Chapter 94 The Squirrel
"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, what kind of tree can be cut down?" Yan He only felt that he was one head and two big, and the good mood when he got off the car was completely destroyed by the two of them.

Lu Cenfeng walked over and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, this is a forest park, there are not too few tree species, just skip these two and cut."

"Exactly!" Xiao Yu echoed Lu Cenfeng's words, "There are so many trees on the mountain, why can't they all be peach trees and pine trees?"

"Hey you little brat! Is it your turn to educate me?" Yan He slapped Xiao Yu on the back while laughing and cursing, and was just about to teach him how to respect the old and love the young, when suddenly a gust of wind came from his ear.


Yan He quickly turned sideways and pushed Xiao Yu, but he still felt something scratching himself, and the down jacket on his shoulders was instantly broken.

In a blink of an eye, he glanced sharply towards the front of him.

An animal the size of a house cat just happened to be decapitated.

"Be careful!" Xiao Yu who had just turned his head beside him shouted suddenly.

Yan He smelled the unique stench of zombies, and immediately jumped forward. The animals behind suddenly flew into the air and landed on the ground with a strange cry.

In the next second, it was directly photographed as a meatloaf.

Black blood spurted out and splashed in all directions, followed by a few more jumping down from the trees on the side of the road.

As a result, as soon as they stood still, they were all frozen into ice sculptures at the same time.

The stench and the smell of blood are mixed together, comparable to the stinky socks that have been stored for decades and have not been washed.

"Ouch! I've been smoked to death!" Zhu Su, who was closest, was the first to cover his mouth and nose.

Yan He, who turned around quickly, only cared about those ice sculptures, "What the hell is this?"

"These animals were hiding in the pine trees before. If you don't pay attention, you can't be prepared." Xiao Haicheng walked up to the ice sculpture and took a closer look, "It seems to be a squirrel."

Lu Cenfeng also took two steps closer and glanced at Yan He, "Are you all right?"

Yan He immediately shook his head to express that he was fine, and looked at the owner of the meatloaf and ice sculpture.

Zhu Su was walking forward slowly, dragging a long knife, and his simple clothes were almost as clean as new!It's not like him at all, with white duck feathers and bloody spots all over the body.

After a wry smile, Yan He still couldn't help complaining: "Little Zhu'er, tell me what you thought just now, can't you just behead it? Why do you have to smash it?"

"When I was in a hurry, I took the knife sideways."

"... Oh! I thank you."

Zhu Su: "..."

Lu Cenfeng couldn't bear to see Zhu Su get into embarrassment, so he interrupted and assigned her a job, "Don't talk so much, Susu, kill him quickly, I'll take the kernel and we can go."

Zhu Su immediately raised the knife when he heard the words!Going up and chopping with a bang bang, all seven or eight ice sculptures were chopped into several sections.

Xiao Haicheng next to him saw the corners of his mouth twitching wildly, but his mind was still thinking about the core of what he had just heard for the first time.

When he thought that Lu Cenfeng had spoken it in front of them without any shyness, he couldn't help but feel a little twitch in his heart, and suddenly realized that this was an excellent time to inquire about it.

So he said: "The core? I think you have been collecting it all the time. Is there any use for it?"

"Core core? Shouldn't it be called crystal nucleus?" The one who answered the question one step faster than Lu Cenfeng was that curious baby Xiao Yu.In fact, he was already curious about this matter long before, but his father suppressed it in advance, and he and Xiao Bai were not allowed to ask anyone casually.

Seeing that Xiao Haicheng broke the rules first, Xiao Yu immediately ignored the "personal grievance" with Lu Cenfeng, leaned in front of him, stared at the crystal in Lu Cenfeng's hand and said, "Can I see it?" ?”

Seeing this, Qiu Bai immediately walked up to Lu Cenfeng, and opened his pleading eyes wide.

"Here." Lu Cenfeng handed over the cores that he had just recovered with his mental power.

But secretly pondering in his heart, he didn't expect that even zombie animals would advance so quickly. It's only been about half a month since the end of the world, and these zombie squirrels have already reached the first level!

"It's so beautiful! So it's not just zombies, animals also have brains! Dad, did you see it? I told you to cut off the zombie's head to see if you didn't listen. Do you regret it now?" Xiao Yu vomited After the sentence, he suddenly remembered something and looked at Xiao Haicheng, "Dad! Where's the eagle head from last time? You wouldn't throw it away, would you?"

"I didn't throw it away! I just threw it in the yard to freeze."

At this moment, Xiao Haicheng also remembered that he still had an eagle head at home, but he thought more than his son, and quickly asked Lu Cenfeng: "That eagle is not a zombie animal, does it have such a core in its brain?"

"Both." Lu Cenfeng nodded, because he knew that his method of collecting the kernels was too subtle, so he deliberately explained: "But the kernels of zombies and zombie animals are located in the heart, and only humans and mutant animals are located in the heart." For the head, don’t get confused! As for the purpose, you will know in the future.”

"I see."

After thinking deeply for two seconds, Xiao Haicheng looked at him with a solemn expression, "I have to say thank you again!"

"You're welcome, it's important to cut down the tree quickly."

As soon as Xiao Yu heard this, he immediately returned all the cores to Lu Cenfeng.

Lu Cenfeng took it without any pressure, because he knew very well in his heart that the cores of the first three levels were easy to obtain.

Only a core of level [-] and above is enough to drive the supernatural beings crazy!

In his previous life, Lu Cenfeng was only a fourth-level supernatural being before his death, but the team led by him has already been able to rank among the mercenary regiments across the country.

The reason for this was that the highest-ranked supernatural being circulated at that time was just the number one expert in the Yancheng base military, and he was only one level higher than him.

But even though they are only one level behind, the gap between the two is as insurmountable as a natural moat!

At that time, like most third- and fourth-level superpowers, his accumulated base contribution had long been exceeded, and a lot of points were lying in the base account, but it was just because one core was hard to find , you have to get stuck at the critical point of upgrading and wait for the opportunity.

And the reason why he was able to advance to the fourth level was thanks to the trust and support of his team members!

In the third year of the end of the world, their team encountered a single fourth-level mutant beast by chance. It was unanimously decided that he would exchange and take this fourth-level genetic liquid.

At that time, everyone also agreed that every high-level core in the future will be recommended by a show of hands for users.

As a result, until the night when he committed suicide, all the team members were still stuck on the third level and couldn't make any progress.

This shows how difficult it is to obtain high-level kernels!

(End of this chapter)

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