A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 118 Chapter Return, Halo Skills

Chapter 118 Return, Halo Skills
PS: please follow up, thank you.

Li Zhenna's heart seems to have inherited her mother's genes, she suffered a heart attack in a certain year, and she left Huashian first. The next year, Nian Ci became pregnant again and gave birth to a fat boy weighing eight catties.

When Nian Ci gave birth to his son, Hua Twelve received a notification from the system: "The host has completed the task, and can return within 24 hours, and can start the lottery reward at any time. The host has completed three tasks in total, and the lottery reward will be added once. The second mission can open the main body entry mode!"

It was only then that Hua Shier realized that Chong Yang wanted to see Nian Ci have a son, not a child, but a son. He couldn't help being angry and funny. This patriarchal bastard had troubled him for several years. I thought there was something wrong with the system.

Hua Twelve did not choose to return immediately, nor did he choose to draw a lottery right away. Instead, within 24 hours, he found a lawyer, and under the witness of the lawyer, produced a lot of legal documents for his son and daughter to sign.

These documents were prepared by him a long time ago. Hua Shier only left an oil field and a private gold mine in the United States under his own name, and most of the rest of the assets and real estate, including cash, were given to the two. Children and the third generation of the Shen family.

In the evening, Hua Shier invited Liu Yubai, Ma Rulong, Zhuo Yifei and other old friends to drink, and finally got together.

Except for Liu Yubai, who looks young and successful, these old friends are also old. Zhuo Yifei and others used to help Hua Shier manage assets around the world, but now they have returned to Hong Kong Island for retirement.

Hua Twelfth also took out several documents for them to sign. These brothers who have been with him for many years, except Liu Yubai, have families and businesses. Although they have given them a lot over the years and made them rich, this time they have to leave Fortunately, I will give some more.

Liu Yubai didn't want it, because he didn't want it here, so Hua Twelve gave him the 'Martial Arts Research Association'.

When I got home, I was lying alone on the big bed in the bedroom.

Hua Twelve recalled it in his mind, and reconfirmed that only oil fields and gold mines were left under his name, and other than that, it was his martial arts. Then he took the photo of Li Zhenna placed by the bedside, and with his hands After rubbing it for a while, I finally placed it on my chest, closed my eyes, and chose to return.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hua Twelve woke up at home and felt it. Unsurprisingly, he was still the same. In his mind, all the memories of Chong Yang before he possessed him were erased, including those martial arts experience.

And in the second half of his life when he became Chongyang, although the scenes still exist, they seem like a big dream. The people or things he experiences are like fleeting images, like watching a film and television drama, without the original feelings,

Decades of life experience, and the changes in thinking and personality brought about by it, are all wiped out by the system just like the mission world before.

Hua Twelve grinned, he was still him, he didn't become Xiao Bei, he didn't become Chong Yang, that's good.

Although to him, Zhongyang Yang's experience of most of his life was just a moment, but Hua Twelve still got up and took a shower, and only then did he feel refreshed.

I wiped my hair, lit a cigarette, ran to the open-air balcony, and watched the night view of the Huangpu River alone for a while.

After one cigarette was finished, the aftertaste brought by a big dream finally dissipated, and the whole person became excited, called the system, and started the lottery draw.

This time, a lottery was added because of the successful completion of the third mission. Hua Twelve couldn't help but become more excited when he thought of the preparations he had made for this lottery in the mission world.

This time in the mission world, he did not do useless work. Whether it is oil fields, gold mines, or martial arts, they are all things he needs, and he will benefit endlessly if he picks one up.

Hua Twelve took a deep breath, then stood on the open-air balcony and raised his hands above his head, muttering: "Sky Lingling, Earth Lingling, Mao Laodao Sun Boling, bless me to draw a big prize!"

After he finished muttering, he called the system in his heart: "I want to draw a lottery!"

The system's electronic voice sounded in his mind: "The lottery draw begins..., ding, the host has won a halo of Zhongyang's 'Casino Lighthouse' character, and the reward can be withdrawn at any time. After the reward is withdrawn, you can view the skill description."

On the Huangpu River, a thunderbolt flashed, illuminating the night sky. Hua Shier felt as if he had been hit by five thunders.

He suddenly remembered that when he first entered the mission world, he was at the gambling table. That was the day he knew that Chongyang would lose every bet, and everyone else would bet against him in the casino, so he had a "casino lighthouse" name.

"I've obviously helped Chongyang quit gambling for decades, okay, I'm not in harmony with gambling and drugs, can't I quit this name?"

Now Hua Twelve really wants to pick up his own refrigerator as a sledgehammer, and smash everything in the house to pieces, so as to relieve his hatred.

Well, this is just to think about it, it is my own things that have been smashed and I have to buy them again.

"System, what the hell is this casino lighthouse? How can the nickname given by others be used as a reward? Isn't this reward too deceitful!"

The systematic explanation is that Chong Yang is born with the characteristic of losing every bet, which can be regarded as the passive aura in the game, which belongs to the character's own passive skills.

Hua Shishi felt as disgusting as getting hemorrhoids in a lottery, and when he mentioned the hemorrhoids, he became furious: "System, you liar, I have been a heavy yang for decades, why didn't I know he had hemorrhoids? "

Think about it too, martial arts practitioners have a stronger blood circulation than ordinary people, how could they get that kind of disease.

The system responded without emotion: "Before you entered the world, Zhong Yang had just been a quilt. If you hadn't made a change, he would have been on the bench for three months, and he would naturally develop hemorrhoids before the plot began!"


Well, Hua Twelve has to admit, it really makes sense, the day he first entered the mission world, he slept on the bench all night, and it was indeed a bit cold.

After such a fuss, Hua Twelve also calmed down. The 'casino lighthouse' was drawn, and the system probably wouldn't be able to return it. extract.

It's just a pity that I lost a chance to draw a lottery, not to mention getting the martial arts I want most, but if I get oil fields, gold mines, etc., I can immediately achieve the highest achievement of being prosperous in life and wealth, and waiting to die.

Talking too much is full of tears, Hua Shier plans to start the second lottery draw, but he suddenly thinks of something, the system seems to prompt that if the reward of the 'casino lighthouse' is withdrawn, you can check the skill description, and the system seems to also include this The halo is defined as Chong Yang's passive skill?
Hua Shishixin is alive, this is a skill!

The so-called skill is not good or bad, the key depends on the operation, in case it is useful, he will be determined, and the communication system will choose to withdraw the reward.

 Thanks: 08a, Cijian did not dare to be a reward for the first brothers in the world, thank you for your support of 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thank you for the brothers who voted for monthly tickets and recommended tickets, and thank you for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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