A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 134 Killing Fukang'an!

Chapter 134 Killing Fukang'an! (seek full confirmation)

PS: please be sure, thank you.

Hua Shishi knew very well in his heart that although he was amazingly powerful and confident to deal with ordinary experts, Zhao Banshan's Tai Chi Kung Fu was famous for his forty-two strokes of a thousand catties, so it could be said that he specially restrained his enormous strength.

What's more, Qianshou Tathagata is covered with hidden weapons, and it is not his current ability that can be low-level.

The reason why Hua Shier dared to challenge the opponent was because he knew that Zhao Banshan was an upright person, and as long as he had the truth, the opponent would not do anything to him.

So I want to act first and kill Fukang'an directly. At that time, it will be done. How can Zhao Banshan help this Tartar seek revenge for himself regardless of reason and justice?

But Hua Twelve's attack was sudden, and Zhao Banshan's reaction was also extremely quick.

I saw this Thousand-Handed Tathagata's figure flashed, showing a swiftness that was completely inconsistent with his slightly obese figure, and he went directly to Fukang'an, and also kicked him.


The backs of the two hit each other, Hua Twelve didn't move at all, Zhao Banshan staggered, retreated three steps and exclaimed in surprise: "Brother Xu is so strong!"

Hua Shier knew that he was unprepared this time, and he would not be able to take advantage of it next time. He had to deal with Fukang'an as soon as possible. He immediately kicked up again, and with a downward chop, Fukang'an's spine would be broken.

Zhao Banshan was eager to save others, waved his hands, and shouted at the same time: "Brother Xu, beware of hidden weapons!"

Although he used a concealed weapon, he sounded a warning, which was considered fair and above board.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh
The locust rocks were shot out one after another, aiming at Hua Shier's shoulders, arms, thighs, etc. Obviously, the intention was not to hurt people, but to force him back so that he could take the opportunity to rescue Fukang'an.

Hua Shishi regretted that he didn't bring a knife, otherwise, even if he wasn't Zhao Banshan's opponent, it would not be difficult to kill Fukang'an, but it was useless to say anything at this time, and he had to fight again and again under the opponent's hidden weapon like rain. dodge.

But if you lose, you don't lose. Although Hua Twelve can't do anything with the hidden weapon, he doesn't give in, and curses loudly while dodging:

"I respect you that the Honghua Society is a hero who opposed the Qing Dynasty and restored the Ming Dynasty. Now you disregard the morals of the world and intervene in personal grievances. What is the reason? In addition, you Honghua Society shouted anti-Qing slogans, but you want to save the officials of the Tartars. Your Honghua Society has defected to the Qing court, so you can become a lackey of the Tartars?"

In fact, Hua Twelve has now guessed why Zhao Banshan is like this.

In reality, there were four mysteries in the court of the Qing Dynasty in history, namely 'The Queen Mother married', 'Shunzhi became a monk', 'Yongzheng succeeded to the throne' and 'Qianlong came from the Chen family in Haining'.

The other three don't say anything, "Qianlong came from the Chen family in Haining" means that Qianlong was not the son of Yongzheng, but when Yinzhen was the prince, he used his daughter born on the same day as the son of Chen Ge's hometown to play. A trick of stealing a dragon for a phoenix, in exchange for a fake prince.

And Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River six times in his life, and went to Haining four times. He lived in Chen Ge's hometown, and it was also said that he was visiting his biological parents.

As the party involved, the Chen family not only made a name for themselves before the middle of the Qing Dynasty, but even the building where the daughter who was rumored to be replaced by Yongzheng lived was also called the "Princess Building" by later generations. .

Although these are folk legends, whether they are true or not is a matter for historians, but in the world of martial arts novels constructed by Jin Daxia, this rumor has been confirmed.

In this world, Qianlong is the son of Mr. Chen Gel, and Mr. Chen Gel has three sons. The eldest son was replaced by the emperor, the second son was at home, and the third son was taken away by Yu Wanting, the chief rudder of the Red Flower Society since he was a child. He even became the current chief rudder of the Red Flower Club.

In other words, Chen Jialuo, the chief rudder of the Red Flower Society, and today's Qianlong are brothers, while Fukang'an is Qianlong's illegitimate son and Chen Jialuo's nephew.

Honghua will take advantage of this relationship to have other plans, not wanting to stalemate with Qianlong, this is the reason why Zhao Banshan came to the rescue.

However, Hua Twelve didn't care what the other party's reason was, and said slowly that Fu Kang'an was Chen Jialuo's nephew, even Chen Jialuo's son, and he would die here today.

Hua Twelve did not retreat as Zhao Banshan wished, but dodged to the right again and again, but this way, he also stayed away from Fukang'an's side.

Seeing that the distance was almost the same, Zhao Banshan rushed forward, and was about to snatch Fukang'an away from the ground with his hands.

But how could Hua Twelve make him get what he wanted, he also had a plan to dodge to the right, just to stand in the wind, at this time he directly took out an oiled paper bag from his arms, and directly raised it towards Zhao Banshan.

This is the quicklime he bought in Wuding County in order to deal with Fukang'an and his party. There is still more than half a catty left, and all of it is given to the third head of the Honghuahui.

The quicklime was blown by the wind and spread out instantly, covering Zhao Banshan and Fukang Ping'an.

The sky is dark, with only moonlight, and the quicklime is not eye-catching. Zhao Banshan's attention is on Fukang'an, and when he feels Hua Shier raising his hand, he thinks it's a hidden weapon. It is good to deal with it in time.

This made sense, and when he found out that there was something strange in the wind, it was too late, his eyes hurt, it was obvious that he had been tricked.

He closed his eyes and didn't care about Fukang'an. In a flash, he returned to the girl he brought with him based on his memory. He shielded his chest with one hand in front of her and shouted:

Seeing that Zhao Banshan was tricked, Hua Twelve knew the truth of a trapped beast, so he immediately hid behind a tree and said with a sneer: "You, Zhao Banshan, won the title of Thousand-Handed Tathagata with a hidden weapon, and you may not be much better than quicklime like me. Bar?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhao Banshan judged his direction with his ears instead of his eyes. He raised his right hand, and a sleeve arrow had already been nailed to the tree in front of Hua Twelve, making a sound of 'duh' piercing into the wood.

Zhao Banshan knew that he had failed when he heard the voice, so he replied to Hua Twelve's words, saying: "Although Zhao uses hidden weapons, he never sneaks up on him or poisons him. He uses them openly and aboveboard!"

Hua Twelve spat directly: "Hey, you can't poison with hidden weapons, but you can maim and kill people with hidden weapons. Even if you show mercy, the other party will leave a bloody hole!"

"On the other hand, my quicklime isn't even poisonous. As long as I wash my eyes with vegetable oil in time, I won't even leave a wound. In comparison, it can be seen that I am a compassionate person. You can say that, Mr. Zhao. no?"

Zhao Banshan: "." He was speechless, because after thinking about it carefully, what he said really made sense.

Hua Twelve didn't bother to chatter with Zhao Banshan, and sneered, "Zhao Banshan, you are taking a child to drive at night. I think you have something urgent to do. Are you really going to fight me here?"

Zhao Banshan was silent, Fukang'an lay there and saw him hesitating, and quickly begged:

"Zhao San is the head of the family, you must save me, I will be rewarded generously."

Zhao Banshan didn't reply to his words, but asked, "Marshal Fu, is there a Tai Chi master named Chen Yu who is traveling with you?"

Fu Kang'an thought that Zhao Banshan also practiced Tai Chi, and he might have some friendship with that Chen Yu, so he said quickly:
"Yes, yes, he is the guard of the official, and he came from the Taiji Gate of Guangping Mansion. He is currently in the merchant castle not far from here. He is a friend of the third family? Then we are really a family!"

Zhao Banshan spat: "Then Chen Yu is the scum in Taijimen, and I came this time to clean up the Taijimen!"

At this time, Fu Kang'an regards Zhao Banshan as a savior, and dare not offend him at all, so he quickly changed his words:

"It turns out that he is so unbearable, but this official misjudged him. As long as the third master saves this official from this difficulty, and sees Chen Yu again, the official will definitely order someone to take him down and hand him over to the third master for disposal!"

Seeing that Fukang'an was capricious in order to survive, even Ma Chunhua looked down on him a little bit, thinking that this person is actually an embroidered pillow, but his character is so bad.

Seeing Zhao Banshan's hesitation, Hua Twelve said loudly: "Zhao San is in charge, I will definitely kill this Fukang'an, do you really want to fight to the death?"

Zhao Banshan's eyes were fascinated, and he was shocked by the strength of Hua Twelve's kick just now, and even more surprised by the opponent's method that could make him fall into the right place. He knew that he would take Fukang'an and the child away safely, without half a cent. Sure, we can only discuss:

"Brother Xu, this Fukang'an is really hard to kill!"

He was afraid that Fukang'an's death would cause Qianlong to offend the Han people and become angry from embarrassment, which would affect their plan to restore the Han family's land.

Hua Twelfth let out a 'bah', deliberately pretending not to know the plan of the Red Flower Society, and cursed: "What a Red Flower Society, to stand up for the officials of the Tartars, you are really a deceitful person!"

Zhao Banshan begged bitterly: "Brother Xu, I can't tell you the reason, but I, Honghuahui, have an anti-Qing heart, which can show the sun and the moon!"

Hua Twelve didn't care about that, and yelled at Honghua as a lackey of Tartars, the purpose was to force Zhao Banshan to retreat automatically, otherwise although his eyes were bewitched and he couldn't open them, his hidden weapons would also be a great threat.

Zhao Banshan was also scolded anxiously, and blurted out: "You said that we are tartar lackeys, so brother Xu, don't you also have full braids?"

Hua Twelve heard the words without hesitation, took out his dagger, shaved off his braid, and threw it at the foot of Zhao Banshan, saying loudly:

"I've shaved my hair now, and my braids are at your feet. If you don't believe me, ask the child you brought, how is it? What do you, the third head of the Red Flower Society, have to say!"

Although Zhao Banshan couldn't open his eyes, but with that child by his side, knowing that Hua Twelve would not lie about such a matter, he couldn't help but feel ashamed in his heart. You must know that people from the Red Flower Society have to keep full People's braids, this brother Xu shaved his braids, it can be said that he broke with the Qing court completely, and it was difficult to move an inch on the ground of the Qing Dynasty.

He also regretted forcing the opponent to this point, and immediately cupped his fists and said:

"Brother Xu is such a good man. This matter was handled by Mr. Zhao. If you don't have the face to stop you from taking revenge, Mr. Zhao will retreat!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Banshan said to the girl he brought: "Let's go!"

Fukang'an begged again and again, but Zhao Banshan just ignored him, and let the girl take his hand out of the woods, heading towards the Merchant Fort.

Seeing Zhao Banshan leave, Hua Twelve came out from behind the tree, looked at the other party's back and praised: "Although the Red Flower Society and the gang can't do anything, they are still aboveboard!"

After he finished speaking, he turned to Ma Chunhua and said, "Go and kill your adulterer!"

Ma Chunhua burst into tears when she heard the words: "Senior brother, I have already told you what happened to him, why don't you believe me?"

Hua Twelve sneered: "Although you haven't made a big mistake yet, you have always been tempted. If you want me to believe you, just kill this person with your own hands!"

Fukang'an begged again and again, but Ma Chunhua didn't hesitate anymore, pulled out the dagger that Hua Shier had fallen on the ground before, shook his hand, and shot Fukang'an in the back with the kung fu of a flying knife.

Fukang'an's body froze, his head limply drooped, and there was no more movement.

Hua Twelve walked over and stomped on the Tartar's spine with a click, completely cutting off his vitality.

 Thanks: 08a, Bu Yunfan, incredible boiled water for their rewards, thanks for the support of brothers who cost 200 yuan for a pack of spicy sticks, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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