Chapter 77 Fire
"We have our own car!" A young man standing behind Sui Yi hurriedly stepped forward and said eagerly!

Yan Hezheng wanted to say, "We can't bring a car even if we have one, we're just staying somewhere else!"

Unexpectedly, Sui Yi suddenly retorted: "I don't have a car! I just want to go with you!"

The young man who said they had a car just now turned his head for a moment!There was a bit of disbelief in the eyes looking at Sui Yi.

Sui Yi didn't care about him at all!Not even a corner of his eye was left for him.

After sneaking a sneaky glance at Zhu Su, he then said loudly: "They have a car, I don't have a car! Anyway, there are only three people in your car, and I can't fit any more." !"

"Heh!" Yan He really laughed angrily now!Is this kid used to raising his uncle at home every day?

He also said that he thought everyone in the world was fucking!Everyone has to get used to him.

And in that glance from Sui Yi just now, Lu Cenfeng's patience was finally completely exhausted!He pulled the car door and pushed Zhu Su up without saying a word, and then he got into the back seat and sat directly beside her!

Then he slapped the back of the driver's seat in the front seat heavily!With fire in his eyes, he shouted in a dark tone: "Don't leave yet!"

Yan He: "!"

It's over!He shouldn't have been talking nonsense just now, now Captain Lu is really angry!
He is still obedient and drive quickly!Otherwise, Team Lu might have to hold back some big tricks to deal with him!

Thinking about being in the team back then... Forget it, forget it, I can't think about it anymore, if I think about it, my face will be full of tears!

Without waiting for the people in Mishan Village to react, Yan He kicked the accelerator and kicked the car out!The superior performance of the off-road vehicle was brought into play at once, and it drove towards the crop field like an arrow off the string.

Fortunately, in this winter, there are no crops in the field, so the car drives very smoothly.

But the village head of Mishan Village who saw this scene, who was also the only old man present, was so pissed off!
He pointed at the buttocks of the car but wanted to scold but didn't dare to scold, wanted to get angry but had nowhere to do it, and finally could only shake his hand violently angrily!He turned around and went into the yard again... As long as the bear son of his family can't follow the people, the field will be crushed if it is crushed!At worst, Kai Chun'er will clean up again.

Sui Yi was suddenly startled, and hurried forward to chase twice!Seeing that he couldn't catch up, he immediately pointed at the car's butt and cursed!
It's a pity, but it's useless to scold.

Although he was unwilling to be left behind like this, there was nothing he could do about it. Who would let his father hold the keys of their car all the time!
He can't start the car without a key like in the movie, so naturally he can't leave the village for half a step.

And now it's not just his family like this, the group of people behind him are like this in almost every family!That’s Sui Chao who just said that he has a car, and two parents who turned into zombies and were killed, only the old man and old lady are left, so they can drive away if they want to drive away...

Unlike Sui Yi, who had a car at home and couldn't drive, he felt depressed at the moment, Yan He, who drove the car on the right road, now looked relaxed.

I don't know if it's because of staying with Lu Dui and Zhu Su for a long time, forming a habit.It was only today that Yan He suddenly realized that he seemed to not want any more people in their team.

Even after getting rid of those villagers in Mishan Village, he still felt a faint sense of joy in his heart!I feel that I can finally stay together quietly with only three people!

Just like that, Yan He hummed a song in his heart, not to attract the attention of Lu Cenfeng, who was angry in the back seat, and drove out of the border of Mishan Village along the way, heading towards a certain scenic spot in City Y.

Anyway, there are no traffic rules after the end of the world, so he simply stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

But his heart is indeed beautiful, and it is rare that he can let go of his body and mind and enjoy the fun of drag racing!But Zhu Su suffered a disaster. After taking the motion sickness medicine, he still felt that his mind was full of mud, and his whole body was groggy...

But she also knew that it would be dark in four hours, and it was really impossible for Yan He to hurry up!

After all, they don't take the high speed, and the destination is still a long way from here. If there is any unexpected situation on the road, they will really not be able to reach it before dark!

As for finding another temporary place to spend the night on the road?That's not enough to clean up the zombies!

Lu Cenfeng obviously understood this too, so he didn't ask Yan He to slow down because Zhu Su was uncomfortable.He just silently raised his arms and hugged her in his arms, hugged her shoulders and said, "Let me sleep for a while! I saw that when you were motion sick before, it didn't seem so uncomfortable when you fell asleep."

"Well, then I'm asleep!" Zhu Su closed his eyes as he said that, and put his head heavily on Lu Cenfeng's shoulder.

After a while, her breathing became shallower.

Yan He waited silently for a while, feeling that she must have fallen asleep before she suddenly said: "Captain Lu! I just thought about it, why did I feel that your previous state was not right! Why are you so angry?"

"...Don't ask if you shouldn't! Drive your car."

Yan He: "...Yes! I didn't say anything!"

After more than two hours, Yan He finally drove the car into the outskirts of a forest park in City Y.

Because Lu Cenfeng found on the Internet that there is a group of Chinese-style villas that have been completed for less than a year, and it is said that it is a retirement project.So in the next few months, this will be the private base of the three of them, or a secret stronghold.

Referring to the sand table map of the community found on the Internet, Lu Cenfeng directly directed Yan He to drive the car to the eastmost and innermost single-family villa in the first row, and sat in the car to check the situation first.

It turns out that there are no zombies in the villa, only humans.

Although I don't know if it was the original owner or if it was occupied by someone else, but in this case, Lu Cenfeng had no choice but to let Yan He turn around and leave, and went to another set of independent doors on the westernmost side and the innermost side of the first row. In front of the detached villa.

Fortunately, I was lucky this time. The villa was empty, with no people or zombies.

It's just that after the three of them got out of the car and walked in, they realized that the interior of this villa was well decorated, and it looked like someone lived there!
"It seems that when the end of the world comes, the owner should not be here! What should we do now? Captain Lu."

"Let's just go here! There are not so many things in the last days! If the landlord can still come back alive, help him clean out another villa!"

Yan He couldn't help but wanted to ask, "Captain Lu, you have to choose these two places to station, is there any way?"

(End of this chapter)

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