A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 225 BGM: Symphony of Destiny!

Chapter 225 BGM: Symphony of Destiny! (Seek full order)
After dinner, Matilda took the initiative to undertake the task of cleaning the tableware, and Hua Shier invited Carlos and Wesley and his son to go to the villa's underground training ground to practice guns. He wanted to start learning spear throwing skills today.

Wesley took out his mobile phone: "Wait a minute, Mr. Hua, I'm going to call my girlfriend, or she may call the police!"

Carlos waved his hand to stop him and said, "You can't make phone calls or send text messages for two days, otherwise someone will find you here!"

Wesley shook the phone in his hand and smiled wryly: "There's no way to call, there's no signal here!"

Hua Shier and Carlos were taken aback when they heard the words, and they both took out their mobile phones to confirm Wesley's words. Sure enough, neither of their phones had a signal. This situation made the two of them who had experience in top killers feel a little bit bad almost at the same time.

Carlos quickly ran over and closed all the curtains in the room. He was careful when pulling the curtains, and if there were people outside, he had to make sure that he did not appear in the view of people outside the window.

And Hua Twelve also quickly turned on the monitoring of the villa, and found that the monitoring screens in ten directions had all turned into snowflakes.

Hua Twelve anxiously shouted to Matilda who was finishing brushing in the kitchen: "Mattie, come quickly!"

Matilda heard the urgency in Hua Twelve's voice, and ran over immediately.

Just when Hua Twelve pulled Matilda to his side, the gate of the villa was blasted open by a howitzer into pieces of wood.

Then the glass on all sides was attacked at the same time and shattered by bullets. Bullets poured in from all directions, shooting from the windows, from the walls, from the main entrance, and from all directions into the villa.

There was still talking and laughing a second ago, and in the blink of an eye, it was like being on the battlefield.

The dust kicked up from the walls pierced by bullets, the sawdust splashed from furniture smashed by bullets, and the goose feathers flying all over the sky after the pillows on the sofa were torn apart by bullets.

At this moment, there seemed to be a BGM-Symphony of Destiny resounding in the villa space.

If you want to ask why it is a symphony of fate, it is because in this environment, whether you can live or not depends on your fate.

Hua Twelve held Marty with one hand, and with the other hand, he pulled out the one-meter-long M16 from his trouser pocket. With one hand, he pressed the gun and began to shoot left and right, shooting towards the door and the window.

This operation made Carlos' eyes straight. If it wasn't for the enemy, he really wanted to ask, how did you put such a big gun in your crotch without being seen?

Carlos was surprised only for a moment. As a top killer, his reaction was not slow. He had already held two SP226 pistols in his hands, and immediately launched the gun throwing technique, firing arc bullets out of the door and window.

The counterattack of the two of them immediately lowered the firepower outside, but listening to the sound, there were at least seven or eight people standing at various angles of the villa, shooting at the room with their guns.

"Go to the basement, there is a secret passage leading directly to the pier, there is a speedboat on the pier, let's go on the water!"

Knowing that he couldn't wait any longer, Hua Twelve picked up Matilda, used the "raccoon flip" in the snake-running raccoon, and rolled on the spot to the door of the basement, kicking the wooden door of the basement open, While running down, he shouted behind him:

"Come in quickly!"

The cross is not slow either. The two guns keep throwing arc bullets outwards, making it difficult for the enemy to identify his position through special angles. Then, when the opponent's firepower is slightly suppressed by him, he kicks his son in the past. Wes Leigh held his head in his hands and ran into the basement door.

Seeing that his son was safe, Carlos quickly retreated into the basement, but as soon as he went down the stairs, he saw Hua Twelve turned back again. Amidst the loud gunshots, he asked loudly, "Why are you back again!"

Hua Twelve also said loudly to Carlos: "The entrance to the secret passage is behind the bar in the gym, and Maddy's palm prints can open it. You take them and go first. I still have something to do, so I'll come later!"

Carlos didn't ask Hua Twelve what he was doing, but nodded, and the two passed by.

The reason why Hua Twelve came back was because he wanted to play tricks on the other party.

He waited at the door of the basement for a long time, until the gunfire outside the entire villa was riddled with holes.

Hua Twelve took out a dozen or so steel ball grenades from the storage space, strung all the grenade rings together with a rope, and listened to the sound outside.

When he heard footsteps entering the villa from the main entrance and surrounding windows, he threw a dozen grenades out with a flick of the rope, fell to the ground and rolled around, and at the same time the pull ring was torn off by the rope.

Hua Twelve turned around and ran deep into the basement, and the intruder's exclamation came from above: "It's a grenade, run!"

But before it was too late, the huge explosion sounded continuously, and the power of a dozen steel ball grenades collapsed the entire first floor, and then detonated the ammunition depot on the second floor, and finally the entire villa was blown into ruins. All the people who entered the villa just now were buried in it.

When the villa collapsed, Hua Shier ran into the secret passage in time and left the collapsed area.

Cross and the others didn't go far at this time, Hua Twelve quickly caught up and said with a smile: "Give them a powerful one!"

When Mattie saw Hua Twelve came back, she immediately ran to hold his hand, as if she was afraid of losing him.

Carlos complained to Hua Twelve as he walked, "It should be from the Brotherhood. Don't you say it's safe here? How could they find this place?"

When Hua Twelve was attacked suddenly before, he didn't think too much about it. He only realized it at this time. It is said that he was so careful that it was impossible for the Brotherhood to find this place.

Suddenly he thought of something, his expression changed, he felt all over his body, and found a button tracker in his coat pocket.

He recalled in his mind the scene of the woman hugging him when he parted from Fox, and immediately guessed that it was his nominal wife who did the trick.

"It's Fox, this bitch is beyond help."

Hua Twelve cursed in a low voice, then turned around and flicked his fingers, causing the tracker to flick far to the entrance of the secret passage, which was right below the villa, hoping to confuse those in the Brotherhood.

I took a few people to the exit of the secret passage, followed the steps up to a camouflaged wooden door, from the outside, one would think it was a slanted slope, but in fact the slanted position was a typical American door. Cellar entrance.

Hua Twelve waved his hand at Carlos: "You go first, in case there is an ambush!"


Carlos has black hair, you are so righteous, dare to speak more confidently.

Tucao in his heart, Carlos also knew it was not time to hesitate, walked up the steps and opened the latch of the wooden door at the exit, then slowly opened a gap, and quickly dodged out.

After a while, Carlos' voice came from outside: "Safe!"

Hua Twelve took Mattie and West and ran out from inside immediately. Outside the entrance of the secret passage was the seaside, and not far away was the wharf he gave as a gift when he bought the villa.

Carlos leaned down and looked at the empty pier, and whispered, "Where is the speedboat you mentioned?"

Not far from the exit of the secret passage, Hua Twelve lifted up a canvas with spray-painted cover-up colors. Under the canvas was a small speedboat. He pushed the speedboat into the sea at high speed without anyone else, and the four of them immediately got on board and launched the speedboat. , went straight to the distance through the night.

By the time the remaining attackers heard the sound of the motor and reacted, the speedboat had long since disappeared without a trace.

On the speedboat, Carlos said with a gloomy face, "I can't wait, tomorrow we will go to the textile factory and make them look good!"

Hua Twelve's complexion was not good. The villa he just bought was destroyed like this. He must not suffer such a loss. He had to find it back. However, he thought differently from Carlos. Hearing the words, he said:

"Don't worry, proceed according to the original plan first, you give me the reward first, and after you teach me the spear throwing technique, I will show you what money ability is!"

(End of this chapter)

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