A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 221 Joining Hands

Chapter 221 Teaming up with the Cross

Park the 82-year-old Ford back to its original place, change to a Hummer and drive all the way back to the Long Island villa.

After entering the house, Hua Shier asked Matilda to sit next to him, and used the two knives he learned from Xu Lingtai in the "Flying Fox World" to check on Matilda.

Hua Shier found that there was indeed a problem with Matilda's heart pulse. Although it was not obvious, if the secret technique of [-] beats per minute was activated, the heart and heart pulse would definitely not be able to bear it.

He felt that he had taken it for granted. Now that he thought about how terrifying a heart rate is [-] beats per minute, even if he asked Matilda to control the burst time within two seconds, it was difficult to guarantee that it would not be wrong. Heart damage.

Thinking of Matilda's sudden onset when she killed Stan today, it should be related to the burst of adrenaline.

After finding out the cause of Mattie's illness, Hua Shishi is not worried, because now Mattie's heart is not seriously injured, and as long as she takes proper medication, she should be able to recover.

In addition, he also planned to get the medicated bath formula from the Brotherhood, and when the time came, he would soak Matilda to recover from her wounds, and that would be fine.

But even though it was nothing serious, Hua Twelve still told Matilda solemnly that starting from today, she should not use the ability to stimulate adrenaline for the time being, otherwise her life would be in danger.

And that night, he taught Matilda the Quanzhen inner strength, wanting to see if the way of nourishing the meridians, strengthening the viscera, and protecting the heart through the Taoist inner strength can resist the side effects of bursting adrenaline.

Early the next morning, Hua Twelve sent Matilda to school. When the latter got off the bus, he gave the girl a tracker and asked her to put it on her body. If anything happened, call him immediately. He'll come right away.

As a result, several days passed without any news from the outside world, which proved that the cross did not tell the brotherhood what happened that night.

Moreover, Hua Twelve had a feeling that what he said had an effect. Behind the calm, the Cross should be investigating the truth behind the Brotherhood.

Sure enough, on this day, Hua Twelve saw on TV that they were reporting the news that five people were shot and killed on the roof of the Metropolitan Building in New York.

In New York, where gang fights are an almost daily occurrence, the headlines for this story were not because five people were killed in a shootout.

It was because eyewitnesses said that among the dead, the guy in a black suit and windbreaker jumped over from the opposite building, killed four people, and was then sniped at a long distance.

Here comes the important point, there is a six-lane road between the two skyscrapers, plus the distance between the sidewalks on both sides, plus the distance created by the thinner and thinner buildings of the Metropolitan Building, the guy in the black suit and windbreaker Jump over a distance of at least 40 meters.

On the TV, experts invited by several TV stations were debating whether the jump was true or not, but Hua Twelve turned off the TV directly.

Because he knows it's true, the two most powerful killers in the fraternity, one is the cross, and the other is this guy in the black suit and trench coat, Mr. X.

If anyone in the fraternity could stand up to the cross, it was Mr. X.

But now it seems that just after the game started, Mr. X was killed by the cross using his arrogance weakness with ultra-long-range sniping.

Next, the fraternity will lose someone who can fight against the cross, and they will turn their minds on Wesley, the son of the cross.

Send people close to Wesley, distort the facts, and let them stage a father-son scene.

And the one who was sent to get close to Wesley was Fox, that is, Jane.

Hua Twelve knew that it was time for him to meet that nominal wife.

In addition, there is a requirement in his mission that he can't let that girl give Smith a cuckold. In the original plot, Fox and Wesley were quite ambiguous. How do you think Wesley is the most likely to get him a cuckold? Just watch it tight.

Just thinking about it, suddenly a phone that I had never used rang.

There was a smile on the corner of Hua Twelve's mouth, it was the number he left for Carlos Cross.

After connecting, he smiled and asked, "Why, do you understand?"

The other side was silent for a while, and then said: "You are right, I found out that Sloan really took the killer business behind our backs, many of the people we killed were innocent, we should all be damned, and Sloan found out that I was investigating He is now sending people to hunt and kill me."

After the cross finished speaking, he took a deep breath and continued:

"You want me to do something for you to see. Have you read the headlines of today's news? The man in the black suit, his name is Mr. X, you should have heard of it. He is very famous in the industry. Better than me, but I got him with what I'm good at!"

Hua Twelve nodded and said: "I see, you are very sincere, I think we can join hands to deal with the Brotherhood, what do you think?"

Carlos said very happily this time:

"Okay, but before that, you have to do me a favor. After that, I can give you everything you want!"

"What can you help me with, tell me!"

Hua Twelve's tone didn't change at all, but his smile became wider and wider. Sure enough, when dealing with a fanatic, only by destroying his belief can the other party communicate with you rationally. Look, milk, bread, it's all here Is it?

Carlos the Cross said quickly:
"It's Wesley. They are targeting Wesley and want to deal with me through my son. I want to see him alone, but the fraternity will definitely be watching him secretly. You are responsible for leading the fraternity away. Create opportunities for me!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Hua Twelfth agreed directly on the phone, and then the two communicated in advance about how to act. He also suggested that Wesley be brought over and placed in a safe house until the fraternity was settled. It's not too late to come out.

That afternoon, Hua Twelve went to Matilda's school to ask for a week's vacation for her. This week, he was going to settle the fraternity, so he would be relieved by letting her stay at home.

"Are you going to do something dangerous?"

Before entering the villa, Matilda turned around and asked what she had a premonition about.

Hua Twelve nodded approvingly: "What I did is indeed very dangerous to my enemies!"

Matilda discussed: "Then can you take me with you, I think my marksmanship is not bad, so I should be able to help you!"

Hua Twelve knew very well that there was a rebellious heart hidden under this girl's exquisite appearance. If he said that he didn't need her to be dangerous or something, he might follow her secretly, so he simply nodded and said:

"Okay, but not today, because I have an appointment with Wesley's father to talk about things. You stay at home and I will bring you a big meal. We will act together next time!"

Matilda really smiled, ran to the front of the car and stretched out her hand, "Is it settled?"

"It's settled." Hua Twelve stretched out his hand to pat her, then started the car and drove away.

At six o'clock in the evening, Wesley, who had just finished working overtime, walked into a supermarket with an unlovely expression on his face. When he was shopping and checking out, a fashionable, sexy and charming big mouth suddenly appeared beside him. Beauty.

What made him a little uncomfortable was that the beautiful woman was staring at him, which made Wesley think that he had accidentally offended her.

Out of habit, Wesley was about to apologize when he heard someone shouting from the direction of the entrance of the supermarket:

"Hey Jane, my dear wife, have you hooked up with the little boy behind my back again? I think we need to have a good talk!"

Wesley felt that this voice was very familiar, and wanted to turn his head to see who it was, but he saw the elegant beauty in front of him, suddenly showing a frustrated expression, and swearing at the same time:
"Shet, John, I warned you not to appear in front of me again, this time you are dead!"

While the beauty was speaking, she already had an extra pistol in her hand. After pushing Wesley away, she pulled the trigger directly.

(End of this chapter)

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