A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 214 Wesley and the new identity

Chapter 214 Wesley and the new identity

The young man called Wesley nodded towards Matilda and Hua Shishi, and then told the doctor that he didn't care.

Hua Twelve nodded and smiled, which was regarded as a response. At this time, he had already denied the idea that the other party was Professor Charles, and had already guessed the other party's true identity.

Since there are fraternities in this world, then Wesley should be the hero of 'League of Assassins', the top killer who defected from the fraternity'

Son of the cross 'Carlos.

Dr. Kurd carefully read the examination results of Matilda and Wesley, and then carefully inquired about the conditions of the two when they became ill, and finally made his own judgment:
"The symptoms of the two of you should be a chain reaction that occurs after extreme mental stress or stimulation. It should be a type of mental illness."

"Judging from the current test results, it should not have much impact on the body. You can take some drugs to relieve mental tension and try the effect. We still need to observe for a long time."

After Hua Twelve waited for him to finish speaking, he opened his mouth to confirm: "Doctor, are you sure they both have the same symptoms?"

Doctor Kurd nodded: "That's right, at least from the test results and a series of data, besides, didn't you also hear their description of the onset just now?"

After coming out of the doctor's office, Hua Shishi didn't go to get any medicine to relieve mental tension, because he knew that the doctor had misunderstood the root problem. If Matilda's symptoms were really the same as Wesley's, then the previous symptoms Not a disease at all.

Instead, under external stimulation, adrenaline burst out!
Wesley has the blood of a top killer flowing in his body. He inherited the genes of his father Carlos "Cross". , similar to being in a bullet time state.

In that state, people can obtain faster observation speed and reaction speed than ordinary people. Wesley, who has never played with a pistol, can shoot off the wings of flying flies with bullets, and can clearly see the bullets. The trajectory is so awesome.

And Matilda's symptoms are exactly the same as the other's, and it is likely that her body's potential was stimulated under some special circumstances, and this ability to burst adrenaline was activated.

Reminiscent of what happened to Matilda's family being killed today, and the time when Hua Twelfth told her that Matilda was going to send her to an orphanage when she became ill, he felt that this matter was more likely.

But Hua Twelve is not sure, because according to Sloan, the leader of the Brotherhood in the League of Assassins, there are not many people in the world who can burst out with adrenaline, and Matilda doesn't have any killer blood genes. Yes, she is just an ordinary little girl.

Hua Shishi decided to keep Matilda by his side first, so that through observation, he could determine whether she had activated the potential in her body. If so, he could study the method of bursting adrenaline from it. If not, then... , Hurry to send her to the hospital for treatment.

Taking Matilda to the downstairs of the clinic, the girl seemed preoccupied, she suddenly stopped, raised her head and said to Hua Twelve:

"Mr. Leon, can you not send me to the orphanage, please!"

Although Hua Twelve had already made a decision in his heart, he still pretended to hesitate and muttered:
"As you said before, clean the house, go shopping, do laundry, can you do all of these?"

Matilda's eyes suddenly changed from pitiful expectation to surprise, and she nodded immediately: "Well, I will definitely do it!"

"And cooking!"

Hua Twelve once again made a request.

Matilda was a little embarrassed: "But I can't cook!"

"I want to eat Chinese food, so it's decided!" Hua Twelve made a final decision, and stretched out his palm, which meant high-five as a pledge, but he raised it higher on purpose.

"Okay, I'll try to learn how to cook Chinese food"

Matilda jumped up happily, and clapped his palm together, making a crisp sound. This was the only thing she was happy about today.

Hua Twelve glanced at Wesley and saw that Wesley was walking out of the clinic building with a bag of medicine. He immediately went up to meet him, stretched out his hand and said:

"Mr. Wesley, hello, my name is Leon, and that girl is..., um, my sister, Mattie!"

This is the fake name he gave Matilda when he filled in the patient information just now.

Wesley recognized Hua Shishi and Matilda, shook hands with each other quickly, and waved to the girl: "Hello, Mr. Leon, and Mattie, you can call me Wesley .”

Hua Twelve laughed: "Okay, Wesley, then you can call me Leon too. By the way, why did the doctor prescribe so many medicines for you?"

Looking at the plastic bag in Wesley's hand, there were at least seven or eight bottles of medicine, and Hua Twelve couldn't help frowning.

Wesley explained: "There are stress relievers, sleep aids, and vitamins."

In the middle of his speech, he suddenly asked in doubt: "Leon, didn't you go to get the medicine for Mattie?"

Hua Twelve looked at the big bag of medicine in Wesley's hand, and wondered if foreign doctors were like this.

He shook his head: "I don't really believe what the doctor said, I plan to take Mattie to another hospital to see!"

When Hua Twelve said this, he seemed to think of something:
"Oh, by the way, Wesley, can you give me your contact information? If we both have a deeper understanding of this condition, we can exchange information with each other. What do you think?"

"Of course, Monsieur Leon!"

Wesley took out a business card of his own, and habitually handed it over with both hands.

Hua Twelve glanced down at the business card, and said, "Account Manager."

Wesley explained, "It's accounting."

"It's a good job, by Wesley,
After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he apologized: "We just came to New York and haven't found a place to stay yet. We will call you when we find a house!"

Wesley smiled: "No problem!"

After the two parties said goodbye, they left separately. After getting into the car, Matilda suddenly asked:
"You waited for him to come out on purpose, and not only for my illness, right?"

Hua Twelve looked over, and Matilda explained:

"I noticed in the clinic that you looked at him wrongly. You should know that guy. In addition, I also have a feeling that you were worried about my condition before, but after seeing this guy, you seem to be ignorant of me." Not so worried, so I hate this guy!"

Hua Twelve was a little surprised at the girl's keen intuition, he smiled and nodded:

"Yes, I know this guy, and if your symptoms are the same as his, I really don't have to worry about anything!"

After the car drove for a certain distance, Hua Twelve parked the car in a parking space on the side of the road, bought a newspaper at a newsstand, and began to look for useful information on it.

Seeing him flipping through the newspaper quickly, Matilda asked curiously, "What are you looking for?"

"Some people who specialize in serving the dark world will publish their advertisements in newspapers through special code words. I want to find a lawyer who specializes in special business to solve your identity problem!"

Hua Twelve patiently explained: "Otherwise, it would be troublesome for me to take you as a minor, and those black policemen who killed your whole family may not necessarily give up chasing you!"

"Also, we need a place to stay!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he pointed to a corner of a newspaper and said with a smile, "I found it!"

In the evening, Hua Twelve and Matilda lived in a high-end apartment.

This afternoon, after he spent 60 dollars to book two identities, the law firm that provides services to the dark world provided a temporary safe house for the two of them free of charge.

After Hua Shier killed his agent Tony, Leon's identity was no longer safe, so he resolutely gave up.

Let the law firm use the name Hua Twelve to help him get an immigrant status again, and Matilda is his legal sister, that is, his father's adopted daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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