A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 184: Shu Mo is wearing armor!

Chapter 184: Shu Mo is wearing armor! (Seek full order)

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After the court meeting today, Qianlong returned to the imperial study to discuss with Heshen, Ji Xiaolan, and Liu Yong how to alleviate the drought and locust plagues in Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces.

After talking about the business, he chatted with some of his closest ministers. At this time, the fifth elder brother and Xiao Yanzi came to the imperial study room, begging him to let Xiao Yanzi and Ziwei watch the meeting of the leaders of the world.

When mentioning this matter, Qianlong thought of the identity of Niu Colu Twelve, the younger brother of the Heshen clan, which made him feel at ease in using him, and he was a master. Kang, resolve that little conflict before.

So he asked He Shen if Hua Twelve had reported to the guard's office now, and after getting an affirmative answer, he asked the little eunuch to pass on his oral order and work in front of his imperial study.

Qianlong wanted to use Hua Twelve, but after all, the opponent beat the prince. Although it was a fair fight, he had to be left alone anyway.

Ever since, Qianlong took everyone to chat about poems and songs, planning to talk for an hour or two, and let Hua Twelve stand guard outside and suffer some hardships before talking.

Emperor Qianlong loved reciting poems and making love, to what extent did he love it?The emperor wrote more than 2000 poems in his life. You must know that the whole Tang poetry has collected more than [-] poets' poems, and only [-] poems have been collected. He alone can compete with the whole Tang poetry.

Moreover, Qianlong lived to be 89 years old. Calculated based on 360 and five days a year, a total of 3 and five days, and the creation of more than 480 poems, even if he wrote a poem every day from the day he was born until his death, then It's not enough, and sometimes I have to work overtime.

Well, if you don't mention the quality of the works, just say that Qianlong's love for poetry is unmatched, so when talking about poetry, Qianlong began to get excited.

Today, I wrote several poems with He Shen, Ji Xiaolan and others. I felt that I was saving face in front of the juniors, so I asked a few juniors, how about his poems?
Ji Xiaolan, He Shen, and Liu Yong all watched with smiles on the sidelines. In fact, these three are really talented. In their hearts, Qianlong is also called poetry?After a few years of private school, you can write well.

Every time Qianlong finished writing a poem, he would ask them if they were okay, and they had to say yes against their conscience every time. Now they saw the juniors taking over, and they happily watched from the sidelines.

Yongqi, Erkang, and Ziwei were all educated, so they naturally quoted the scriptures and praised them, coaxing Qianlong into joy. Then seeing that only the little Yanzi was silent, he knew that the little Yanzi hadn't read much, so he joked: :

"Little Yanzi, tell me, how do you think my poems are doing?"

As a result, Little Swallow was ignorant and had no interest in poetry. After being dragged to listen for more than an hour, she was so depressed that she was dying. At this time, she was naturally unwilling to praise Qianlong, and said immediately:

"The poems written by Huang Ama are all about flowers, grass, crickets, grasshoppers, etc. It's summer, they are everywhere, and they can't show their skills!"

When Qianlong heard what she said, he couldn't help being interested: "Then what kind of poems do you think I can write to show my skills?"

Little Swallow's big eyes rolled around: "Naturally, it's the other way around. It's summer now. If Huang Ama wants to show off her skills, then she should write a poem about snow!"

Qianlong laughed, he liked this kind of publicity, clapped his hands and said: "Okay, then I will sing 'Song Xue'!"

He walked back and forth in the imperial study room with his hands behind his back. Just as he was brewing his feelings and was about to write the first poem, there was a snoring sound from outside the imperial study room. son.

Qianlong was so angry that he said to everyone in the imperial study: "Go, go and see who is so bold as to dare to sleep at the door of my study!"

When the emperor got angry, the room suddenly became chaotic, and they all followed Qianlong out of the imperial study.

At first, He Shen was still thinking about who was so unlucky, and he got into the emperor's bad luck, but suddenly it occurred to him that it seemed that the master was standing outside, so don't be him.

It really made He Shen talk, and it was Hua Shier who was on duty the first day who was snoring.

It is said that Hua Twelfth practiced breathing technique, his breath is stable, and he rarely snores even when he sleeps. But before he showed his braid cutting to test Heshen, he used his lightness kung fu to go to the corner of Hezhong Hall in the past two nights, so he didn’t How to sleep well.

Standing guard under the sun today, I felt very warm and comfortable after being exposed to the sun, and I felt drowsy, not only staring dazedly, but even snoring.

Coincidentally, it also disturbed Emperor Qianlong's poetry.

When Qianlong came out with the crowd, the other guard knelt down, and Hua Twelve was still sleeping next to the pillar.

It wasn't that the other first-class guard deliberately tricked Hua Twelve into not waking him up. In fact, he didn't know that this guy fell asleep. When he snored, it would be too late.

He Shen was crazy. Seeing that the angry Qianlong was about to drag this guy out and beat him to death, for his own antidote, he bravely ran over to Hua Twelve before the emperor, and said through gritted teeth:

"What are you doing, don't even look at this place!"

Hua Twelve was dreaming of becoming a superman, basking in the sun to improve his skills, and at the same time falling in love with the Scarlet Witch, but was woken up just as he was about to do something embarrassing.

Opening his eyes, he saw that it was He Shen, and he forgot where he was in a daze. As soon as he stretched out his hand to press the other's fat face, he pulled him aside, and said at the same time:
"Don't make trouble, I'm dreaming, let me finish this part of the dream!" After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes again.

Yongqi and Erkang applauded secretly, the revenge for being beaten should be avenged, and the little Yanzi laughed loudly:
"Hey, what about Twelve, look where you are now?"

Only then did Hua Twelfth come back to his senses, seeing a group of people surrounding him, he didn't panic, wiped the saliva around his mouth, and waved his hand: "Why are you all around here? Didn't you see that I was on guard on duty? !"

Qianlong wanted to get angry at first, but when He Shen rushed out to reprimand him, he realized that this was the latter's distant cousin, so his anger became less angry. Seeing that Hua Twelve seemed to be a stupid person, he played with sex, and the other half became angry It's almost gone.

Because in Qianlong's view, someone who was able to fall asleep and snore on the first day of working in the imperial court, probably since the moment when the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs, there has never been a person with this number. He is really a wonderful person.

Qianlong could see that Heshen was protecting Hua Twelve, and smart people like Liu Yong and Ji Xiaolan could also see it. They also heard that Heshen's brother was working in the palace, so it turned out to be this number.

Fortunately, Ji Xiaolan said that in Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth and He Shen belonged to love and killing each other, and I heard Du Xiaoyue said that Niu Colu Twelve helped him win and return the Pearl, and he had a good impression of him, so he didn't make trouble .

But Liu Yong has always been opposed to He Shen, and he can be called a deadly enemy. At this time, he immediately stepped forward to add insult to injury:
"Report to the emperor, this person is standing guard and sleeping, please punish him for dereliction of duty, and if the emperor refuses to worship, punish him for disrespect!"

He Shen became anxious immediately, and just about to speak, he heard that Qianlong had already spoken first, and said in a tone:

"It's the first day that He Shen is on guard, so he probably hasn't trained before, so it's understandable to doze off, but why don't you kneel when you see me?"

He Shen laughed when he saw Qianlong talking, and knew that the emperor was looking for a step by himself. Obviously, it was for his own sake, and he didn't want to punish Hua Twelve Crimes, so he quickly slapped Hua Twelve and One Pestle:

"Don't kneel down yet, pay homage to the emperor!"

At this time Qianlong was close at hand, Hua Twelve thought to himself that if he killed him, no one would be able to stop him, he was hesitating whether to change his plan and kill the Tartar Emperor right now, how could he kneel down to Qianlong?
Hua Shier entered the palace to be the imperial bodyguard with his own plans. First, he wanted to determine whether the core meteorite in the 'time shuttle' was the space-time energy he was looking for. If so, could he approach it and let the system secretly draw.

Secondly, the meeting of masters will be held soon, if you can get close to Qianlong, you will be more confident when you do it.

So, he entered the palace this time with a big intention.

I made a decision instantly in my heart, and the overall situation was the most important thing. I gave up the idea of ​​killing Qianlong immediately, but kneeling is not allowed. I immediately clasped my fists and said loudly:

"Forgive me for being in armor, so I can't give you a full salute!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, seeing that he was dressed in the clothes of an imperial guard, where is your armor?You can't even pull the tank halfway, okay?

Because of He Shen, Liu Yong, who wanted to cheat Hua Twelve, couldn't help asking: "You kid is talking nonsense, where is your armor?"

Hua Twelve plausibly said: "If you don't want to be a general's soldier, you are not a good soldier. On the first day I stand in front of the imperial court, I must have the heart of a general, and I am always ready to step on the battlefield and throw my head for me. , to shed blood for the emperor, so forgive me for not being able to give the full salute with the armor on!"

Hua Twelve went all out, just talking nonsense, if there is a one in thousands of miles, just get over it, and if you can't get over it and insist on punishing him, then everyone will be angry and blood will be spattered five steps away.

First cut off an arm of Qianlong, then hijacked him to find the 'Iron Armored Invincible Time Shuttle Wheel', and took the whole family to trot for 300 years before talking about it.

What he didn't expect was that Qianlong was not only out of breath, but laughed out loud:
"Hahaha, He Shen, you are a brother of the family, you are loyal to the Qing Dynasty, and you are worthy of being a good son of my Eight Banners!"

He Shen hurriedly apologized and said with a smile: "It's better for the emperor to teach the slaves to teach. Only when the slaves go back can they teach the servants' family members, so that they also know that they are loyal to the emperor, love the country, and love my Qing Dynasty!"

Liu Yong and Ji Xiaolan curled their lips, the former wanted to hold on to it, but seeing that Qianlong was in such a good mood, he clicked his lips, but he didn't do anything unpleasant after all.

Qianlong smiled at Hua Twelve: "Okay, at your age, you have the heart to fight for the country in armor and armor. I am very relieved. I don't need to pursue your fault of standing guard and snoring before, but just now I wrote a song about the snow. I’ve already thought up a poem, but you snored it away, so you have to compose one for me!”

"If you can do it, I will allow you to walk in front of the imperial court in the future, and you can not worship, and I will let you make contributions in the army in the future!"

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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