Chapter 83
Looking at her slightly embarrassed smile, Xiao Haicheng suddenly felt that he still didn't know her deeply enough.He couldn't help but turned around and asked Yan He, "Uh, well, her name is Zhu Su, right? Has she always been this violent?"

"Ah? No!"

Yan He didn't think Zhu Su was violent, at most, the style of play today was really disgusting.

But having said that, it seems that every time she killed zombies, the scene was like this, right?
Only better with an ice pick!Going forward, when you have a supernatural ability and can't use it, you can only chop with a knife, but your arms and heads are flying around...

Xiao Haicheng looked at Yan He again speechlessly, then silently closed his mouth.

No matter what he thinks in his heart, at least he has said it on the surface, because he knows very well that it is a taboo to talk lightly and deeply!It's like he clearly found out that the girl was using the ice element yesterday, but today she suddenly became a fire element, but he didn't ask anything!In this unscientific apocalypse, who can't have some secrets?
Along the way, more and more zombies were killed, and it became more and more difficult to kill, but their harvest was quite large. At least the cores collected by Lu Cenfeng had been broken into hundreds.

Finally, when he was about to break through all the obstacles and rush into the building, Lu Cenfeng suddenly made a quick move and harvested all the more than 20 zombies standing in front of them at once.

Then he greeted in a low voice: "Come in quickly! I'm going to seal the door!"

Yan He and Zhu Su rushed to the door without saying a word, Xiao Haicheng immediately followed after seeing it!But the surprised expression on his face and the great shock in his heart did not dissipate completely until he entered the building of the Public Security Bureau.

"He, what kind of power is Captain Lu?! How can he be so strong!"

Yan He didn't hide anything, and said casually: "Mental power. He is a pervert, we can't compare with him!"

Xiao Haicheng nodded noncommittally, after all every man has his own pride in his heart.

Zhu Su, who was capable of killing, swung the iron rod, and after throwing the fleshy foam on it far away, he looked at the zombies rushing from all over the hall and said, "Hurry up and kill! Don't talk nonsense!"

The two men looked at each other, couldn't help but smiled wryly at the same time, and rushed forward together.

Really, killing zombies with Zhu Su who uses the fire ability is simply too tortured!No matter how long she kills, how long they will be dirty...

On the other hand, Lu Cenfeng and Zhu Su were obviously very close, but their bodies were shockingly clean!
Yan He knew at a glance that it must be Lu Cenfeng who opened the shields for Zhu Su and himself.However, he has a carefree personality, and after he muttered in his heart, "Prime sex over friends", he pretended to be invisible.

The zombies in the lobby on the first floor were quickly emptied, but Yan He and Zhu Su were not in a hurry to go in, so Xiao Haicheng had to stop and stand aside to wait.It wasn't until Lu Cenfeng cast a barrier at the entrance of the building to isolate the sound in the building that everyone went upstairs together under his call.

Under Xiao Haicheng's explanation and leadership, everyone soon came to the third floor where the gun store was located, and learned that there were three access control systems in total.After entering the first door, you need to go through the access control of the gun storage and the access control of the ammunition storage respectively, before you can enter the two separate rooms to collect bullets and supplies.

Moreover, these three access controls are all electronic locks, which cannot be unlocked by Lu Cenfeng's lockpicking ability!
Fortunately, they all have special abilities, especially Xiao Haicheng's gold-type abilities, which can deal with all kinds of locks with ease.Sure enough, after he passed by for a while, the door was fully opened, and a row of smart ammunition cabinets and a row of smart gun cabinets were erected in the two rooms.

Xiao Haicheng didn't need anyone to urge him, so he took a step forward and opened the cabinet.

Zhu Su doesn't care what's in the cabinet, as long as she opens a cabinet, she will wipe it all out!

Xiao Haicheng didn't realize until then that Zhu Su still has spatial abilities!However, maybe it was because of too many surprises along the way that his heart had long been numb, but he was acting extremely calm at this moment...

After putting away the things, Lu Cenfeng raised his wrist to look at his watch, and found that the time was still early.

Departure at eight o'clock, more than an hour's drive on the road, plus more than half an hour to kill the zombies and 10 minutes to go upstairs to get things, it's only a quarter past ten at this moment.

So he looked at Xiao Haicheng and asked, "Are you worried about your family? If you can, I want to kill more zombies in the urban area before returning! By the way, you can also collect more supplies to prepare for the winter."

Xiao Haicheng was stunned!Because he heard it, what the other party meant was that he could bring the goods back for him!
If he doesn't take advantage of such an advantage, where will he look for it next time?So Xiao Haicheng immediately nodded in agreement!

"no problem!"

"Then let's go downstairs! Do you know where the warehouse is? Let's look for controlled knives."

Xiao Haicheng: "...It's on the first floor, I'll take you there."

After reaching the first floor, it was still Xiao Haicheng who opened the lock, but Lu Cenfeng's lockpicking skills were completely useless in front of the gold-type abilities.

When the warehouse door opened, not only Zhu Su, who had never seen the big world, dropped his jaw in shock, but even Lu Cenfeng and Yan He were shocked!
"Here! Why are there so many air guns here?!" Facing hundreds of guns and long knives and short knives all over the floor, Yan He couldn't help blurting out!Then he stepped forward to pick it up.

"This is only confiscated this year! Now that online shopping is convenient, there are always people with weak legal awareness who buy parts online and assemble them by themselves, and then go to the mountains to hunt birds. But this kind of projectile fired by compressed gas will all be confiscated." It is recognized as a gun, and illegal possession will be punished!"

"Ball... can you mass-produce bullets for air guns?" Lu Cenfeng asked suddenly.

"It should be possible. The round one is the easiest, but the shaped one is a bit more difficult." Xiao Haicheng replied casually.

"When I go back, can you make more bullets for me? I'll exchange it with you for food!"

Xiao Haicheng put down the lead bullet in his hand in surprise, "There are so many here, isn't it enough for you?"

"En!" Lu Cenfeng didn't explain too much, but just glanced at Zhu Su casually.

Xiao Haicheng followed his gaze and looked at Zhu Su, and then nodded after a moment of comprehension, "That's all right!"

Seeing that Zhu Su cleared the warehouse with his hands, he said again: "Where are we going next?"

"It doesn't matter where you go." Lu Cenfeng is in a very good mood now, "If you have a place you want to go, you can mention it, we don't care."

"That's right!" Yan He, who picked a long knife in his hand, had no objection, anyway, as long as he had something to eat and a job to do, he could go anywhere.

But Zhu Su waved the iron stick in his hand casually, thought for a while, and suddenly threw it back into the space!Then, under the watchful eyes of the three men, without changing his face, he also came out with a long knife like Yan He's...

(End of this chapter)

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