A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 142 Eliminate all evil, the cave water pool

Chapter 142 Eliminate evil and do everything
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Hua Shier came out from Merchant Fort and went to Fengling Ferry, he didn't deliberately hide his whereabouts, because he wanted to buy time for the young and old of the Pegasus Escort Bureau to escape.

So this guy took his junior sister and concubine to travel in the mountains and rivers aboveboard, and even the carriage used for transportation was still a merchant's carriage.

A group of imperial guards, looking for clues, followed his route to Fenglingdu, and also crossed the Yellow River to Shaanxi, but when they got close to their destination in Shaanxi, Hua Shier began to hide his tracks.

The one who took the lead was the deputy head of the imperial guards, and immediately decided to divide the troops into three groups, with one group of guards chasing south and one group chasing north.

He Sihao was originally Lan Ling's bodyguard. He made a small contribution to the mission last time. He had just been promoted to the third-class bodyguard, so he was also sent all the way, leading a dozen of Lan Ling's bodyguards to chase west, and finally found a place in a city. Set to find clues.

In this market, someone once saw a man and a woman who bought a carriage and a lot of things in this market, and asked about the way to Zhong Nanshan.

He Sihao showed the drawing of Huaying to the man, who didn't recognize Hua Shier, but recognized Ma Chunhua in the wanted portrait at a glance.

That's why these imperial guards rushed here.

When Hua Twelve heard that the court was focusing on Zhao Banshan, he couldn't help but look weird. It seemed that Honghua would take the blame for himself.

But it’s not bad when you think about it, Honghua will use the banner of resisting the Qing Dynasty to stay away from business and not see any real things. It’s better for them to carry this scapegoat.

Immediately, he didn't bother to ask any more, and dealt with He Sihao with a knife in his hand.

Turning around, Hua Twelve ignored the shopkeeper and the waiter who were kneeling on the ground, and went straight into the back kitchen. It's hard to justify this restaurant without a cook, there must be others.

It turned out that there was really a cook, and the cook wanted to escape from the backyard over the wall when he saw something was wrong, but it was rainy and slippery, and one of them accidentally fell off the dirt wall, broke his leg, and was lying in the rain moaning.

Hua Twelve grabbed the cook by the braids, dragged him into the front hall of the restaurant, and interrogated him with the shopkeeper and the waiter. It turned out that there was a group of 50 or [-] bandits in the mountain, and they were entrenched in a building not far from the site of Chongyang Palace. Among the small Taoist temples.

This wine shop was opened by the bandits in the mountain, just like the wine shop presided over by Zhu Gui in the "Dry Land Hulu" in the Water Margin, it is used to make eyeliner for the bandits.

Usually, if you encounter a solo traveler, there is sweat medicine in this wine shop, and you will directly numb it to take his money, then kill him, and drag him to the mountain at night to bury him.

If you meet a large group of merchants, if there are too many guards, let them go directly, and earn some hard money with good wine and good food. If the protection force is not enough, the shopkeeper will tell Xiaoer to stay attentively, and he himself will inform Shanshang. The owner of the village brought people to snatch it.

That Shan Biao was the second in charge on the mountain, and he went down to drink today, but he didn't want to meet Hua Twelve, and was fooled to death by a single sentence.

When Hua Twelve heard that they knew the location of Chongyang Palace, he quickly separated the three of them and asked for directions one by one. After the three were separated, they were afraid that they would not be able to match up with the other two, so they dared not lie. How would they go here to Chongyang Palace and The Taoist temple occupied by bandits spoke clearly.

After making a fuss for a while, I felt a little hungry, but I knew it was a black shop, so I didn't dare to eat casually, so Hua Twelfth asked a few people if they were in the white meat business!

White meat is the saying in the Jianghu that it is human flesh. If this shop had done such a business, she would not eat here even if Hua Twelve was killed.

The shopkeeper, the waiter, and the cook, the three of them swear that there is absolutely no such thing. The cook’s words are a bit plausible. He said that you can’t eat any game while guarding the mountains.

Hua Twelve-One thought so too, and asked the cook what kind of game there was in the kitchen to make some, and if he had any wrong thoughts, don't blame him for being cruel.

The cook didn't even dare to say anything, and dragged a broken leg to go to work in the kitchen. Ma Chunhua was worried, and carried a knife into the kitchen to supervise the work, so that the other party would not tamper with eating and drinking.

Hua Twelve asked the shopkeeper and the waiter to drag the corpses out and bury them in front of the wine shop. At this time, it was still pouring rain outside. The two of them had seen him kill people like hemp before their own eyes, so naturally they didn't dare to refuse. go out to work.

In the restaurant, there was a guy who buried people. Xiaoer and the shopkeeper worked together in the heavy rain for more than half an hour before the work was completed. They didn't dare to run away, because Hua Shier was standing under the eaves with a knife in his hand to watch. It's on.

The cook was also busy in the kitchen for a long time. He stewed a pheasant, fried a plate of mountain frogs, and put together a plate of steamed meat, sauced meat, and bacon. The meat was deer meat and rabbit meat from the mountains.

This cook was so good that Hua Shier and Ma Chunhua ate more than usual.

In the evening, the heavy rain had no intention of stopping at all, and Hua Twelve didn't bother to wait any longer, so he simply called all three people in the shop to come forward, and asked them to expose the evil things they had done to each other.

Hua Twelve told them that the person who exposes the most must be the person who has done the least evil, and the person who has done the least evil can be forgiven by him, and his life will be spared, and the remaining two must die!
Leng Yue's treasured sword swung across her knees, a sneer appeared on the corner of Hua Shier's mouth, and murderous intent was evident in his eyes.

The cook is wronged, people describe it as being dishonest, they say they scold the cook when they are full, this master is good, if he wants to kill the cook when he is full, how can it be reasonable.

However, Hua Twelve had a sword in hand, and although the three of them didn't want to resist, they didn't dare to resist, exposing each other's evil deeds, but this kind of game would definitely be played quickly, halfway through exposing each other, the three would be torn apart Together, they punched and kicked each other, scratched and bit their teeth.

After hitting each other with fat heads and swollen faces, Hua Twelve asked them to continue playing, and finally came to the conclusion that the waiter and the cook did the most evil, and the shopkeeper did less evil than these two because of his age and poor physical strength. .

Just when the shopkeeper looked forward to being forgiven.

Hua Twelve raised his knife and chopped off all three of them. Then, in their eyes of death, he smiled and said, "I've done the math. I did the least evil, so you all have to die!"

Just kidding, this kind of black shop owner, Hua Twelve will naturally get rid of the evil, so don't kill them and keep them to harm others.

There is a main room and two wing rooms in the backyard of the restaurant. The east wing room looks cleaner, where Hua Shishi and Ma Chunhua dealt with it all night.

The next morning, the sun was shining brightly. After Huashier and Ma Chunhua had breakfast, they used oiled paper to pack some dry food and cooked meat from the restaurant. Before leaving, they set fire to the restaurant.

After the wine shop was completely burned to ashes, the two of them took their luggage, left the carriage and headed towards the Chongyang Palace in the mountain.

Hua Shier first found the Taoist temple where the bandits were entrenched according to the location mentioned by the three shopkeepers. He asked Ma Chunhua to wait outside, then drew out his treasured sword, and went in for a quick kill.

Only a few were left alive to inquire about the news, and all the rest were beheaded to death by him, and they were done with the evil.

Hua Twelve left a few bandits behind, just to find out the location of the cave and water pool that entered the tomb of the living dead.

Naturally, these bandits don't know how to enter the tomb of the living dead, but they have judged it all the year round, and they have long been familiar with the terrain. The thief tremblingly pointed out three places.

One of these three locations is in a deep mountain, one is in a valley, and the last one is near the foot of a very remote mountain.

Hua Twelve's eyes lit up, it should be the place at the foot of the mountain, let these people separate, let them draw the road map separately, wait until it is confirmed that the road map drawn by the several people marks the same location, and then cut each one All these living creatures were also wiped out.

Coming out of the small Taoist temple, Hua Shishi took Ma Chunhua to the ruins of the Chongyang Palace first. The Quanzhen ancestral court of this Taoist gate collapsed and the palace collapsed after the war in the late Ming Dynasty. At this time, there is no intact palace. , Looking around is full of ruins.

Hua Twelve sighed with emotion, and went to the back mountain of Chongyang Palace to find the tomb of the living dead. Seeing that the broken dragon stone had sealed the tomb passage, he took Ma Chunhua down the mountain and followed the map to the cave at the foot of the mountain.

With the sketches drawn by those thieves, Hua Twelve searched for a whole day before finding the land. As expected, he found a hidden cave among the grass and wild vines. After entering, the depth was unknown.

Hua Twelve took Ma Chunhua and walked straight for a stick of incense before he heard the sound of ding-dong water drops falling in front of him. He opened the fire folder and took a picture, and sure enough, he saw a pool of water in the belly of the cave. The milky stone cone has water droplets falling from it from time to time. The ding-dong sound I heard before is exactly the sound made by those water droplets falling into the pool.

 Thanks: 08a, Yiyi Xiangyang brothers for their rewards, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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