Chapter 53 Protection
"You can't answer, right?" Zhu Su smiled wryly, and looked at Lu Cenfeng.

"I know that you take care of me as a woman, so you always want to avoid seeing some uncomfortable scenes. But don't forget that this is the end of the world, and if you want to be self-reliant, you have to adapt to the environment! It's not what you said, no one can always Do you expect others to protect you?"

Lu Cenfeng really wanted to answer immediately, you can count on me!

But in the end he still held back and didn't say that.

After self-reflection, he had to admit that what Zhu Su said was correct.

So he raised his hand and released a row of mental power spikes, which accurately pierced through the heads of ten ordinary people.Greeted Yan He and said, "Take him! Let's go upstairs together."

The him here refers to the only living person here, the skinny man Cong Ming called "Little Yuzi".

And Yan He also understood the intention of bringing the thin man, this is a test specially prepared for him by the Lu team!

The skinny man who had imagined that as long as Cong Ming died, he would have nothing to do with him, now seeing that he really could not escape the fate of being killed, immediately glared at Lu Cenfeng fiercely and shouted: "Don't be proud of yourself! One day you will I will be killed just like me! Didn’t I just play with a few women? What’s the matter? You guys are better than me? The woman with me must be a beautiful girl! Don’t say you haven’t tasted it. Live her taste..."

"Boom!" Yan He punched the thin man hard in the face, now without Lu Cenfeng's test, Yan He wanted to kill him himself!
The thin man was instantly stunned.

But then, Zhu Su also turned around and slapped him hard!

The thin man who came back to his senses immediately became furious!

While crazily gathering the little energy left in his body, he cursed: "I'm an idiot! Killing people is nothing more than a nod, and you're riding a horse and letting a woman slap me in the face? I'll fight with you!"

"Be careful!" Lu Cenfeng had just yelled this sentence, before he had time to do anything, Xiao Yuzi suddenly fired two throwing knives at the same time!
Yan He quickly raised his hand to block it!Although he managed to block the flying knife from entering his chest, blood oozes from his arm immediately.

At this moment, Lu Cenfeng didn't care about Guan Yanhe at all, and quickly released a sharp cone of mental power to shoot through Xiao Yuzi's eyebrows at the fastest speed, smashing his golden core!
Then he seriously warned: "It is a big taboo to irritate people with supernatural powers! Although people with supernatural powers don't know that they can self-destruct their cores, if this happens again, they must be resolved quickly!"

Zhu Su, who had just healed Yan He's wound, suddenly looked back and was startled! "Can supernatural beings explode themselves?"

"Not only supernatural beings! In addition to zombies and zombie animals whose core is located in the heart, mutant animals whose core is also located between the brows of the head are also acceptable! In fact, humans still learned this trick from mutant animals."

"Mutated animals?!"

What kind of apocalypse did she travel to?Zhu Su swallowed, and asked in shock: "What about the plants? Are there any mutations?"

Lu Cenfeng said without hesitation: "Probably not! They are almost dead, at least I haven't heard of any mutations."

"Huh!" Zhu Su patted his chest half-heartedly, if it was just an animal, it would be alright.

However, Lu Cenfeng immediately continued: "It's just zombies and mutated animals, and we humans can't handle it anymore. If plants also mutate, humans will have no way out!"

Zhu Su: "..."

Why did she suddenly have an ominous premonition...

"Everyone is dead, are you sure you want to go upstairs to take a look?" Lu Cenfeng suddenly confirmed to Zhu Su again.

"go with!"

"Okay then! Old Yan,"

"I am coming too!"

Lu Cenfeng sighed, and suddenly turned around and went downstairs.

From the looks of it, he didn't intend to follow up and watch it a second time!

This move of his undoubtedly cast a shadow over the minds of Yan Zhu and the two of them, making them immediately realize that the matter might be more serious than they imagined.

I didn't expect it to happen!
Originally, the two of them thought that there might be too many victims this time, so Lu Cenfeng couldn't bear to let Zhu Su see it.

In the end, it never occurred to me that there were not only young women in the rooms on the second floor, but also girls, and even little girls... They all looked numb and turned a blind eye to the two coming in and out.

But only from the various scars on their exposed skin, we can see how cruel the treatment they have suffered before.

Zhu Su clenched his teeth, and in a daze pushed all the rooms away and looked at them!Various emotions rolled in my heart, but in the end they all converged into one sentence!

"Only when you become stronger, you won't treat me like a fish!"

"Let's go, Jusu."

Yan He only saw the second room and already understood it, and didn't want to look any further.The reason why I didn't dissuade Zhu Su was not because I had the same idea as her, but because I thought that after watching it this time, she probably wouldn't go to see it again if similar situations happened next time...

It has to be said that the brain circuits of men and women are not on the same line by nature.

After the two went downstairs, before Yan He could speak, Lu Cenfeng said, "Old Yan! Go and call in those sneaky guys outside! We should go too."

Soon, a group of people led by the man who led them at the entrance of the village was brought in by Yan He.As soon as he entered, the man immediately said in amazement: "Why did you kill them all?!"

"If you don't kill them, you can keep them for the New Year?!"

Zhu Su said angrily!
"But, but they also have seniors and juniors! What will their families do in the future?"

Zhu Su looked at the guide in surprise, but he didn't expect that this man was actually a man with some attributes of a holy father!

People like this... It's better to stay away from him quickly!

So as not to be glued!

Obviously, Lu Cenfeng thought so too.

So after hearing the man's words, he immediately said: "People and supplies are on the second floor, we didn't move! Go up and figure it out yourself! Let's go!"

As soon as his footsteps moved, Yan He and Zhu Su immediately followed!
As a result, the holy man immediately stretched out his hand and stopped in front of the three of them.

"Well, since you have already killed these gangsters, you should be the masters of Haifeng Village. Why do you want to leave?"

Yan He just thought it was funny, "We didn't come to occupy the mountain and be king, why don't we leave? We really stayed here for the New Year!"

"But! If you leave, what will happen to the people in this village? You have killed the only two supernatural beings, who will protect us?"

"Ha!" Yan He laughed out of anger, with a chill in his laughter!Suddenly he asked in a deep voice: "Who will protect you? Those women upstairs, could it be that you paid the protection fee! Don't they have any relatives? Or are they all dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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