Chapter 61
When the end of the world came, it was time for dinner in the factory. Fortunately, he was alert enough to find his sister as soon as he found something wrong, so that he could take her into the dormitory together.

It's just that there is nothing to eat in his dormitory, and there are still many people in the building waiting for the night shift to become zombies.Fortunately, some male colleagues escaped as fast as him, so after discussion, everyone decided to close the building first, and then clean up the zombies and collect food together.

In the next few days, people began to have a fever and awaken their abilities one after another. Zhang Lei and his sister also awakened one after the other.He felt that there was less and less food in the building, and he would starve to death sooner or later if he stayed in the building, not to mention that he learned from the phone that his parents were still alive, so he made up his mind to leave the factory with his younger sister...

As for the two people with water and fire abilities, it was because they were fellow villagers and wanted to go home, so they went with them.

It's just that the snoring of those two people was too loud!No matter whose turn it was for the three men to watch the night, Zhang Lei couldn't really sleep well.Boring all night, he was thinking about how to solve this problem, when Zhang Weiwei, who was sleeping not far from him, suddenly sat up from the bed!

"Brother, I can't sleep!"

"What's wrong! Did they bother you?"

"Hmm... it's a bit." Zhang Weiwei said with a guilty conscience.

Zhang Lei mistook it for the truth, and immediately made up his mind: "Tomorrow night! Tomorrow night, my brother will let them watch the night together! We will be together the day after tomorrow. From now on, we will change it to two groups, and we will not let them sleep separately again!"

"Well, thank you brother." Zhang Weiwei moved to Zhang Lei and sat down while talking.There was some silence at first, but after a while, he suddenly said in a quiet tone: "Brother! Tell me, is that person really as powerful as you guessed?"

"...There should be!" It was only at this moment that Zhang Lei belatedly guessed what his sister was thinking.For a moment, he felt as if a five-flavored bottle had been knocked over, and he felt everything.

But he just didn't know what to say to her.

After all, she just saw him for the first time today, and she can't forget him, so is there any other reason besides looking at his face?But what's the use of being handsome?It's the end of the world, no matter how beautiful your face is, you can't eat it!
What's more, that person is not only handsome, but he is also a very difficult master...

Zhang Lei felt that his younger sister was probably wasting her time in vain this time, because judging from the previous situation, people were not interested in her at all.

But Lu Cenfeng, who was not easy to provoke in the eyes of outsiders, was sitting on the side of the bed at this moment, leaning over gently, hugging a girl and coaxing gently, "Zhu Su! Wake up! Don't be afraid, I'm here! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

Zhu Su, who was trapped in a nightmare, was already so frightened that he was about to cry!But as Lu Cenfeng's deep whispers kept ringing in her ears, she slowly and slowly regained her composure.

But her consciousness also woke up from her sleep.

Slowly opened his eyes, there was a blackness in front of his eyes, but he smelled a very warm and familiar smell at the end of his nose.On such a winter night that makes her heart tremble, nothing can attract Zhu Su more than this!At that moment, without thinking about anything, she immediately raised her arms and hugged him tightly!
"!" Lu Cenfeng, who was caught off guard, was immediately pulled down by Zhu Su!The first feeling is that it is so soft and...

In the next second, he suddenly realized what he was doing and quickly put his elbows on the bed!Forcibly propped up his upper body.When he spoke again, his tone was inevitably a little awkward, "Zhu Su, let go first."

Zhu Su shook his head quickly!The arms hugged even tighter involuntarily!A few mischievous strands of hair swept back and forth along the side of Lu Cenfeng's neck following her movements, causing him a slight itchiness.

Lu Cenfeng couldn't help but tilt his head slightly to avoid it.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Zhu Su turned his head and called softly, "Lu Cenfeng?"

Immediately, there was another kind of itching different from just now, and it got into Lu Cenfeng's ears along with her warm breath, making him stunned for several seconds!

After recovering, Lu Cenfeng immediately gasped!Quickly bit the bullet and ordered forcefully: "Zhu Su! Let me go first!"

This time, Zhu Su obviously hesitated for a moment!
Then he slowly relaxed his arms obediently, and stopped hugging so hard.

It's just that she didn't want to let him go completely immediately.

But Lu Cenfeng couldn't care less about it anymore, he quickly took this opportunity to break free from her, and quickly sat up straight!
Seeing this, Zhu Su had no choice but to put down his hands silently, and sat up without saying a word.And with those eyes that have adapted to the darkness, he stared closely at Lu Cenfeng's figure in the silence.

Under her scorching gaze, Lu Cenfeng only felt uncomfortable in his whole body!
Even though she knew she couldn't see clearly in the dark night, she still turned sideways silently, deliberately covering her figure.In his heart, he secretly slandered the badness of the spiritual power, so that he couldn't even ignore her attention!

"I..." Seeing that Lu Cenfeng stopped talking, Zhu Su, who was afraid that he would go back to sleep immediately, hesitated for a while, but because of the fear in his heart, he could only ask softly, "Can you stay with me for a while?"

Lu Cenfeng didn't intend to just leave Zhu Su alone, but immediately agreed after hearing the words: "Of course! You...are you unable to sleep?"

"Well! I'm a little scared." Zhu Su said honestly.

Lu Cenfeng habitually raised his hand and patted her again, "Don't be afraid! Dreams and reality are the opposite."

"I know." Knowing that Lu Cenfeng would not leave for the time being, Zhu Su finally felt a little relieved.After lowering her eyes and not looking at him anymore, she stared at his hand on the back of her hand and became dazed.

Lu Cenfeng moved a little uncomfortably when she saw her, but he didn't take his hand back.

Instead, suddenly, he grabbed her tightly!
Zhu Su immediately raised his head suddenly!Silently looked at him again!
Lu Cenfeng subconsciously held her hand even tighter!Some impulsively said: "Since you can't sleep, let's chat!"

Zhu Su didn't make any movement, but was silent for a moment.

Then he asked with some hesitation: "... What are you talking about?"

"Talk...Talk that I like you! Why don't you admit that you like me too?"

His eyes were astonishingly bright in the darkness, which made Zhu Su's heart move slightly, and he couldn't help blurting out: "I have a question to ask you, can you answer me truthfully first?"

Lu Cenfeng immediately nodded without thinking, "Yes!"

Zhu Su pursed his lips, and his tone was never serious before, "Look at this face, think it over before you talk! Is it me you like? Or her? If this body is just ugly, you will still like it." ?"

(End of this chapter)

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