Chapter 9 Action
Lu Cenfeng, who was sitting behind the curtain, and Yan He, who was waiting in full swing, immediately looked at each other, and then looked in the direction of Zhu Su's berth at the same time!

Mistake!They should have made plans early and made up their minds quickly!

It's really because Zhu Su's reaction was too calm from the very beginning when he heard about the end times.

After that, she cooperated with the actions of the two of them very much, neither complaining about suffering nor tiredness, nor talking too much.Emotionally stable and obeying orders, the two of them unknowingly regarded her as a teammate who fought side by side in the past, and somewhat ignored that she was a woman...and a very young woman!
Fortunately, the two didn't hear Zhu Su making any noise at the first time.Yan He quickly turned his head and winked at Lu Cenfeng, "Go and see!"

Zhu Suzheng silently prayed for God's blessing, so that the zombies would not feel like being patted through the quilt when they find someone in this car.

She trembled in fright, and immediately separated Heshi's hands and covered her mouth, holding her breath.

Seeing the quilt move, Lu Cenfeng knew that Zhu Su had already prepared himself, so he stretched out his hand to pull down the quilt.

Staring at her exposed eyes, she asked softly, "Are you afraid?"

Zhu Su hurriedly nodded vigorously!Then he suddenly shook his head as if reacting suddenly.


There was some doubt in Lu Cenfeng's eyes, and he didn't quite understand what she meant.

Zhu Su took a deep breath and slowly lowered his hands.After thinking about it, he propped himself up on the bed, stretched his body as far as possible in front of Lu Cenfeng, and asked in a low voice, "Did you ever play peek-a-boo when you were young?"

Lu Cenfeng frowned: "??"

"Well... I am now that kind of feeling that I am afraid of being discovered and caught out after hiding! It is nervous and exciting!" Zhu Su explained as clearly as possible: "But it is not the kind of fear you think! Although I It's scary too, but, oops, do you understand?"

Lu Cenfeng: "..."

He seemed to understand it, but he seemed a little unclear.

But it doesn't matter!The important thing is, "Since you are not afraid, let's take a look at the zombies!"

His implication is that he wants Zhu Su to get used to it sooner.If you want to vomit, vomit as soon as possible, just get used to it!

But Zhu Su twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with black lines all over his head, "Do you know that curiosity can easily kill cats? I don't want to move! I just want to hide quietly, and you don't have to worry about me."

"...Okay then, don't make a sound!"

Lu Cenfeng felt that the current conversation between him and Zhu Su was like talking with a duck. With this effort, he might as well observe how far the situation outside has progressed.

It happened that Zhu Su also felt that talking to Lu Cenfeng was too brain-intensive, and she had to be careful not to reveal her secrets!
So when she saw him turn and walk away, she immediately took a deep breath!After slowly spitting it out, he lay down again, closed his eyes and listened attentively to the sounds outside the car.

Then, unknowingly, she fell asleep in this situation.

After being pushed awake, she felt embarrassed all over, wishing she could find a crack in the ground and slip down!Fortunately, it was dark and the car was dark, so I was not afraid of being spotted when I blushed.

But suddenly Yan He praised her: "Okay, Zhu Su! With your mental quality, it's a pity not to be a soldier!"

Zhu Su: "..."

The corners of Lu Cenfeng's mouth were slightly bent, and he coughed lightly to break the awkward silence, and said in a low voice, "Get up, get ready to act!"

"Oh! Good!" Zhu Su quickly stood up lightly, spread out the messy hair and tied it up again, and then said: "I'm done! You can go."

Only then did Lu Cenfeng begin to distribute the eight-piece security suit.

He and Yan He brought this from the apartment, because they run a security equipment research and development company, so they often buy various new products from the market for reference and comparison.And he happened to have left such a set, and he had already done some simple processing when Zhu Su was sleeping just now.

According to the agreement he made with Yan He in advance, the vest and helmet were given to Zhu Su, and the shield was also stored in the space for her to use at any time.Yan He was given explosion-proof gloves and a steel fork with a handle removed, and he was also asked to bring a bright flashlight with him.Lu Cenfeng only took a catcher with two ends removed, that is, a steel pipe.

Rubber sticks are discarded.

After the three people were armed, they quickly gathered in front of the car door and opened the curtain.

It was already dark outside, but with the various lights around the market, it was still possible to see the situation outside the car at a glance.Zhu Su couldn't help being surprised and said: "Human, no, why are there so few zombies?"

Yan He immediately retorted: "A lot! Most of them are behind the car, that's the fast food restaurant!"

Zhu Su was taken aback!He quickly turned his head and looked towards the rear of the car!

However, because Yan He parked the car diagonally towards the west gate of the market, he couldn't see it with the car body blocking it.

See her panicked face!In order to reassure her, Lu Cenfeng had no choice but to open his mouth and patiently explained: "It gets dark early in winter, and the market on the first floor closes at five o'clock. And the outbreak of the apocalypse occurs at a quarter past five, so this parking lot should only be left upstairs." The resident’s car is the right one! These zombies probably wandered over, and they have little effect on our actions.”

The above is also the reason why he chose to spend the night here on the first day of the end of the world.

"Then how do we go there now? Run directly?"

Zhu Su raised her hand uncomfortably to straighten the helmet. It was a bit heavy, and she didn't want to wear it for too long.

Lu Cenfeng had already visually measured the distance between the caravan and the west gate, and it should not exceed 30 meters at most.Looking at the distribution of the zombies at this moment, I found that as long as the three of them didn't make too much noise after getting out of the car, they shouldn't be easily attracted.

So he said: "Go carefully! Be ready to run at any time! Just rush into the market and lock the door."

"But isn't the market already locked?" At the critical moment, Zhu Su suddenly became smarter!
Lu Cenfeng smiled, but didn't answer.

But Yan He explained for him: "Open it yourself! During a surprise operation before, the lock picker failed to open the anti-theft door lock in time, and the operation was hindered as a result! Later, Team Lu taught himself this technique."

"I'll go, you're so good!" Zhu Su looked at Lu Cenfeng in admiration.

"Is there any other problem? I can open the door without me!" Yan He asked with his hand on the car door.

Zhu Su shook his head.

Lu Cenfeng nodded, "Let's go! Quick battle!"

Yan He took the lead, Zhu Su was in the middle, and Lu Cenfeng took the initiative to come to the rear. When the three got out of the car, Zhu Su immediately put the RV into the space.Then she saw the scene at the entrance of the fast food could really be called a surge of corpses.

Yan He's movement is very skillful, the speed seems to be slow but actually fast!Zhu Su had no choice but to stare at the back of his head closely, followed him with a good eye, and learned to walk as lightly as possible.Lu Cenfeng vigilantly watched the zombies beside him and behind him, and was ready to shout and run if there was any trouble!

It's not a long distance, and it's there in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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