A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 114 This Is Wanting To Ban My Name?

Chapter 114 This Is Wanting To Title Me

PS: please follow up, thank you.

Hearing the future son-in-law asking for benefits, Lao Mei pondered for a while, then suddenly smiled and said:
"I didn't plan to say it so early, but I think if I don't say it, you must be unbalanced, so let me tell you in advance!"

Just when Hua Twelve thought that Lao Mei would leave the inheritance to herself in advance, Lao Mei whispered mysteriously:

"After you and Regina get married, I will be sent to the Fiji Islands as the governor. Before I leave, I will make an exception to promote your position."

Hua Shishi was overjoyed: "Are you asking me to take over from you as the police chief?"

Lao Mei gave Hua Twelve a look of wanting to fart:
"It's the Deputy Chief of Police. Robinson will retire next month. You will take his place. Also, please be sober. Do you think the ancestors will let you, a Chinese, be the talker of the police force?"

"Even if you have the title of jazz, you are still my son-in-law, and it is impossible for the ancestors to let you sit in my current position!"

Hua Twelfth was already very satisfied in his heart. He had only been in the mission world for a few months, and he was on the throne of deputy director immediately from the patrol.

In addition, Hua Twelve does not think that the position of police chief is impossible. Before he entered the mission world, he had read the information of previous Hong Kong governors. His father-in-law was the only police chief who became Hong Kong governor.

Just two years after she went to Fiji to serve as the governor, Lao Mei will return to Hong Kong Island and become the new owner of the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion in Mid-Levels, Central.

Hua Twelve felt that at that time, he could look forward to the position of Chief of Police.

In addition, the higher the status of Lao Mei, the father-in-law, is definitely a good thing for Hua Twelve. He has already planned in his heart that when the father-in-law becomes the governor of Fiji, he will start a pharmaceutical company with Regina and use Let's talk about sulfa and penicillin.

After get off work, Hua Shier and Lao Mei went back to Mei's house together, had dinner with his future wife's family, and he wanted to bring Nian Chi back to the martial arts hall.

What Hua Shishi didn't expect was that in just one day, the lovely Nianci had already conquered Li Zhenna's family. From Lao Mei and his wife to the future wife, they all agreed to let him take Nianci away, saying that they were married before they got married. Let the little girl live here.

After thinking about it, Hua Twelve agreed. After all, Lao Mei's house is also a bungalow garden, and there is enough space for Nian Chi to play. If he wants to bring her back to the martial arts gym, he can only watch Zhuo Yifei and the others do somersaults all day long.

In addition, sooner or later the child will be taught to his wife. It is also a good thing for the mother and daughter Nianci and Lizhenna to strengthen their relationship.

Leaving Mei's house and returning to the martial arts school, Zhuo Yifei greeted him as soon as he entered the door, telling him that Chen Shaobai would come in the afternoon, and he had been waiting until now, and by recognizing Zhuo Yifei, he might have guessed the reason behind the two sales of his arms. People are Hua Twelve.

Hua Twelve didn't care if his identity was exposed, he entered the main room and saw Liu Yubai with one arm wrapped around him, drinking tea with Chen Shaobai and talking, the latter saw him coming in, quickly got up and greeted him, holding his hands together:
"Mr. Shen, thank you so much this time. I didn't know your plan before. I offended you so much. Shaobai is here to apologize to you!"

As he spoke, he let go of his hand, took two steps back, and bowed deeply.

Hua Shishi quickly supported him, and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen is polite, let him pass the past, it is not as serious as you said!"

Chen Shaobai also smiled: "Mr. Sun asked me to convey his thanks. He said, Mr. Shen, you are a true patriot."

Hua Twelve hurriedly waved his hands: "Mr. Sun's praise, I'm ashamed, you revolutionaries are the real patriots who are fighting for the entire nation!"

Chen Shaobai said resolutely: "No, Mr. Shen is also a revolutionist. You have been a revolutionist since you asked Zhuo Yifei to sell us arms at a low price." Apparently he had already guessed that Chong Yang was the one who saw Zhuo Yifei. The people who actually sell their arms.

Hua Twelve's complexion suddenly sank, this is because he wants to give me a title!

He immediately said: "Mr. Chen has misunderstood. I am just a small assistant on Hong Kong Island. I admire you revolutionaries, but I am naturally timid, so I also want to learn from Li Yutang. No one, just please don't cheat me like you cheated Boss Li!"

Chen Shaobai originally had a lot of excuses and planned to pull Hua Twelve into the gang. After all, this guy in front of him is on an equal footing with foreigners in the police force.

If you pull him over, it will be of great help to the League in Hong Kong Island and even in Guangdong Province. Who would have thought that the other party would reject it so simply and bring up Li Yutang's matter.

When Li Yutang was mentioned, Chen Shaobai also felt a little guilty. After all, when Boss Li supported him, he said that he only paid money and did not work hard, and this kind of thing was too risky, so don't involve your family.

As a result, Chen Shaobai sent revolutionary books and Mr. Sun's works to Li Yutang's son Li Chongguang, and successfully recruited the second generation of the Li family into the group. This also caused Li Yutang to still have great opinions on him.

Even though Li Yutang has been helping out these two days, when we met today, he still treated him coldly.

Chen Shaobai saw Hua Twelve's firm attitude, so he had no choice but to say: "Mr. Shen is right. I support Mr. Sun and support the revolution. We are Chinese people who have money and strength to contribute. You are in a special position, and it is great to be able to contribute money!"

Only then did Hua Twelve's expression soften. Chen Shaobai came here to express Mr. Sun's gratitude. Too many things happened today, and there are still many things waiting for him to deal with at the Hong Kong Island League, so he bid farewell after a few pleasantries. .

Hua Twelve took out a one-thousand-silver bill and handed it to Chen Shaobai, saying that it was a little donation he made for the League, and then asked Zhuo Yifei to send Mr. Chen out.

After sending Chen Shaobai away, Liu Yubai smiled and said, "It's the first time I've seen you afraid of something. Is what they did so scary?"

Hua Twelfth shook his head: "No, what they do is respectable and admirable, but it's not something people like me can do. I think that I can help them in the position of chief assistant than I can join them. More!"

Liu Yubai nodded half-understood, and said nothing.

November 1906, 11, the year of Bingwu, the month of Wuxu, and the day of Gengxu, is suitable for marriage.

On this day, Hua Shier and Regina held their wedding ceremony in St. John's Church in Central. Most of Hong Kong Island's political leaders, from the Governor and below, attended the church and sent their blessings.

On this day, the couple also brought little Nianci to live in a garden house in the middle of the mountain in Huashierzai.

In December, Robinson, the deputy police chief of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, retired and returned to live in the sun. With the support of his father-in-law, Hua Shier was promoted to the post of deputy police chief, becoming a veritable high-ranking official.

In February of the following year, Francis Henry May went to Fiji to take the post of governor. After Hua Twelfth took office as Lao Mei, he took half a year's vacation and took Zhuo Yifei and Liu Yubai to Sun Never Set, and registered and established a company in London. It is a 'number one' pharmaceutical company and has registered patents related to sulfa drugs.

 Thanks: Brother 08a, book friend 20211213142023883 for the reward, brother for supporting 200 yuan for a pack of hot strips, brother for voting monthly and recommended, and brother for reading and collecting, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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