A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 162 Cao Gang Jiangtuo, Salt Gang Cheng Huaixiu!

Chapter 162 Cao Gang Jiangtuo, Salt Gang Cheng Huaixiu! (Seek full order)
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He slapped Ma Chunhua's plump body hard, and scolded: "Nonsense, why don't you hurry up and do something!"

Ma Chunhua giggled, and immediately hypnotized the boat owner.

That’s right, it’s hypnosis. At least in Hua Twelve’s view, this ‘soul-moving method’ is a bit like the hypnotism of later generations. The difference is that this thing is more magical. Although it needs internal power to motivate, the effect is not higher than ordinary hypnosis. How many times out.

If the hypnotism of the later generations is stimulated, they will wake up, but if they are hit by this soul-shifting method, even if they are beaten and bruised, they will never wake up.

Back then, Condor Hero Yang Guo used this 'soul shifting method' to deal with Jinlun Fawang's first disciple Daerba, and after he restrained him, he let Daerba slam his face more than ten times, knocking himself unconscious before giving up.

From this we can see how overbearing the effect of this "soul transfer method" is.

However, in Hua Twelve's view, no matter whether it was Huang Rong who used this 'soul shifting method' to deal with Elder Peng, or Yang Guo who used it to subdue Daerba, they all used this move wrongly.

"Nine Yin Scriptures" is a peerless secret book known as the general outline of martial arts in the world. The martial arts recorded in it, whether it is fists, kicks, swords, lightness skills, or internal skills, are all top-notch martial arts.

'Soul Shifting Dafa' comes from such a secret book, and its function is not only used to defeat the enemy during battle, it is as simple as defeating the enemy.

Hua Twelve believes that the real effect of the soul-shifting method should be to control the enemy's mind within a period of time, and let the subject be used by me, which is the greatest effect of this method.

After coming out of the tomb of the living dead, in the past few years, Hua Shier also put forward his own suggestion for Ma Chunhua to conduct a practical test. After many experiments, he finally mastered the means of manipulating other people's minds.

As for why Ma Chunhua was asked to take the practice test, and he didn't practice it himself, ahem, Hua Twelve also thought about it, but just with his big fart internal force, he just cast it on the other party: "Look at my eyes!"

Then others saw it, and his internal energy was gone.

Well, as far as internal strength is concerned, Hua Twelve is now a well-deserved fast man.

After the ship owner got out of Hua Twelve's cabin, he called the boatmen on the ship to Hua Twelve's cabin one by one to have a heart-to-heart talk. Ma Chunhua used the "Soul Shifting Dafa" to pass everyone through.

The advantage is that as long as this happens once in a few days, the people on this ship will not be distracted. Even if Hua Twelve wants this ship, the owner of the ship will give it with both hands with a smile.

The downside is that Ma Chunhua used the soul-shifting method too much, consuming a lot of mental power, and her whole body was in a mess. It seemed that she had to rest for two days to recover.

For the first time, Hua Twelve showed his love for this concubine, helped her to the bed, and said in a gentle voice: "Hurry up and go to rest, I will tire you out, I will feel sorry for you!"

Ma Chunhua was so touched that mist appeared in her eyes: "Master, with your words, Chunhua would be happy even if she died immediately, but if Chunhua rests, no one will take care of her daily life!"

The Zhang sisters came over at some point, and jumped out at this time, standing on either side of Hua 12: "Sister Chunhua, don't worry, we will take care of you!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Yeah, don't worry, they will take care of me!"


Ma Chunhua felt instantly unhappy, how could I feel relieved when you were here.

Just before she fell on the bed and passed out, Ma Chunhua was still wondering if she had lured two little vixens into the room.

Of course, Hua Twelfth would not do anything to the Zhang sisters, but he still needed someone to serve the tea and water, so that he could lie on the chair and absorb the essence of the sun shining in from the window.

Well, it’s actually just basking in the sun.

Although Hua Twelve always wanted to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, the aura of heaven and earth by breathing out, but he has not succeeded so far, but he is not discouraged, people always have dreams, otherwise what is the difference with salted fish, let alone salted fish It also needs to be exposed to the sun, otherwise it is different from canned fish.

"Young master, drink tea!"

Among the Zhang sisters, it is not known whether it is the elder sister or the younger sister, and shyly and charmingly held a cup of fragrant tea in front of Hua Twelve.

He stretched out his hand to pick it up, but when the other person's eyes met his, he immediately lowered his eyes and went away, his cheeks dizzy.

Hua Shishi was a little speechless, I didn't tease you, what are you doing with this expression.

Then I heard someone say shyly: "My lord, hand!"

Only then did Hua Twelve come to a sudden, coughed lightly, let go of the other person's little hand, and took the teacup over. He was about to say something to explain his unintentional move, when suddenly the ship shook violently. At this moment, he found a place to take the bus. The feeling of slamming on the brakes.

A cup of tea was all spilled on him, and the two little girls couldn't stand still, and they staggered into his arms.

Ma Chunhua was also temporarily awakened by the shaking, opened her eyes and saw the scene in front of her, and said in a feeble voice: "You guys, your clothes are all wet."

But she exhausted too much mental power, this was another stimulus, she rolled her eyes after speaking, and passed out again.


Although Ma Chunhua woke up for a short time, what she said made the Zhang sisters run away like frightened little white rabbits.

Hua Twelve is so angry, what's the matter?

He was about to go out to question the boat owner about how he drove the boat, but before he could go, the boat owner's voice came from outside:
"Master Hua, there is a cargo ship blocking the river ahead, our boat can't get through!"

Before Hua Twelve could respond, the boat owner shouted again: "Master Hua, there is also a boat lying on the river behind, and a small boat is coming, it seems to be coming for us!"

The voice of the ship's boss trembled a little, obviously frightened by the scene outside.

Hua Shishi had some guesses in his heart, knowing that trouble was coming, he immediately said to the Zhang sisters: "You stay here, I will go out and have a look, and call me if there is anything!"

The two women nodded apprehensively, and Hua Twelve strode out of the cabin holding the Lengyue sword.

The boat owner and the other boatmen breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Hua Twelve, as if they had found the backbone. The former trotted to his side, pointed in the direction of the bow of the boat and said, "Look quickly, Mr. Hua, it seems to be from the Cao Gang." ferry!"

Hua Twelve looked in the direction he pointed, and saw a dozen cargo ships lined up in the direction of the bow, blocking most of the canal waterway. At this time, there were dozens of small boats flying towards his boat from front to back. come.

On a small boat ahead, there are several men and women standing, all dressed up and armed with weapons, they are obviously figures in the Jianghu.

The boat owner pointed to the back of the passenger ship. Hua Twelve turned his head to look, and saw that the river behind was also blocked by more than half of a dozen cargo ships. The front and rear channels were blocked. Obviously, the other party came to block his ship of.

Hua Twelve told the ship owner and the boatman on board: "Don't panic, it's nothing serious, let's see what they want to do!"

Dozens of small boats approached and surrounded the passenger boat that Hua Shier was on. On the small boat that planted several people from the Jianghu, someone shouted: "Friends on board, Caobang Jiangtuo and Yanbang Cheng Huaixiu are here. Please see the other side!"

 Thanks: 08a, Brother Liu Bohan for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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