A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 182 After all, I am the most afraid of death!

Chapter 182 After all, the most afraid of death! (Seek full order)

Hua Twelve looked at the second-class bodyguard in front of him, and the token of the imperial bodyguard. Knowing the whole story from He Shen, he was immediately stunned. How come he was not punished for beating the prince, but instead was named as an imperial bodyguard? This Qianlong will not have any masochistic attributes, right?

He asked Heshen very seriously: "I beat the prince and was named a second-class bodyguard. You said that I would beat the emperor once I entered the palace as a servant on the first day. Is it possible that I will be promoted to the head of the imperial bodyguard?"

He Shen knelt down directly, and begged with a mournful face:
"My lord, if you want to beat up the emperor, I don't know if you will be promoted or not, but my family and I will be murdered all over the house. Let's talk, let's make trouble. Don't joke about rebellion!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "Okay, okay, look at your bear, how can I really beat the emperor, I'm just joking, by the way, what's 'Xueshenyuchanwan', you Get me some more, it’s good, I like it very much, let’s start with a thousand pills, if you don’t have enough, ask for more!”

He Shen wiped his sweat, got up from the ground, and cried bitterly:
"My husband, that is the elixir that North Korea paid tribute to at the time of the holy ancestor. It has been almost 100 years. Although there are tributes from North Korea after that, there has been no such precious treasure for a long time. Where can I get it for you? go!"

Hua Twelve took a sip of the teacup, put it down, and said indifferently:
"Then I don't care. They won't ask for it if they don't give it to you. The whole world thinks you and your lord are big traitors, but you can't do that either. Do you know what a traitor is?"

Hua Shier felt that He Shen was not qualified to be a traitor, so he decided to teach Master He a lesson for his own "Snow Ginseng Yuchan Pill", and only listened to his earnest words:
"A treacherous minister means whoever refuses to obey you, you can do it. Whoever doesn't give you a gift will be against you. A treacherous minister must be under one person and above ten thousand people. He must also say the same thing, and he will not make trouble for anyone he says he wants to do!"

"Whoever dares to say a bad word about you, you will kill him. Whose wife do you fall in love with? Cough cough, let's change the analogy. If you fall in love with someone's baby, he will obediently bring it to you, otherwise he will be fined." His family is ruined, this is called a traitor!"

"As for the king of North Korea, it doesn't matter whether he pays tribute to the current emperor, but he must show his attitude to you and your lord, otherwise you will scare him first. If he is not afraid, you will kill him, sweep his legs, make him Stumbling, digging out his crotch, piercing his waist, punching his crotch hard, in short, we can't make that little feudal king feel better, this is power rape, my lord!"

The more Hua Twelve talked, the more he felt. He seemed to feel that at this moment, he felt that his body and spirit were one, and he became the incarnation of those famous power traitors in history. At this moment, he seemed to be Zhao Gao, Shi Changshi, Liang Shicheng, Liu Jin, Wei Zhongxian
Eh, why does it seem like something is missing? Could it be that "Sunflower Treasure" is destined to be destined for me?

Hua Twelve quickly shook his head, and threw these wolf-like thoughts out of his mind.

He Shen smiled wryly and said, "Sir, lower officials also have pursuits, so can't I be a heroic minister? Although I'm greedy for money, I really don't want to be a treacherous minister!"

When Hua Twelve heard that He Shen didn't want to be a traitorous minister, what would he do, so he quickly started to do ideological work for him:
"Shenzi, what kind of loyal and virtuous ministers are all false, the water here is too deep, you can't grasp it, trust uncle, no, trust me, you should still be a powerful minister with great promise and a bright future Well, after hundreds of years, I will think you are the richest man in the world, isn't he good?"

He Shenhan came down again: "Although I don't understand what you heard, are you sure you are not hurting me?"

"how come!"

As Hua Twelve said, he patted He Shen on the shoulder and said:
"It's too late for me to praise you. Remember to help me get rid of the snow ginseng and jade cicada pills. The peninsula is just a peninsula. Their king is not as good as the governor of our province. You are a dignified first-rank official, minister of military aircraft, take care of it!" Let’s take a look at the little king, he’s not going to pinch him with his hands, you should handle this matter well, I’m optimistic about you!”

He Shen felt that the sweat on his forehead was rubbing more and more. He was born to be controlled by others, so he didn't dare to refuse, so he could only laugh and say:

"Your Majesty, do your best, do your best!"

He used to call himself "my official" when talking to Hua Shier, but I don't know when it became a "lower official".

What's funny is that the second-class bodyguard that Hua Twelve is now confiscated is the fourth-rank official, and he, a first-rank official, actually claims to be a subordinate in front of the fourth-rank official. If this scene gets out, his jaw will drop in shock.

He Shen felt a little scared when he thought about what Hua Shier said just now, and discussed:
"Sir, the second-class guards are on duty every day. It's hard work. Why don't you go down to the emperor and ask the emperor to help you?"

Originally, He Shen did not dare to resist the decree, but the person in front of him was too scary. He was either thinking about beating the emperor, or thinking about how to be a powerful and treacherous minister. He and home.

Looking back, this master was not happy, and he had to cry to death after giving the emperor the Three Corpse Brain God Pill.

So He Shen decided to bite the bullet and enter the palace, pushing the job of the 'Niu Colu Twelve' in front of him.

But how could Hua Twelve let go of an opportunity to get close to Qianlong, and immediately waved his hands and said:

"No, this is an official position, Shen Zi, don't you want to cut off my career?"

He Shen almost cried because of his run-on, I don't want to ruin your future, I'm afraid that something will happen to you, and I will be implicated, big brother!
However, He Shen couldn't say it clearly, so he had no choice but to admit it, and immediately pointed to the guard's mansion and waist card and said:

"Tomorrow at three o'clock, sir, you can take the token and go to the palace to lead the guard's mansion, that is, the guard's office to report!"

Speaking of this, He Shen waved his hand: "Forget it, I will take you there personally later, so as not to make it difficult for those little bastards at the guard's office who have their eyes above their heads!"

Hua Shishi was a little embarrassed: "Can we talk about it in two days, I have some things to prepare!"

He Shen was shocked when he heard the words, and quickly asked: "Sir, what are you going to prepare, please don't bring prohibited items into the palace, you will lose your head!"

Hua Twelve directly took off the Liuhe hat with the fake braid on it, revealing the small crew cut on his head: "I have to make a fake braid, otherwise I need to take off the hat after entering the palace, so I won't reveal anything!"

He Shen's lips trembled, and his braids were cut off. This is not just about beating the emperor, it's about fighting against the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty!
Hua Twelfth waved his hand: "Don't get excited, I was originally a monk, isn't it just a few days since I left the vulgar, and my hair hasn't grown out yet!"

He Shen looked like I believe in you, he said in his heart that you have lived in my house for more than half a month, and your hair is obviously newly trimmed, you are a traitor, so stop pretending.

Hua Twelve stared, his face darkened: "Why, don't you believe it?"

He Shen said with a sneer: "Believe me, I dare not believe it!"

Hua Twelve smiled, and looked at He Shen with deep meaning in his eyes. He did this to gradually release some news to He Shen and let him accept it slowly.

He Shen is of great use in Hua Twelve's plan, and he is also a long-term one. He must be returned to his heart. This little bit of release of information, one is to make him gradually adapt, and the other is to test him.

If He Shen ignores the threat of the 'Three Corpse Brain Pill' and chooses to expose him, then tomorrow is the date of death for this He Zhongtang.

If He Shen sees that he has cut his braids and hides it for him, it means that He Shen is gradually lowering the bottom line, and this is the possibility of being manipulated by him.

He Shen verbally agreed to help Hua Shier delay the report for a day. After returning home, he didn't close his eyes all night. He got up several times and wanted to go out of the house to send troops to come to get people, but he thought of seeing the "Three Corpse Brain Pill" attack that day. The situation will make him feel creepy and shudder.

In the end, He Shen sighed. When his concubine asked the master if he had something on his mind, he sighed:
"People are right, being a corrupt official is the most fearful of death after all!"

 Thanks: 08a, Ultimate Emperor Xia lhx brothers for their rewards, thanks for the support of a pack of 200 yuan brothers, thanks for the brothers who voted for monthly tickets and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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