A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 144 Harvest

Chapter 144 The Harvest (Full Order)

Ma Chunhua also saw the handwriting of the 'Nine Yin Manual', and said excitedly: "Master, this is the secret book of magical skills!"

Hua Twelve nodded and said: "That's right, the first sentence of this cheat book is to kill your wife to prove the Tao. Those who practice will kill their closest wives to reach the highest level of ruthlessness and justice!"

"Then Wang Chongyang just couldn't bear to kill Lin Chaoying, that's why he didn't marry her. Even though he was number one in the world, he developed a hidden danger and died early."

Ma Chunhua yelled, and didn't care about whether it was true or not, she turned her head and wanted to run, thinking in her heart that her senior brother brought her here not to die for love in the water, but to kill in it.

Hua Twelve laughed out loud when he saw this, and thought that he was so stupid, he smiled and said: "You are just a concubine, why are you running away, when I get married, she will be the closest person!"

After hearing this, Ma Chunhua couldn't help but stop. Seeing that Hua Shieru really didn't chase her, she was relieved, but she felt a little sad in a flash. Why, I gave everything to my senior brother, so why am I not the closest person.

Thinking of this, I can't help but regret the half-heartedness before. If I didn't make a mistake at that time, how could I be reduced to the level of a concubine.

If Hua Shier knew what she was thinking, she would definitely say 'this is a woman'. In this case, if she was the closest to her, she would be afraid, and if it wasn't her, she would still be entangled. What the hell is going on, silly girl!
Ma Chunhua only looked up at the "Nine Yin Manual" at this time, and found that there was no such thing as "killing his wife to prove the Tao" at the beginning of the chapter. Obviously, it was the senior brother who teased her to lie to her, so she pouted and stomped her feet. This senior brother is good or bad. Ah, but she really likes it now.

Hua Twelve took a quick glance at the "Nine Yin Scriptures". The handwriting was written in traditional Chinese and it was not difficult to recognize. He mainly checked for any blurred writing, and he was relieved when he found that it was really well preserved.

Immediately took out the prepared paper and pen, and copied it by the light of the candle.

Regardless of whether there are people in this ancient tomb, the things are your own.

He has never practiced brush calligraphy, but Xu Zheng went to a private school for two years, and he has a rough grasp of writing and ink. He has the other party's memory and can write the other party's handwriting. Although the handwriting is really average, as long as the cheat book can be understood .

The "Nine Yin Scriptures" that Wang Chongyang left in the tomb of the living dead is not the complete version, but part of the content that can restrain the martial arts of the ancient tomb.

These include the soul-moving method, the method of shrinking tendons and bones, the great demon boxing method, the white python whip method, the secret of acupuncture points, the secret of holding breath, the spiral nine shadows, and the nine-yin healing chapter.

Hua Twelve was extremely excited at the beginning of copying, but after copying, his mood turned 180 degrees, and he couldn't help being extremely disappointed.

Because in the Chongyang Remains, there is no part of internal strength that he wants most.

He learned from Xu Zheng's memory that, including his teacher Ma Xingkong, he practiced foreign fists and kicks, and he also had internal strength, but that was the internal strength accumulated from the outside to the inside by relying on the horse stance. A superficial method of inner strength.

And most warriors in this era are taking this route, that is, the first two pages of Hua Twelve's Hu family's "Fist Classic and Sword Manual" also said that the method of internal strength depends on the accumulation of piles of strength over time, and the accumulation of water into abyss .

You must know that Hu Yidao is a master of the same level as Miao Renfeng, the invincible player in the world. Such a master does not even have an internal method for meditating and practicing Qi, and he has to rely on standing to accumulate internal strength. It can be seen that in the Jinda world Martial arts, in this Qianlong period, has declined to what extent.

And Xu Zheng's teacher, Ma Xingkong, also mentioned before that all the internal strength of meditation and Qi training must be the secret of every sect, even the worst among them, it is faster to accumulate internal strength than standing. many.

In fact, if this is the case, Hua Twelve has plenty of time, and he can bear the hardship of stance, and he can become a master with time, but the most important thing is that in the previous seven or eight months, he has followed Xu Zheng's kung fu practice method wanted to rely on pile kung fu to develop internal strength, but it didn't work at all.

Hua Twelve didn't dare to ask anyone else this question. In his own mind, he started practicing Kung Fu since he was a child, especially the one of internal kung fu, the sooner the better, and he is already in his 20s, so he may have already practiced internal kung fu. The best age, in terms of qualifications, I'm afraid it won't work.

Therefore, when Hua Twelve came to the ancient tomb to look for the 'Chongyang Relic', what he wanted most was the internal strength in the 'Nine Yin Manual', that door is said to be able to change the qualifications of the 'Bone-forging Chapter'.

Thinking that Guo Daxia's martial arts aptitude is purely average, but since he practiced the "Bone Changing Chapter", his martial arts cultivation base is as good as it is, and he finally became one of the five wonders in the world.

Hua Twelve pinned all his hopes on this exercise, but he was disappointed in the end.

But thinking about it makes me relieved, the martial arts left by Wang Chongyang to decipher the "Jade Heart Sutra" must be targeted, for example, "Da Fu Moquan" is to decipher Lin Chaoying's "Beauty Boxing Technique".

'White Mang Whip' breaks 'Jade Girl Sword', 'Spiral Nine Shadows' lightness kungfu breaks the Ancient Tomb School's lightness kung fu 'Tianluodiwangshi'.

"Shrinking tendons and bones" and "secrets of resolving acupoints" are used to crack the soft weapon "Yinling Jinsuo" of the ancient tomb school. When Yinling hits acupoints, use the secret of resolving acupoints to break them. If the soft locks are entangled, use the clavicle method to break them.

The "Soul Shifting Dafa" should break the state of "Jade Girl Suxin Sword" when the two swords of a man and a woman are combined. As long as the tacit understanding is broken, the combination of the two swords will not break.

However, when Wang Chongyang thought about breaking the two swords, he probably didn't consider that his junior brother Zhou Botong would create such a wonderful thing as "left and right fighting", which can use the two swords for one person's distraction and two purposes.

All of the above are targeted, so it is reasonable for Wang Chongyang not to leave any internal strength behind.

Hua Twelve figured this out, and quickly adjusted his mood. Although there is no internal energy, the rest of the kung fu is also exquisite. Except for a few such as the lightness kung fu and the healing chapter, which must be driven by internal force, the other several kung fu methods are not. It can be used without internal force.

Especially the 'Da Fu Mo Fist', which is rare in the world, is a powerful boxing method. Although it is not driven by internal force, it has great strength. As long as it is practiced proficiently, the effect will not be much worse.

Hua Twelve didn't start practicing immediately, but dried up the transcribed secret books, and then changed into dry clothes wrapped in oilcloth with Ma Chunhua, and then found the entrance to the secret passage leading to the ancient tomb in the stone room.

The secret passageway has become the only entrance since the dragon-breaking stone was put down during the divine carving period, so the traces are very obvious, and they were easily found by the two.

When he got out of the tunnel, Hua Shier found that it was indeed an empty coffin. He knew in advance that there was nothing wrong with it, which shocked Ma Chunhua, a silly girl again.

When Wang Chongyang designed the tomb of the living dead, it was for retreat and cultivation, so the ventilation in the tomb was very good, and there was no mildewy smell.

Hua Twelve jumped out of the coffin, and walked around the ancient tomb carefully. He knew that there was a mechanism in the ancient tomb, but it needed someone to manipulate it to activate it, so he asked Ma Chunhua not to touch things, so as not to touch the mechanism and cause the two of them to fall into a trap. Dangerous situation.

Turning the ancient tomb around, it was just as Hua Twelve had expected before. Hundreds of years have passed, and no one has lived in this ancient tomb. Generations of people have lived in such a dark environment. After a few generations, they can't go back to their ancestors.

So before he guessed that there was no one in the ancient tomb, now it turned out to be the case.

What is also gratifying is that there is a stone chamber engraved with the exercises of the "Jade Heart Sutra", and another stone chamber engraved with the Quanzhen School's Kung Fu.

Whether it is the Ancient Tomb Sect or the Quanzhen Sect, any one of these two schools' kung fu can crush the martial arts of this era, of course, Shaolin Wudang is an exception.

In addition to the two schools of martial arts, Hua Twelve also discovered the treasure 'Cold Jade Bed' for practicing internal strength. He hoped that this treasure would come in handy and solve the problem of his cultivation aptitude. He has to think of other ways.

Hua Twelve also searched the ancient tomb carefully several times, hoping to find other unique skills mastered by Condor Hero Yang Guo, such as 'Ni Jiu Yin', 'Toad Kung Fu', 'Supernatural Ability', 'Dog Beating Stick' Law', 'Depressed Ecstasy Palm' and the like.

It's a pity that luck seems to have run out, and there are none of these unique skills. He guessed that even if Yang Guo recorded these martial arts in a book, they would definitely be taken away by the descendants of the ancient tomb. What a pity.

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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