A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 159 Piercing Heaven's Thoughts!

Chapter 159 Piercing Heaven's Thoughts! (Seek full order)
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At this time, the nurses of the Anle Yuan rushed upstairs with their knives and rolls, intending to teach the troublemaker a profound lesson, but when they saw Hua Niang lying in a pool of blood, they were all shocked and wanted to rush up to do something.

Among the Chen family's second master's followers, someone hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and save my second master, if anything happens to the second master, your boss will not be able to bear the blame!"

These nursing homes obviously knew that the second master of the Chen family had an unusual status, so they hurriedly sent two people to save Hua Niang, while the rest rushed towards Hua Twelve, shouting.

Ma Chunhua was about to stop him, Hua Twelve grabbed the second young master with one hand, and patted the second young master's forehead with the blade of Leng Yue Baodao with the other hand, and said with a loud smile:
"Whoever dares to come over, I will kill him!"

Hua Twelve's three knocks were so powerful that the second young master screamed again and again, dizzy, and three big bumps were visible to the naked eye on his forehead. He cried out heart-piercingly:

"Don't come here, if you hurt a finger, you will die!"

When he yelled, all the thugs who guarded the courtyard stopped in their tracks, and none of them dared to take a step forward.

Just kidding, if the second son of Chen Ge's hometown had an accident here, even the Yangzhou magistrate would not be able to take care of it, these little shrimps would be dead.

These thugs from the nursing home did not dare to step forward, and shouted at Hua Twelve one after another: "You let the second master go, otherwise you will not be able to leave this Anleyuan!"

Hua Shishi was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, and told Ma Chunhua: "Give me their acupuncture points!"

Ma Chunhua immediately used the body technique of "Tianluodiwangshi", like a wisp of green smoke, floating slowly and lightly around the second floor, using the orchid brushing hand to touch the acupuncture points of the guards and followers. Stop them and make them unable to move.

In addition, in order to prevent these people from yelling indiscriminately and displease her father, she simply sealed their dumb points. At this time, these people could not move except their eyes.

Hua Twelve nodded in satisfaction, and said to Ma Chunhua, "Go and kill everyone on the first floor and in the backyard. Before we leave Yangzhou, these people can't be in the way!"

Ma Chunhua responded, moved her lotus steps lightly, and went downstairs.

Hua Twelve turned to look at the Zhang sisters. The two little girls were terrified by the bloody scene in front of them. The two sisters hugged each other and shivered.

He pointed to the thugs who had their acupuncture points tapped, and asked the two sisters: "Which one is Master Zhao who competed with your father, point it out so I can get to know each other!"

Speaking of this, the faces of the two sisters showed anger, and one of them was bold, pointing at one of the thugs, and said in a crying voice:

"It's him. It's not a competition at all. My father makes tofu and doesn't know martial arts. How could he have a competition with him!"

The other followed: "He came to the door with the deed of sale and asked my father to sell us and pay Huaniang's money. My father refused, so he injured my father, woo woo." I can't cry.

The person the Zhang sisters pointed to was a mighty-looking man among the group of nursing homes.

Hua Twelve turned his head, smiled and said to Master Zhao: "If you love to compete with others so much, you must be a master. It happens that I know how to do it, so let's compete with each other too. I'll kill you with a knife now, you If you disagree, just say something!"

The martial artist surnamed Zhao was tapped on his acupoints, he couldn't speak, how could he speak, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, but he could only stand there motionless, his eyes showed the same as before Zhang sisters meaning of fear.

The Leng Yue Baodao passed across his neck without a sound, and before the blood spurted out, Hua Twelve kicked him out, and rolled directly beside the old bustard Hua Niang.

The old bustard Hua Niang had already died from excessive blood loss, and the martial artist surnamed Zhao who was ordered by her to injure Doufu Zhang followed in her footsteps.

At that time, Hua Niang and Zhao Wushi were both daozu, but now they are both fish and meat.

The cause of the future, the result of today, this is the retribution of this world, and it is inevitable.

Mr. Chen Er was so frightened that the two people who he ordered to be knives were all dead. How could he be the mastermind behind the scenes? If you have enough money, I will give you whatever you want."

Hua Twelve threw him on the ground in disgust, kicked him with his toe, and hit the acupoint on his waist, intending to finish him off with his knife.

Second Young Master Chen felt numb all over his body and couldn't move, but he could still speak, and said in a trembling voice: "My third brother Chen Jialuo is the head of the Red Flower Society, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

Hua Twelfth shook his head with a look of disdain. The third son of the Chen family, the eldest is the current Emperor Qianlong of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and the third is the head of the Red Flower Society. The second eldest who stayed with his parents is nothing.

The fact that Chen Ge's third son is the chief rudder of the Red Flower Society is so confidential, and this Chen second son actually publicized it in public just to save his life. He is really a waste.

At this time, Ma Chunhua came back and said to Hua Shishi: "Master, they are all locked, there is no half a day to untie them!"

Hua Twelve pondered for a while, and then ordered: "Go and see if there is a carriage in this Anle Yuan, and if there is one, park one at the door, and let's take these two girls away together!"

Ma Chunhua nodded and said with a smile: "I knocked down all the grooms in the backyard just now. At that time, I saw two large carts parked outside the stable. Don't wait, I'm going to harness the carts now!"

After speaking, he hurried away again.

Only then did Hua Twelve look at the expectant Second Young Master Chen, and the latter trembled again when he saw him looking over:
"My third brother is really the head of the Red Flower Society. If you want to kill me, I'm afraid there will be no place for you in the world!"

The Second Young Master Chen thought that Hua Twelve hadn't killed him in the first place just now because he was intimidated by the name of the chief rudder of the Red Flower Society. up.

Hua Twelve curled his lips amusedly: "So what about the Honghuahui, what about Chen Jialuo, if you bring him out, you are sure to hold me down?"

He remembered that in the original plot, during the meeting of the heads of the world, all the heads of the Red Flower Society would come to the capital with Chen Jialuo to pay homage to Princess Xiangxiang.

Not to mention, now that Chen Er is killed, there is a real chance to face Chen Jialuo.

But as Hua Twelve himself said, so what about Chen Jialuo.

When he was about to hack this trash to death with a single knife, he suddenly felt something in his heart. Qianlong held a master meeting, and Chen Jialuo was going to Beijing. .

Hua Twelve suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and a sky-piercing thought appeared in his mind.

He looked at Chen Er and suddenly smiled: "Forget it, I originally wanted to kill you immediately, but now I have changed my mind, you just wait and see if I dare to kill you in front of Chen Jialuo!"

(End of this chapter)

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