A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 164 The Red Flower Society?Anti-Qing and Fuming bullshit!

Chapter 164 The Red Flower Society?Anti-Qing and Fuming bullshit! (Seek full order)

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Faced with Hua Twelve's clamor, Wang Xingtai faltered. He was not afraid, but he, Jiang Tuo, and Cheng Huaixiu were entrusted by the old housekeeper of the Chen family before coming. Let's talk about it after being rescued.

Hua Twelve glanced at Wang Xingtai who was silent, and looked at Jiang Tuo and Cheng Huaixiu:

"Are you Yancao gangs still considered Jianghu gangs? When did you also help the court?"

Jiang Tuo's face was a little uneasy, and he snorted coldly: "Although my Cao Gang is a gang of Jianghu, but it is based on water transportation. Naturally, we have to rely on the imperial court. There is nothing shameful about it!"

He held back his temper and persuaded him: "Friend, you committed a murder in Yangzhou, as long as you teach Second Young Master Chen out, we will stop pursuing the past, how about it?"

Hearing his bossy tone, Hua Twelve smiled coldly: "Then what if I don't hand it over?"

Hearing that he was so shameless, Jiang Tuo suddenly became angry, and was about to lose his temper when Cheng Huaixiu hurriedly said:

"We were entrusted by the Chen family in Haining to pick up the second young master. The Chen family promised that if you have any requests, you can ask them, and the Chen family will agree to them. We just ask you to let the second young master go back!"

In fact, the old housekeeper of the Chen family made it clear that they would just talk softly about the conditions when they came up, but Jiang Tuo felt that that would bring down the name of the Cao Gang, and given his status in the world, it was unnecessary.

Jiang Tuo believed that for ordinary Jiangyang robbers, as long as he opened his mouth, the other party would definitely let him go, so the old man didn't mention any conditions when he came up, and he specifically told Cheng Huaixiu not to be so polite with the kidnappers.

However, Cheng Huaixiu didn't think so, she was entrusted with the matter of loyalty, she saw that it was difficult to talk to each other, so she disregarded Jiang Tuo's previous explanation, and said what the Chen family had promised.

She smiled slightly: "We people in the Jianghu are fighting for breath. You have arrested Second Young Master Chen for three days. After these three days, you will be angry if you want to be a friend. Enough should be enough."

"The Chen family in Haining is as rich as an enemy. My friend, you might as well put forward some more conditions. We are entrusted by the Chen family, and there is no need to save money for the Chen family. Fortunately, we have agreed to everything. We have fulfilled your conditions and come to pick up people. How do you think this is going to be? "

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows: "Then I want to marry Chang'e in the sky, eat the flat peaches of the Queen Mother, sit on the throne of the emperor's old son, and want you, the leader of the Salt Gang, to help me warm my bed. Can the Chen family satisfy me? "

In the cabin, the Zhang sisters were extremely nervous. Hearing what he said, they knew they were playing tricks on each other. The lively younger sister almost laughed out loud, but luckily she was caught in time.

Cheng Huaixiu frowned slightly, and her pretty face turned cold. If anyone would dare to talk to her and kill her with a single blow, at this moment, she would be cautious, but she could only bear it, and it was uncomfortable for her to hold her breath in her chest.

Reluctant to say more at the moment, he turned his head to Jiang Tuo and said, "Master Jiang, let this friend see that person's name card!"

Jiang Tuo nodded with a sullen face, and then said to Wang Xingtai beside him: "Boss Wang, there is something that I can't see the people in the palace, please avoid it for a while!"

Wang Xingtai didn't know what these two were up to, but Jiang Tuo couldn't help but give him face, so he immediately clasped his fists and said, "It's easy to say, the matter of Mr. Chen is due to Lao Jiang's old gang leader!"

After speaking, he gave Hua Twelve a cold look, turned around and jumped back to the boat on the river to wait.

When the public servant left quickly, Jiang Tuo took out a name card from his chest and handed it to a good gangster next to him:
"Show him!"

The Cao Gang master took it with both hands, and respectfully brought it in front of Hua Twelve. After the latter took it, he snorted coldly and backed away.

Obviously, the object of respect of the disciples of the Cao Gang is this famous post, not Hua Twelve in front of him.

Hua Shishi was a little curious. He saw that the name post was used as a hole card by the two gang leaders, and he didn't know what was so special about it.

When I received it in my hand, I saw a tree of safflowers painted on the cover, and there was a word Chen written on the lower right corner, and I realized it instantly.

Jiang Tuo said in a deep voice: "My friend, this is a post from Chief Chen of the Red Flower Society. Chief Chen is from the Chen family in Haining. Everyone in the world admires him. The second son Chen is the elder brother of Chief Chen. You don't want to sell the face of our Yancao Second Gang, you have to sell the face of Mr. Chen, right?"

Hua Twelve threw it away, and the name card flew back in a whirl. Jiang Tuo gently pinched it with two fingers, but his eyes were fixed on him, his face was gloomy, waiting for his reply.

Hua Twelve sneered and said: "Chen Jialuo, why should I give him face? He is the head of the Red Flower Society, so his own brother can do evil? Can he just take advantage of it?"

Hearing that he disrespected Chen Jialuo, the Yancao and Yancao gangs were all filled with righteous indignation.

Cheng Huaixiu scolded even more delicately: "Shut up."

Then she said in a low voice: "Mr. Chen has the whole world in his heart, and he carries the banner of anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty. Who in the world does not respect, as long as they are Han people, who does not respect?"

The Yancao gang members all nodded, apparently thinking the same way.

Hua Twelfth waved his hand: "Pull it down, pay back Mr. Chen. If you know it, you're talking about Chen Jialuo, but if you don't know, you'll think you're talking about Chen Jinnan!"

"Anti-Qing and Fuming is shouted every day. How do you say that? Anti-Qing and Fuming is just a slogan, which is used to deceive you idiots. From Tiandihui to Honghuahui, it has been shouted for more than 100 years. What a fart!" It's gone!"

The more he talked, the more angry he became: "The Heaven and Earth Association has assassinated Oboi anyway, and the Honghua Association has made a woolen yarn?"

"Finally, when Qianlong went down to the south of the Yangtze River, he trapped the emperor of Tartars in the Liuhe Pagoda. What happened? He raised it high, lowered it gently, entered and did not advance, retreated and did not retreat, killed and did not kill, just Then let it go, and get nothing done now, what a shitty anti-Qing and Ming dynasty!"

At the beginning, the Honghua Society trapped Qianlong in the Liuhe Pagoda in Hangzhou. Everyone in the world knew it. Jiang Tuo and Cheng Huaixiu also knew about it, but they didn't know that the Honghua Society had reached an agreement with Qianlong. Suddenly, there was no way to refute.

Of course, even if they knew the inside story, this matter still has nothing to do with it, because after many years, the Qing Dynasty was still the same Qing Dynasty, the Red Flower Society did not even raise troops once, and Qianlong had no intention of restoring the Han family. Think about it carefully , He called this thing Anti-Qing Fuming?


Cheng Huaixiu believed in the Red Flower Society in her heart, but she couldn't refute what the other party said, so she stomped her feet anxiously and said, "How on earth are you willing to let Second Young Master Chen go?"

In the hearts of these Jiang Hu people, Chen Ergong should have died a long time ago, but his younger brother is the chief rudder of the Red Flower Society, so this man must be saved, otherwise he will feel sorry for the heroes of the Red Flower Society.

Hua Twelve had already made up his mind to invite Chen Jialuo to see him, how could he let him go, he immediately said with a smile: "No matter what, I will wait for Chen Jialuo to come and ask him personally whether his brother should be killed or not! "

Seeing that he was so shameless, Jiang Tuo also threatened in a cold voice:
"Above this canal, there are no less than 20 people who eat the food of water transportation, and they are all disciples of my Cao Gang. If you don't make friends, you don't need the Salt Gang to intervene. I guarantee you can't get out of Jiangnan!"

As he spoke, he raised his right hand and shouted suddenly: "Where are the Cao Gang brothers!"

Jiang Tuo wanted to let Hua Shier see the power of the Cao Gang and use his coercion to overwhelm the people. In an instant, at least a thousand people on dozens of boats around shouted at the same time:

"Cao Gang, Cao Gang, Cao Gang!" Thousands of people shouted with astonishing power.

Others would have been afraid of this, but Hua Twelve was not only not afraid, but also yelled.

Thousands of people around shouted together: "Cao Gang"

He shouted: "Carry the sack!"

The overall rhythm is
"Cao Gang!"

"Carry the sack!"

"Cao Gang!"

"Carry the sack!"

What is four or two strokes?That's it!
What is one worth a thousand?Referral, that is!
Thousands of gang members in the Cao Gang only yelled four or five times, and then they all turned off automatically, but none of them started cursing. Instead, they all looked constipated. There are only tens of thousands of people, and the remaining 20+ are all carrying sacks on the wharfs.

Since the leader of the Yan Gang, Cheng Huaixiu, was originally unhappy with the Cao Gang's pretentiousness, they burst out laughing at this moment, but they also showed strange expressions on their faces. The slogan shouted mainly by the opposite party, which is harmful to the thief, can be used on the Yan Gang.

Jiang Tuo withdrew his right hand with a gloomy expression. He originally wanted to show the other side the power and prestige of the Cao Gang, but what are you doing to expose the old man, but you have to talk about the situation, and he snorted coldly: "How about it, have you seen the power of the Cao Gang, man? Do you pay or not?"

Seeing the old man holding back, Hua Twelve almost laughed, stretched his shoulders and neck, and shook his head:

"It's still the rules of the rivers and lakes, let's talk with your fists, but I am sorry that I have been invincible in the past few years based on the concept of winning with wisdom, insisting on the principle of being a sap, hitting bricks behind the back, and stealing black hands. I have always been invincible, and I was finally blocked today. It's time for a serious fight!"

Everyone in Yancao's two gangs felt chills, what ideas and principles did they adhere to.

Hua Twelve did not draw his sword after finishing speaking, and pointed at the people in front of him with his finger: "If you kill me today, you will take me away, Mr. Chen Er. If you can't kill me, then you have to leave something behind!"

After speaking, he suddenly started, stepped on his foot, and rushed towards Jiang Tuo like a sharp arrow.

Seeing that he didn't draw his sword, Jiang Tuo shouted to the left and right: "Don't move, let the old man meet this friend!"

So he didn't use any weapons, exhaled and made a sound, and chopped out with a Mountain Opening Palm.

Hua Twelve didn't use martial arts at all, he used boxing moves directly, tilted his head to the left, and the palm force that could crack stones passed by his ear, and at this time, an uppercut from his right hand had arrived Under Jiang Tuo's ribs.

Jiang Tuo was able to become the leader of the Cao Gang, and he punched and kicked it back then. His kung fu was really not weak, and he didn't pay attention to this punch at all. He snorted coldly, pressed down with his left hand, and used a move The Yuanyuan hand in the northern school of boxing is about to draw Hua Twelve's punch away.

But his strength was everywhere, Hua Twelve's punch didn't move at all, and it still hit.

At this moment, Jiang Tuo realized that he had underestimated the strength of the opponent, and secretly screamed that it was not good, and it was too late to increase his strength, so he stepped back and stepped back.

But it was too late, with a muffled 'bang', Hua Twelve's fist hit Jiang Tuo's right rib, and he heard a bone cracking sound, this punch even broke the ribs of the leader of the Cao Gang.

 Thanks: 08a, I saw the reward of the brother who only loves one person in the world, thank you brothers for supporting 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thank you brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thank you brothers who read books and followed up collections, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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