A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 120 Skill Level

Chapter 120 Skill Level
PS: please follow up, thank you.

Tianhua Twelve didn't go to boxing again the next day. Before he entered the mission world last time, he practiced boxing for half a month, and found that he could continue to improve in the mission world, and he could keep the results after the promotion and bring them to the real world. Come to be something you truly master.

In terms of boxing, he has been tasked with the world, and he has been able to beat world-class boxing champions. No matter how hard he practices, it is impossible to improve in a short period of time.

Therefore, Hua Shier plans to practice new skills before the system releases the next mission, so that after entering the mission world, he can use the time in the mission world to upgrade.

Hua Twelve chose shooting, archery, and riding. The main consideration was that people's safety came first in the Jianghu, and it would be useful to learn a few more things.

He asked Wang Li to recommend two clubs with related sports, and then went to have a look. They were all good, and the environment was very in line with his expectations. He paid half a year's fee and went to practice every day.

Originally, his shooting skills had been practiced quite well in the 'October' world, but they were cleared by the system after he came out, so now the practice has to start from scratch.

Shooting and archery are skills that require a continuous cycle of movements and repeated training. It is a bit boring to practice. Hua Twelfth wanted to ask Luo Yun and Yi Xue if they could not get over it and play together. Someone Training with him is more interesting than training by yourself.

But he sent a WeChat message, and the other party responded with a few photos. It turned out that the two girls went to support education in the mountains, and the return date was not yet set, so they asked him if they would go.

Hua Twelfth seriously suspected that the two girls had gone to the mountains to travel in the name of supporting education, but they still transferred 5 yuan to them, saying that they had something to do and would not go there, and asked the two girls to help him buy some for the children in the mountains. Some clothes, teaching materials and so on, it is his wish.

He still has more than 100 million deposits in his card now. With the system, he will not worry about money in the future. Mencius said that Da Da will benefit the world. Although he does not have that kind of great mind, he is still willing to do what he can. of.

Luo Yun immediately responded with a sour expression, and after receiving the payment, he said that he would show him the consumption details and invoices, and then sent a short video after a long time. In the video, Luo Yun and Yi Xue took more than a dozen mountain villages child, compared his heart to the camera, and then shouted: "Thank you brother!"

Hua Twelve looked at the sincere and happy smiling faces of those children, and he also reaped a wave of satisfaction after doing good deeds. He smiled and put away his mobile phone, and then started training.

Two days passed, and thousands of repetitions every day were inevitably boring for ordinary people, but Hua Twelve gritted his teeth and persevered because he knew that he had to practice these three skills to the limit before the next task was released. Getting started.

However, learning by rote is never the best learning method. Hua Twelve tries to find a little fun in the boring training. Only with fun can he become more involved in training, and the effect of learning and training will be better.

After training during the day, when he went home at night and was bored playing a stand-alone game, he saw the division of skill levels in the game, and he suddenly had an idea.

Hua Shishi quickly communicated with the system in his mind, and discussed whether he could display all the skills he possessed on the virtual page. That way, you can clearly understand what level you are.

In that case, every training session will be like playing a game to level up, full of motivation and fun because of the expectation of upgrading, and it will be more intuitive.

For such a simple request, the system simply agreed, and in the next moment, there were more skill options on the familiar virtual interface.

Hua Shier opened the skill interface through his thoughts, and saw two major items in the skill interface, passive skills and active skills.

Passive skills are skills that do not need to be triggered actively, and the effect is always on. At this time, there are two passive skills in the list of passive skills, which are the character halo of 'Peak Ao Fat Power' and 'Casino Lighthouse'.

Behind the skill of 'Peak O'Neal Power', there is a line of skill description notes: With this skill, the host will always have the power of the basketball superstar Shaquille O'Neal at his peak on the basis of his own strength.

Behind the skill of 'casino lighthouse', there is a comment, well, this comment is a bit thorny, especially the sentence, 'the brightest boy in the casino, because he lost everything', alas, I didn't see it.

Although Hua Twelve had long thought of how to use this skill, he still felt a deep sense of malice when reading the skill description.

There are also several skills in the active skills, and the system really divides the level of skills Hua Shier has mastered according to the game. On the active skills page, there are notes about the skill proficiency level first.

The system divides the proficiency of skills into eight levels, which are beginners, first glimpses, entry into the room, slight success, mastery, proficiency, and pinnacle, and the last is back to basics, the standard martial arts game style.

Below the annotations are the active skills that Hua Shier has now mastered. The first is the "Taomen Breathing Technique" obtained from the lottery. The skill level displayed at this time is "Beginner and Practice".

Then there is the 'Boxing' skill, the skill level is displayed as 'Peak'.

Hua Twelve couldn't help being a little speechless after watching it. In the world of 'October', his boxing skills are capable of completely torturing the world's boxing champions.

After reading the classification just now, he thought that his boxing skills should try to "return to the basics", but he didn't expect that he hadn't reached the top yet. It seems that boxing skills still have potential to be tapped.

As for the 'casino lighthouse', it may be because of the halo-type skills, so it has not been divided into levels by the system.

The next step is the language skills and the life-related skills that Hua Shier himself has mastered. What Hua Shier didn't expect is that the level of his native language, that is, Chinese, is the second level (a first glimpse).

This Hua Twelve was a little dissatisfied, and communicated with the system in his mind, questioning whether the system's classification was correct.

Adding in the time in the mission world, the time Hua Twelve has spent speaking his mother tongue has caught up with the lifetimes of ordinary people. How could it be (a first glimpse)? This is obviously unreasonable.

The system directly asked: "How much Tang poetry and Song poetry have you memorized? How many Yuan operas do you know? How many Ming and Qing novels have you read? How many classical Chinese can you completely translate without searching the Internet? , Shiguwen, Dazhuan, Xiaozhuan, and other characters inherited from the Han family, how many do you know?

Hua Twelve Waterfall Khan, who co-authored me, is not much different from an illiterate: "Then what, excuse me, you can go back and I will ask casually, why do you take it seriously? See how heart-wrenching your words are!"

After dismissing the system, he saw that his mastery of English turned out to be 'slightly successful'!
This kind of language whose use rate is far lower than that of the mother tongue is actually higher than the mother tongue. Sure enough, the language of this country is very simple, and it can be achieved without much practice.

Hua Twelve asked the system to hide language and life skills directly from the skills interface. These things are enough to know, and it looks annoying.

He rummaged through the skill interface but couldn't find the skill entries for shooting, archery, and riding. He asked the system, and the reply he got was that if it didn't show up, it meant he hadn't even reached the level of a beginner.

Hua Twelfth was depressed, so he had to continue to practice hard. After another week of practice, he basically mastered the basic movements of shooting, archery, and horseback riding. The items of skills, not surprisingly, are all in the first level of "beginner and practice".

In this way, enter the task world and continue to practice, and you can retain the training results.

During this period, Luo Yun sent over his 5 yuan consumption details and photos of invoices. Most of the purchases were school supplies and some daily necessities for the children.

In addition to these, Luo Yun also sent many photos of children wearing new clothes, using new stationery, and holding new books.

In addition, there is also a video of the principal of the local mountain village elementary school thanking Hua Twelve, because Luo Yun took part of the money to repair the school building.

Hua Twelve smiled after watching these videos, and then gave Luo Yun a thumbs up emoji. He knew that what he did was just to pay some money. Volunteers like Luo Yun and Yi Xue are the real hard workers, and He enjoyed it, and he admired such a caring person.

After posting the emoji, Hua Twelve sent another sentence: "Thank you for your hard work, come back to treat you to a big meal and reward you two!"

Luo Yun sent a happy and drooling expression, and a line of text: "Don't go back on your word!"

In the following days, with the skill grading, Hua Twelve regarded this training as a game leveling, and he was full of energy during the training. Finally, in the second week of training, all three skills were raised to a higher level. Practice, to the first glimpse of the door.

Hua Twelfth also has a clear understanding of these two levels. Beginners and first-hand practice are the standards for being able to do the movements. The first glimpse is shooting and archery without missing the target. Riding skills can barely control the horse to walk around the racecourse. Degree.

After learning how to shoot and archery, Hua Twelve thought about it, if he had a system space, storage space, etc. like the protagonists in those online novels, then he could carry bows and arrows or firearms into missions. In the world, security will undoubtedly be greatly increased.

Moreover, he can also bring out the more valuable things in the mission world and become a plane businessman. At that time, not only will he not have to worry about paying the property fee every year, but he can also make a fortune like the protagonists of those novels.

He immediately shared this idea with the system, and wanted to see if there was any way for him to obtain storage space.

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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