A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 211 I am Spider-Man!

Chapter 211 I am Spider-Man! (Seek full order)
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There are not many things that should be taken away. Leon's weapon bag and the cello box can be fully loaded.

It took only 15 seconds for Hua Twelve to pack up the things he wanted to take away, including the documents in the drawer and all his weapons. When he turned around, Matilda was already sitting in front of the TV and changed the channel to cartoons. movies, and then watched cartoons while shedding tears.

But her trembling body couldn't conceal the fear and helplessness in her heart at this moment.

Hua Twelve coughed lightly, and Matilda turned her head to look over, seeing him holding something and about to leave, she immediately said nervously:
"Mr. Leon, are you leaving?"

Hua Twelve nodded, and Matilda received an affirmative answer, her tears couldn't stop streaming down, and she said in a begging tone:

"Don't leave me here alone, please, Mr. Leon!"

Hua Twelve pondered for a while. He knew that the murderer of Matilda's family was a New York police officer. If she was left waiting for the police to arrive, it would be tantamount to letting her die. He immediately stretched out his hand and said:
"Then follow me first, and then consider the issue of arranging you later!"

Matilda got up at once and came running, clutching his arm.

Hua Twelve pulled down the switch in the room, the TV automatically turned off, opened the door and dragged Matilda, and strode out of the room.

When passing by Matilda's house, he reminded: "Do you have anything you want to take away, go get it quickly, it will be difficult to come back later!"

Matilda looked at the corpses of her father, sister, and brother lying in her room. Her tears fell again, and she shook her head at Hua Twelve.

"Are you really not taking it away? For example, the $[-] in cash on the floor of your house!"

Hua Twelve told about the complex in the movie. When Matilda was with Leon at the beginning, she never mentioned the $[-]. A trip to the house at the scene took the money hidden under the floorboards and her brother's brown bunny doll.

There was no sarcasm in the words, nor did he blame Matilda for keeping a hand, because if it was Hua Twelve, he would do the same.

"how do you know?"

Although Matilda was a little cautious, she could only be said to be more mature than other teenagers of the same age. When someone told her family's secret, she immediately showed a shocked expression.

"Go quickly, you won't be able to leave any later!"

Hua Twelve had already heard the sound of the police coming up the stairs.

Maltida quickly ran into the former home, which is also the current murder scene.

She first walked around her half-sister who was lying in a pool of blood at the door, and then dodged her father who was shot twice in the back, and took a complicated look. In the bathroom with the door open, she died in the bathtub covered in blood-colored bubbles. Her stepmother, she sadly forgot to take a look at her younger brother at last.

Although the process was very complicated, she just expressed her emotions with her eyes, rationally and quickly took her brother's doll as a souvenir, and then took out the [-] dollars hidden by her father from under a floor.

"Hey, we should go!"

Hearing the approaching footsteps upstairs, Hua Twelve couldn't help reminding him softly.

Matilda closed the floor, then picked up a framed picture on her chest of drawers, where her only photo was taken with other family members, and then ran out the same way.

Hua Twelve dragged her to the window at the other end of the corridor. Outside the window was the side of the apartment building not facing the street. At this time, there was no police car parked here.

He opened the window directly, stepped onto the window sill, poked his head out to look at it, then turned around and stretched out his hand to Matilda:
"Come here, let's go!"

Matilda hesitated: "Mr. Leon, are you sure, this is the top floor, six floors high, you will fall to your death if you jump!"

Seeing Hua Shishi who didn't say a word and hooked her to tell her to go over quickly, Matilda finally stepped forward and was pulled onto the window sill by him.

"Remember, no matter what happens, don't shout, otherwise you will attract the police. By the way, those who killed your whole family are the New York police!"

After Hua Twelve said this, he felt Matilda's body tremble, and then he grabbed the girl's waist with one hand, and suddenly pushed her along the open window, throwing the girl's body up into the air .

Maltida was slender and weighed [-] to [-] jins. She was thrown [-] to [-] meters high by Hua Twelve, directly exceeding the height of the apartment roof.

While Hua Twelve was throwing the girl out, he was carrying the cello case and Leon's heavy 40-jin weapon case. He stepped on his feet suddenly, and at the same time his legs exploded with great strength, he used a lifting technique in Qinggong, The body made a turning point in the air, and then reached the roof first.

Then he swiped with his right hand and pulled Matilda in mid-air.

Maltida kept in mind what Hua Shishi did not let her yell. Although she was so nervous and scared to death in the air, she just closed her mouth firmly and did not make a sound.

Just when she felt her body fall and thought she was going to die, the next moment, she was pulled over by a strong hand, and the moment her feet landed on the ground, her legs softened and she sat on the roof of the apartment building.


Hua Twelve said hello, carried his belongings, and walked along the apartment building towards another adjacent apartment building. There was a fire staircase leading directly to the downstairs. Police contact.

Maltida has temporarily forgotten her sadness. The miraculous scene just now still makes her unbelievable. When she saw Hua Twelve leaving, she quickly got up and chased after him. She grabbed his arm with both hands and asked in surprise:
"Mr. Leon, are you Spider-Man?"

Hua Twelve nodded while walking and said: "I let you guess, I am Clark Kent, but today I am not wearing a spider suit, this is a secret, you must not tell others!"

Matilda looked defeated by you: "Please, Mr. Leon, Clark is Superman, and Spiderman is Peter Parker."

Hua Twelve nodded approvingly:

"Yeah, I'm Spider-Man, and I'm with Batman. Once we got into a fight over whether bats would eat spiders."

Hua Twelve is not very good at comforting people, so he can only use lighter topics to divert the girl's attention.

The two went downstairs, walked around, and found that the front of the apartment building where they lived had been cordoned off. Without attracting the attention of the police, Hua Shishi took Matilda into his eighth car. The two-year-old Ford Motor turned around and left this place of right and wrong.

In the car, Matilda fell into a silent and sad mood again. Hua Twelve thought for a while, and while controlling the car, he comforted: "Are you still sad, just cry, your father"

"He is not a good father, he always hits me, if they don't kill him, maybe I will shoot him that day!"

Hua Twelfth shook his head. The educational environment of the US emperor is really fucked up. This must be too much freedom. He coughed lightly: "Then your mother."

"She's not my mother."

Hua Twelve: "."

Matilda cried and said: "She is my stepmother, my sister is not my sister, only half is, or the bad half."

Hua Twelve originally wanted to comfort the other party, but in the end he laughed. He lit a cigarette for himself with one hand, took a sip, and asked curiously:

"Then you cry so badly?"

"It's because they killed my brother, who was only four years old."

The car drove a few blocks and stopped in front of a Spanish restaurant.

Hua Twelve took out two G17s that had been modified to hold ten rounds of ammunition from the weapon box. After installing the silencer, he fastened it to his waist. Then he put on a pair of gloves and turned to Matilda, who had obvious surprise in her eyes. said:
"No matter what happens, you can't leave the car, I'll be out in a while!"

As he spoke, he opened the car door and walked into the restaurant. His killer agent named Tony was the owner of this restaurant.

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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