A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 146 Master, save me!

Chapter 146 Master, save me! (Seek full order)
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Hua Twelve took the book with a face full of embarrassment and read it. It was really a cheat book, 'Orchid Brushing Point Hand'.

According to the old village head, this book was handed down by their ancestors, but no one knows how to practice it anymore. It is said that there were other books in the past, all of which were placed in the ancestral hall, but I don’t know which generation of ancestral halls were burned down. There is only this one left, which was used to pad the corner of the table before, and it has been preserved.

The old village chief felt that it was useless to keep this thing, and it might cause trouble for the village in the future. Seeing that both Hua Shier and Ma Chunhua were carrying weapons, they obviously also practiced martial arts, so they took them out to see if they could be exchanged for some money. Repair the ancestral hall and the houses in the village.

When Hua Twelve heard that all the books handed down from Wujia Village were burned, he couldn't help but feel regretful. He guessed that the Yang finger was in those books, and his idea of ​​taking a shortcut by opening up the meridians was a waste of time.

However, the orchid brush acupuncture hand in front of me is also a good thing. It was one of the five wonders in the world in the Southern Song Dynasty. The acupuncture point skills of Yaoshi Dongxie Huang should have been left behind by Wu Dunru and Wu Xiuwen.

Hua Twelve immediately took out several silver ingots, plus 1000 taels of silver notes, and handed them to the old village chief as a thank you to Wujia Village.

When the old village chief saw Yinzi, his eyes lit up. He was already prepared for the other party to prostitute for nothing, but he didn't expect these two martial arts practitioners to be so open-minded, and immediately put them away with a smile.

Hua Twelfth asked the old village head where there were cliffs nearby. The old village head had lived here all his life. He also hunted and collected herbs on the mountain when he was young. The orientation of the cliff.

With the guidance of the old village chief, Hua Shier and Ma Chunhua quickly locked on several cliffs on the mountain peak, and then eliminated them one by one, finally pinpointing the place where Zhang Wuji fell off the cliff.

The process of going down the cliff to get the treasure is not dangerous. With the Lengyue sword, Hua Shier can easily cut the place for his hands and feet on the cliff. As long as he restrains his fear of heights, there will be no danger.

It is worth mentioning that during the process of descending the cliff, Hua Shier told Ma Chunhua how Zhang Wuji fell off the cliff here, how he found the cave and entered the Kunlun Green Valley to learn the supernatural skills, and how he escaped from the predicament and finally became a super master s story.

Ma Chunhua heard that there is a cave here that only a thin boy can barely pass through, and when Zhang Jiaozhu grew up, he used the bone shrinking skill to escape from here, and he was eager to try it.

This silly girl wants to show off her newly learned 'Jiu Yin Shrinking Tendons and Bone Method'.

Therefore, when the two found the entrance of the cave, Hua Twelve suggested using the Lengyue Sword to expand the cave to pass through, but Ma Chunhua insisted on trying her bone shrinking skill, and even used the kung fu of shrinking tendons and bones to get into the cave .

As a result, Ma Chunhua yelled for help just when she was halfway through, "Master, please help me, it's stuck in my chest!"

Hua Twelve was so worried, he used Leng Yue Baodao to expand the surrounding area of ​​the cave to dig out Ma Chunhua, and at the same time sighed helplessly at her IQ, no wonder the girl in the original plot was played by Tartars in the palm of her hand, and her family ended up ruined , this IQ is really not enough.

The two passed through this cave, and Hua Shier found the 'place where Zhang Wuji's scriptures are buried' as expected.

It's just a pity that the 'Nine Suns Manual' and Hu Qingniu's medical skills have decayed and become difficult to recognize after a long time. Only Wang Nangu's Poison Sutra has been soaked in some kind of potion, which can prevent mold and water, and it has survived to this day.

Hua Shishi was still unwilling, and wanted to find the kind of flat peach that the old ape offered to thank Zhang Wuji for saving him, but he returned empty-handed.

This is the end of the trip to Kunlun. Although I didn't get the 'Nine Suns' and 'Yiyang Zhi', I got a copy of the 'Lanhua Fuxue Hand' and a 'Poison Classic'. It's just that Hua Shi Second, the issue of qualifications for practicing internal skills has not been resolved.

Hua Twelve took Ma Chunhua around the Kunlun Mountains for several days, wanting to see if he could find the bright summit of the Mingjiao General Altar, and maybe he could gain something there.

But after a few days, they couldn't find any land. I searched for woodcutters in the mountains, but no one had heard the name of Guangmingding.

He had no choice but to leave Kunlun Mountains. The unwilling Hua Shier took Ma Chunhua to Xiangyang to look for Dugu Jianzhong again this time. He didn't want Dugu Nine Swords anymore. of.

The gallbladder of the Napusi snake can increase internal strength, Hua Twelve thought in his heart, since he couldn't find anything to improve his aptitude, he should increase his internal strength directly.

As a result, I traveled thousands of miles to Xiangyang, and finally found Jianzhong, but found that the pusqu snake had been extinct for many years.

Not only that, even Dugu Qiubai's hidden sword on the sword mound, there is only a wooden sword left.

Hua Twelve drew circles in his heart and cursed the Condor Hero, he believed that Yang Guo must have done this kind of thing, because he was the only one who got benefits here, even if it wasn't him, it was his descendants who did it.

Exhausting the water and fishing, reckless!

I don’t know whether to leave a little chance for those of us who have only felt the sense of energy in half a year.

With the idea of ​​not being a thief, Hua Twelve went to Xiangyang City to buy white paper, and rubbed the handwriting that Dugu Qiubai carved on the stone wall. Enemy bandits, defeated heroes" and so on.

The handwriting is strong and majestic, and each stroke is like a knife cutting an axe. Maybe it contains sword intent or something. Hua Twelve can't see it now, but if the level of martial arts improves in the future, what kind of swordsmanship can be realized from it? As for the sword intent, whether it exists or not, there is nothing wrong with putting it away first.

After leaving Jianzhong, Hua Shishi and Ma Chunhua wandered around the rivers and lakes while practicing martial arts.

He has been to Yunnan for a few years, and found that Tianlong Temple is no longer a martial arts sect or a royal temple, and now there are no monks in the temple who know martial arts.

He has also been to the blessed land of Langhuan at the foot of Wuliang Mountain, and there is only one cave left, and even the jade statue of the fairy sister has been removed. Don't think it must be done by that shameless Duan Yu.

Hua Shier, the Peach Blossom Island in the East China Sea, also went to look for it, but the fishermen told him that all the islands near the East China Sea were occupied by Japanese pirates and pirates, and no ship dared to take him out to sea to find the island.

Hua Twelve thought about it. Pirates were rampant during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and Taohua Island was probably not immune. Fortunately, he didn't go to sea to ask for trouble.

In addition to traveling around mountains and rivers to practice martial arts, Hua Twelve also did some things to rob the rich and help the poor. Every time he ran out of money in his pocket, he felt that he was very poor and should rob a rich family to help him.

So even though he and Ma Chunhua are both lavish and spending money without consideration, they have still enjoyed food and drink and have not treated themselves badly in the past few years.

Of course, before Hua Shier robs the rich and helps the poor, he will step on the spot in advance to determine which rich households are rich and unkind.

In addition to taking away a lot of money, he will also teach the other party a lesson, that is, to imitate the way Monkey King shaves the king's head in Journey to the West, and get all the acupuncture points of the rich and unkind family in their sleep, then shave their heads, and leave a few more Leave a message to warn him to be a good person.

If you meet a heinous rich man, it is not as simple as shaving your hair, but cutting off your head directly.

Hua Twelve didn't spend all the money from robbing the rich and helping the poor by himself, he would spend most of it to help some really poor people.

On this day, Hua Twelve took Ma Chunhua to Guangzhou. Now, except for his internal strength, which is as motionless as a tortoise, no matter his fists, feet or weapons, on the system's virtual panel, it is displayed as (slightly small success) only One step can reach the realm of (integration).

But this breakthrough step is extremely difficult. Hua Twelve thought to himself that he should find a master to fight against and accumulate practical experience before he can make a breakthrough. So he thought that there was still a place he hadn't found in Merchant Fort before, that was the one who had wanted to Tian Guinong, who shared the money of the Pegasus Escort Agency with Yan Ji.

So Hua Shier planned to go to Suzhou and Hangzhou first, and then take a boat on the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal to go north to the capital, and then go from the capital to Tianlongmen in Liaodong to find Tian Guinong to settle accounts, and use it as a whetstone to help him break through.

But when they patted their pockets, Hua Shier and Ma Chunhua looked at each other, and they both smiled at the same time, knowing that it was time to rob the rich and help the poor again.

The two stayed in Guangzhou for three days, intending to find someone who is rich and unkind to find out the details, so that they can get a ticket before heading north.

But they haven't figured out the rich people in Guangzhou, but the name of a Foshan native came to their ears, that is the famous Nanwulin, the head of Foshan Wuhumen, Feng Tiannan.

 Thank you: 08a, Xiao Ye Ye Pie, book friend 20190726112959263 brothers for their rewards, thanks for the support of brothers who cost 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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