A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 106 Done with Chen Shaobai

Chapter 106 Get Chen Shaobai Done (For Genuine Subscription)
PS: Seek genuine subscription, seek follow-up.

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen, you can't force your way in." The old housekeeper wanted to reach out to pull him, but Zhuo Yifei smiled and blocked him, stomping his feet anxiously.

Li Yutang came out in a hurry, and asked with a stiff smile, "Sir Shen is looking for Yueru? I sent her to Baizili. From now on, there will be two families. If you want to find her, I will send someone to take you immediately." go, Si"

Deng Sidi ran out from inside and said, "Master!"

Li Yutang stammered and said, "Hurry up, send Chief Shen to Baizili to find Miss Yueru."

Hua Twelve looked around and waved his hand: "Okay, stop acting, I wrote the letter of divorce in front of you yesterday, why should I ask her?"

"I'm looking for Chen Shaobai. Boss Li, don't pretend to be confused. Where did you hide him?"

After he finished speaking, he raised his nose and smelled it. Li Yutang smelled of traditional Chinese medicine. He couldn't help laughing and said, "When I got up early in the morning, I played with medicinal materials. This must be Chen Shaobai's injury!"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Li Yutang sighed and made a gesture of invitation: "In the pharmacy at the back, Shaobai was captured by the minions of the Qing court. He just escaped today and suffered some trauma to his abdomen!"

Hua Twelve nodded, followed Li Yutang to the back, and asked, "You didn't tell him yesterday's plan, did you?"

Li Yutang lowered his voice and said, "I haven't had time to say it yet!"

Hua Twelfth nodded: "Then don't say it, the scholar failed to rebel for three years, it seems that these things he does are troublesome, let's do it ourselves behind his back!"

What else could Li Yutang say other than a wry smile.

When he arrived at the pharmacy behind Jinliyuan, he saw Chen Shaobai lying on a chair covered in sweat, with a gash in his abdomen, and a doctor sitting in Jinliyuan was treating the wound for him.

Apparently, Chen Shaobai was able to escape from the Kowloon Yamen by using the same self-mutilation trick in the original plot of 'October'.

"It's you?"

When Chen Shaobai saw Chong Yang, he immediately recognized that this was the man he saw at Gaosheng Theater that day.

Li Yutang said in surprise, "Shaobai, do you know Shen Sir?"

"Sir Shen?"

Seeing that he was puzzled, Li Yutang introduced, "This is Master Zhong Yangshen from the No. [-] Pavilion in the World, and also the chief deputy of our Hong Kong Island Police Force!"

At this time, the doctor had already bandaged Chen Shaobai's wound, and then retreated. The latter seemed to think of something, and suddenly sat up and asked: "Master Fang and the others disappeared. Is it related to you? I remember that you didn't leave very late that night." !"

Hua Twelve waved his hand, telling him to be calm and calm: "Don't worry, Fang Tian and the others are in my martial arts gym. You were followed by Yan Xiaoguo's people at that time, and he found out that Fang Tian and you had an affair. It wasn't me who took Fang Tian in, now Fang's family is dead!"

"How do you know Yan Xiaoguo?"

"Because he came to me, he gave me [-] silver dollars, bought some guns, and asked me to do me a favor, so that there will be no green clothes on Queen's Road tomorrow!"

Chen Shaobai was shocked immediately: "You promised him?"

"Naturally I agreed, one hundred thousand silver dollars, this money is not earned by fools, and I am a businessman, and businessmen value credibility the most, and we must keep our word!"

Hua Twelve finished talking and asked Li Yutang with a smile, "Is that right, Boss Li?"

Li Yutang was stunned. Although he didn't know who Yan Xiaoguo was, he heard that Hua Twelve was giving guns and taking away the green clothes. No matter how it sounds, it sounds like the rhythm of betraying the revolution.

Chen Shaobai was so anxious that he stood up regardless of his injuries: "You are acting as a running dog for the imperial court, you are a sinner of the nation"

Hua Twelve rolled his eyes: "With your IQ, you still want to preside over the overall situation of the alliance. Don't you think that if I'm with Yan Xiaoguo, why would you save Fang Tian and the others!"

Chen Shaobai was also stunned, obviously he also felt that it made sense, but he also felt that it didn't make sense, so he hurriedly asked: "Then you still help Yan Xiaoguo?"

"He gives money, why should I be the chief assistant? Don't you make money if you have money!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he saw Chen Shaobai's face blushed and his neck thickened by his own stimulation, and he looked like a sign of a stroke, so he quickly explained with a smile:
"Okay, why can't your thinking be flexible, I just promise him that there will be no green clothes on Queen's Road tomorrow, at worst, let the brothers change into other clothes, blue clothes, yellow clothes, plain clothes, what can't you wear? How profitable it is to get one hundred thousand silver dollars like this!"

Li Yutang understood it, the co-authoring was money for the court, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

Chen Shaobai said anxiously: "Then you still sell them guns!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "Don't worry about the matter of Mr. Sun's arrival in Hong Kong. I told Boss Li that I will be responsible for the whole process. I am the chief assistant of the police. As long as I think, Yan Xiaoguo and the others are in Hong Kong Island." I can't get over the waves!"


Chen Shaobai refused straight away; "You don't need to take care of this matter, and I can't trust you, I have to direct it myself!"

Hua Twelve turned his head and glanced at Li Yutang, which means, look, it’s fine if you didn’t tell him, he just can’t recognize himself.

Turning around, I didn't bother to say much, raised my hand and slashed directly on Chen Shaobai's neck. The strength was just right, causing the opponent to fall softly to the ground in an instant.

Seeing this, Li Yutang became anxious immediately: "Sir Shen, what are you doing?"

"It's just to knock him out, so he won't make trouble!"

Li Yutang was a little worried: "Then tomorrow's matter, is there really no problem?"

Hua Twelve asked back: "You have heard about my plan, do you think there is a problem?"

Li Yutang shook his head and said in his heart that as long as you don't betray the revolution, then you'll be fine.

Hua Shishi thought for a while: "Your old friend is very stubborn. If you stay with you, you may cause trouble tomorrow. I will take him away. When he picks up the boat tomorrow, he will understand everything!"

After he finished speaking, he did not allow Li Yutang to refuse, and ordered Zhuo Yifei: "Yifei, take him back!"

"Okay, Master!" Zhuo Yifei came up to pick him up and left.

Li Yutang tried to stop him several times, but he didn't say anything. Just when Hua Shier and Zhuo Yifei were about to leave the gate of Li's house, a young man in a long robe and jacket ran down the stairs from the second floor. The firm look on his face: "You can't take Mr. away!"

"Chongguang, what are you doing, get out of the way quickly, Shen SIR is one of our own!"

Li Yutang was taken aback, and after scolding his son, Chaohua twelve said: "Sir Shen, be merciful, this is Chongguang the dog."

Before he finished speaking, he saw his son being stunned by Hua Twelve, and said to him:

"Your son is also stubborn and impulsive. I'll take him back to help you look after him, so as not to cause accidents to him, and I'll pay you back when the matter is over!" After finishing speaking, he carried Li Chongguang away.

In the original plot of 'October', Li Chongguang got the life-and-death lottery and was responsible for dressing up as Mr. Sun to attract the attention of Qing court killers, and finally died in the hands of Yan Xiaoguo.

Hua Twelve admires these revolutionary righteous men very much, and now that he has decided to preside over Mr. Sun's affairs, he will save him if he can.

Li Yutang originally wanted to stop him, but was moved by Hua Twelve's words. He was worried that his son would join in, but this made him worry. He just kept saying good things and begged Shen Sir to take care of him. look at his son.

Hua Shier brought both Chen Shaobai and Li Chongguang back to the police station, and set up a separate detention room to lock them up.

He found a few police officers who had learned boxing with him to take care of them, and ordered them not to be released without his permission. In addition, no one was allowed to talk to them except delivering meals.

After putting the two together, Hua Shier was about to leave the police station when he was called by the future father-in-law, Mei SIR, to a meeting.

At the meeting, May Sir told the senior officers of the police force that the governor of Hong Kong ordered that the police ignore everything that happened on Queen's Road tomorrow, and turn a blind eye to it.

Smith looked at Hua Twelve with a look of admiration on his face, the latter blinked at him, the two smiled tacitly, and then shouted loudly:

 Thanks: 08a, 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, Xuye Yita, brothers’ rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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