Chapter 99 Factory
"There's no rush for now. Let's put it outside first, and no one will steal it." Because these trees will be shared with Xiao Haicheng and the others, Lu Cenfeng took Zhu Su and went straight to the back of the villa after a little thought.

"Just here! There is no one in the villa at the back, and you are not afraid of blocking the road."

Zhu Su looked at the four villas in the front, back, left, and right, and had to admire Lu Cenfeng's quick brain!
Because the theme of this high-end villa area on the mountainside is the Chinese-style courtyard of the antique building, so each villa is built in a square shape, and the distance between the buildings is very large.

Even if it is not hundreds of meters, it must be at least seven or eighty meters!

Coupled with the wide and flat road in the middle that is enough to drive two large trucks in the opposite direction, as long as the surrounding green belts are flattened, it is perfect to pile up the trees in her space at the intersection.

So everyone started working together, and quickly leveled the surrounding area, allowing Zhu Su to move the trees out of the space.

Then without saying much, he drove straight down the mountain.

Lu Cenfeng originally thought that Xiao Haicheng would at most take them to some iron workshop or a place that specializes in anti-theft windows, but the car drove more and more sideways under Xiao Haicheng's command. It didn't seem like they were going to a residential area or a shop. place.

Although things were a little out of control, fortunately, he firmly believed that Xiao Haicheng would not cheat them, so he just became more silent.

But after Yan Hezai also discovered this, he couldn't help asking curiously: "I said, where are you taking us? Why are you getting more and more open!"

"It's almost here! Turn left straight ahead."

"Hey! You're still on the fence, aren't you?"

"...It is a factory specializing in anti-theft net fences and iron fences."

"I'll go! This place is well chosen, I like it!"

This factory, with no village in front and no shop in the back, opened on the side of a branch road that turned from the provincial road, backed by a hill, and left and right open, with only a few buildings and a large yard standing there.It looks like a few blocks were dropped in the open space...

But after listening to Xiao Haicheng's introduction, Lu Cenfeng and the others knew that there was a town just 10 minutes away from the branch road.

However, most of the workers in the factory are foreigners, and they usually live in the factory.Only a few managers and logistics are the residents of the town.

And this also means that there must be zombies in the factory!
Lu Cenfeng asked Yan He to park the car less than 20 meters from the entrance of the factory, and everyone got out of the car before walking there.

In the end, they hadn't waited for them to walk directly in front of the gate!There were already two zombies in security uniforms who rushed out, and Xiao Haicheng, who was leading the way, chopped off their heads one by one.

After Lu Cenfeng collected the core, everyone officially entered the factory, and went straight to the building that looked like a factory building.

There were very few zombies in the yard, and most of them were wandering downstairs in what seemed to be the dormitory, so Xiao Haicheng killed all the zombies he passed along the way before it was anyone else's turn to do it.

Everyone thought that the lack of zombies outside might be because they hid in the building during the day, so Yan He acted very cautiously when he opened the factory door.

But when they opened the door, they found that the whole factory was empty, not even a single zombie appeared!

On the contrary, the messy and bloody scene still reminded them that things that can be seen everywhere have happened here.

"Did someone come here? It shouldn't be, the things are still here!" Yan He rubbed his head, a little confused.

"Be careful!" Lu Cenfeng didn't know what was going on here, but it gave him a very strange feeling!So I quickly reminded everyone, don't let your guard down!

After hearing this, Yan He and Xiao Haicheng immediately turned their backs to him and Zhu Su, posing as if they were ready to attack at any time!

Next, the four of them began to advance slowly in such a formation of two by two, and while going deep into the factory building, they collected all kinds of materials around them.

The workshop was eerily quiet. After the footsteps and heartbeats of the four people were gradually amplified, even the atmosphere became more and more depressing.

Yan He just wanted to say a few words to relieve him, but was stopped by Lu Cenfeng's sharp eyes!Because he suddenly had a strong premonition that there must be someone here!
No, not people!It should be a zombie!
There was a sudden numbness like an electric shock in the scalp, and the roots of his hair stood upside down. Lu Cenfeng, who had a strong intuition for danger, suddenly turned around at an unbelievably fast speed, and screamed suddenly: "Susu! !"

When Xiao Haicheng and Yan He heard the sound, they turned around at the same time almost immediately!
Immediately afterwards, their eyes narrowed at the same time!Everyone in a hurry wanted to rush forward to help Zhu Su, who was using the space to collect supplies, resist the steel bar that was attacking so fast!

It's a pity that in order to find the way and protect the two people behind them, they had opened a little distance from Zhu Su and Lu Cenfeng, so it was obviously too late to save them!

Zhu Su's reaction was actually quite fast, but compared with the three people around him who had experienced professional training, it was still half a beat slower.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Cenfeng had no choice but to put a mental power shield on Zhu Su who had just turned around!Then he desperately dodged horizontally.

Just like that, two steel bars hit the two people in the back row at the same time, one was tied to the mental power shield and fell to the ground with a loud noise, and the other pierced through Lu Cenfeng's right shoulder...

Zhu Su, who didn't know that he already had the shield on his body, was so frightened that his eyes were straightened, even if he wanted to react, he couldn't react in time!However, in the next second, she found that she was not injured, but Lu Cenfeng who was beside her suddenly let out a muffled groan.

She quickly turned to look at him!And subconsciously wanted to rush over to support him, "Ah Feng!"

"Don't worry about it, I'll kill it first! It's on the beam in front of your eyes!"

Zhu Su froze!He quickly turned his head and looked up again!
On the beams of the tall steel structure factory building, there was indeed a dark thing squatting.That place was so high and far away that Zhu Su knew Yan He would definitely not be able to reach it just by looking at it.

No wonder Lu Cenfeng let her do it!It turned out that it could only rely on long-range attacks.

While thinking this way, Zhu Su quickly sent out a blade of ice, but the zombie dodged it with a light jump, and squatted down to another position on the beam.

At this moment, Xiao Haicheng, who had just rushed to her side, followed suit and issued a few metal blades.

"Ding! Porphyrin, porphyrin."

A shocking scene suddenly appeared.

Although only the first metal blade hit the target, and the next two were all missed, the strange thing is that the metal blade that hit was bounced away the moment it hit the zombie!There was also a sound of gold and iron intersecting.

(End of this chapter)

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