likes to eat!After Lu Cenfeng finished asking, Yan He asked, and after Yan He finished, Lu Cenfeng asked again, until she couldn't think of anything else she had to say, so they finally stopped talking.

Zhu Su felt baffled in his heart, until he followed the two to their company's factory, and finally diverted his attention.

"Why is there no one here?"

"Nonsense! Knowing that the end of the world is coming, why don't you hurry up and give the employees a holiday? I called early in the morning to inform everyone in the company to leave!" Yan He explained with a little complacency.

"Oh! Then what are we here for?"

"Pretend whatever you want! That's what Team Lu said."

As soon as Yan He finished speaking, Lu Cenfeng suddenly retorted: "Did I say that? Let's go! Go and collect the spare generator and diesel!"

"I'm going! I almost forgot that we still have this good thing!" After Yan He scolded with a smile, he suddenly realized: "That thing is a bit loud, right?"

"It's okay! It will be useful in the future!"

Since Lu Cenfeng said it was useful, the things had to be packed away in the end. There were also a lot of security facilities and equipment, such as a complete set of surveillance cameras and other supplies.

When I walked out of the company, it was still early.

Yan He thought that they could drive directly onto the highway and leave City W, so he couldn't help but be filled with longing for the base.

But Lu Cenfeng suddenly commanded him: "Go to the nearby village in the city first!"

"No? What are we doing there?"

Yan He was extremely surprised.

Maybe Zhu Su didn't know about it, but Yan He knew it!Apart from rows of bungalows in that dilapidated place, there are at most a few snack bars and small shops on the road facing the street. There is really nothing to collect!
Lu Cenfeng didn't answer, and said directly: "Hurry up and drive! Don't ask too many questions!"

"...Okay! You are the boss, you have the final say!" Yan He saw that he didn't want to talk, so he didn't ask.

Soon they approached the entrance of the village in the city, unexpectedly, they could see a row of stalled cars end-to-end in the middle of the road from a distance, blocking the road completely.

Yan He immediately sucked his teeth and said with a smile: "It seems that there is already an owner here!"

"Put the car away! Let's go in!" Lu Cenfeng directed again without hesitation.

It's a pity that although they wanted to go over quickly, some people didn't want to let them go so happily!

"Stop! Who are you! What are you doing here?"

The three who wanted to pass by the front of the convoy had just approached, when the man sitting in the driver's seat of the first car smoking a cigarette suddenly put down the half-open window and shouted!
"We're passing by! I want to go in and find something to eat and drink. Where are you two?" Yan He immediately took the conversation and answered casually.

The man sitting in the co-pilot seat turned his head when he heard this, but he immediately started to chase people away: "Let's go! Let's go! What to eat and drink, don't you know that Haifeng Village is our brother Cong's place?" ? Running here to find things, you are impatient with your life!"

 The editor greatly said that the recommended position this time is for PK, and I hope that book friends can help out and vote for it!Strive for a smooth promotion!

  PS: Double updates for three consecutive days!Next update at [-]pm.

  Recommended tickets, monthly tickets are all tickets, and rewards are all rewards...

(End of this chapter)

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